It happened so fast!


Fruits in moderation are considered paleo here (I noticed that different countries have different “official” paleo definitions). And paleo has about NOTHING to do with the diet of our ancestors, it’s just a bad naming. We obviously can’t eat like our ancient ancestors, everything changed since then, even our needs… Paleo is just a blacklist as I see. Fruits aren’t prohibited. Butter and honey are in gray area here.
(I started with paleo but it was super carby - give me vegetables and that happens unless I focus very well - and I stopped quickly. I still stayed very close to it for years.)

That’s almost what I go with as my definition (more like exclusively and if quite relaxed, almost exlusively, with some extra conditions. primarily isn’t good enough for human carnivores, animals can get away with some more serious plant eating though). And I am wary with bigger amounts of sugar too even if it’s pure animal. (Sometimes it feels everyone gets so very few carbs from animal sources. I can go pretty high, I just rarely do it as I can keep myself from it without noticeable sacrifices. So it’s not HARD to stay below 20g carbs on carnivore, it’s just super easy for me to get much more when I fancy dairy and not in a mood to hold back. But even without dairy I can’t just stay below 10g all the time. And it actually doesn’t even matter. It feels very different from plant carbs.)


I myself misuse the terms as they suit me. When i lose enough enough weight i slide in and out of “lower carb” than actually keto as I eat way more than enough beans and other not particularly high GI vegetables and the occasional very non keto fruit (like a ripe peach).

But as long as I AM NOT EATING BREAD RICE POTATOES AND LOTS OF SUGAR i call it keto…. Even though I am probably in and out of ketosis…

So just call things whatever you want. This will not keep me from being amused by the “caveman diet” ;-]


Nice one!
What app is that please?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #24

People make a distinction between “keto” and “low carb” that is not necessarily warranted. By definition, any person’s diet that is low enough in carbohydrate to put that person into ketosis is a ketogenic diet, regardless of the amount of carbs. One’s carbohydrate threshold depends on one’s degree of insulin-resistance.

(Doug) #25

Is this an extreme form of carnivore - eating only cavemen?


My favorite then would be the “Werewolf Diet” once favored by Madonna and Demi Moore.

presumably in this diet one only eats werewolves…but sadly no

Another link to the werewolf diet

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #27

Two words: Soylent Green :scream:


Finally, greens that are ZC

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #29


(Doug) #30


“Soylent Green is Zero Carb.”

Does anybody remember what year ‘Soylent Green’ was set in…?

That’s right - 2022.


Hi Rusty.

I researched the best keto breath sensor, and the majority of reviews agreed this one:
the Keyto breath sensor.
It comes with a package (app, which you need to bluetooth your phone to the sensor), which includes tutorials (with progression), meal plans, podcasts, food database, recipes, access to experts etc. Whole package is about £100 or $100…something like that. It also tracks your ketosis levels (acetone), scoring 0 (not in ketosis) to 6+ (very high in ketosis). I found it really helpful along the journey, and I still occasionally use it. Here’s the link:
The most effective weight loss program - Keyto (


Maybe you stay low-carb while doing it… Once I tracked a (quite hungry) paleo day with 208g carb, mostly from vegetables (it was paleo so the highest carb ones were out but they clearly weren’t all low)… I call that high-carb, personally. Too bad I don’t remember what I ate on that day, it wasn’t typical even for me… But I did ate vegs galore back then and I remember eating only 1kg vegs a day on keto or even less and finding the amount lacking. I needed my old raw vegan dishes and mentally, banana to balance it out… It was such a different world from my current one.

(IDK what I could call an all animal diet with 50-60g sugar though. Animal sugar, obviously as there are no other options there. It’s NOT keto for me as I still have the belief based on my experiences that my ketosis carb limit is around 45g net carbs. it probably isn’t that fixed but when I still could guess if I am in ketosis, I always seemed to be in ketosis below and never above.)

And I never heard about the movie before… Looks interesting :smiley: Well, have the potential for.
And I got reminded the strange meat in Fallout 3…





I’m abstaining from the booze for a while!
But cheers (chugs down a carbonated water).


I particularly found the ketosis tracker helpful, especially at the start.

It really encouraged IF, because you wanted to see your ketosis level hit peak, you know?

It’s great when you hit 6+, really rewarding, because it’s proof you are burning fat at optimal levels.

I took a keto reading earlier after you asked about this app, and I knew it was going to be low because I had had carbs in a wrap etc. and it wasn’t long after I had eaten. I think it was 1, not in ketosis. :pensive:

But, I haven’t had anything to eat since, apart from a bullet proof green tea/coffee, which had me buzzing my t*ts off lol!
Just took a ketosis reading there.
I’m already up to 4 again, although admittedly the MCT oil would have accelerated this.
I usually sit about 5 or 6 on ketovore 2MAD.

But I have proven that I’m fat adapted, and can bounce in and out of ketosis quite rapidly.

For example, a group of us were over in Nottingham recently on an HV training course, and we all went out to an Indian restaurant.
I gave myself a night off, and was munching mainly meats/curry, but also poppadoms and naan bread.
I know that knocked me out of ketosis.
But a day or so later I checked myself and I was well back into ketosis.
BTW, mouthwash and alcohol can skew the accuracy of the results, giving false readings. But I haven’t drank since last Sunday, so I know it’s accurate at the moment.


Well you have just blown a hole in my thinking that keto readings were pointless.
I did think they were very useful. Or, after a while they become less useful. I can’t remember.
I think 2kd did a podcast early on about keto readers and there was a reason why it wasn’t worth it.
But after what you have said and looking at that link and app, I really fancy trying it.


I found it a great tool to get me where I wanted to go, and the ketosis tracker (graphical) correlated with the weight tracker (graphical, shown above). The tutorials were good too. And the meal suggestions.

Of course, you’ll get to the stage where you’ll know you’re in ketosis and losing weight, and will use it less and less- just occasionally like me this morning.

Yeah, the inches dropping off the waist size was a great indicator for me. I’ve went from 35/36" down to 30"…but I still buy 32" for comfort, and use a belt.


I just went through the start up questions thinking I might try the 1st mo th on keyto. It’s $150. Wow.
Plus it may take a while to get the breath tester.

I’m not sure I would gain much from the health planner. I used to be a chef but now I have a family and a smaller food budget the only way I can afford to eat keto and have the time, is to cook a massive BBQ twice a week, and eat the meat over the following days. I don’t have time to cook myself a separate meal every day.

But I might look at the breath tester.


I can’t remember the way I did it, but i ended up getting the breath tester right from the begining…maybe you could look into that?

I think if you buy the breath tester up front, they have to give you the app too as it’s the only way you can use the tester. Don’t quote me on that- I don’t want you paying twice!
Might be worth while looking into though.


Thanks again. I’ll look into it. Right now its $99 just to join. Then $49 for the first month and the breath tester is free.
I’ll try to find it on its own.