Is it safe to take Exogenous Ketones everyday?

(Chris) #1

Hello everyone. I had a quick question and I have searched for the answer, but cant seem to find the answer im looking for. Is it ok to take Exogenous Ketones (Im using the powder form) everyday? I take a half scoop to a full scoop everyday. It gives me a good boost of energy and makes my appetite go away. Just wondering if it has any side affects or anything negative. Thanks


I don’t think anyone knows the answer to this yet. Exogenous ketones are relatively new and there simply hasn’t been enough time to conduct long term studies…

(Chris) #3

Thank you Kevin. I kind of figured since they were relatively new but had to ask the question just for peace of mind. Thanks again :slight_smile:


FWIW, I have a small tub of exogenous ketones. I’ve tried it a few times to see what it was like.

I found that I got higher blood ketone readings after consuming exogenous ketones. But I also found that the effect did not last very long.

I found that I got a longer lasting elevated blood ketones from taking MCT oil or MCT oil powder (or even coconut oil).

Even better though was fasting for longer periods. Blood ketones became seriously elevated and pretty much stay elevated for the duration of the fast.

(Chris) #5

Actually, thats kind of why I started to research it more, because I take a tablespoon of MCT oil every morning, and I put the Exogenous Ketones powder in my water bottle and drink that not soon after my coffee. So Im not sure if its one or the other that gives me the energy. But one (or both) for sure do. Have to run to the bathroom soon after but thats ok haha. I have been trying to do the OMAD which seems to be working. I also have 2 Jamesons and Diet 7up everyday after work. seems to be working for me pretty well. But I still want to know if its even worth buying the Exogenous Ketone powder anymore and just stick with the MCT oil, or hell get rid of them both… Im still experimenting.


MCT oil gives me the runs. MCT oil powder is somewhat better. When I consume MCT oil with food, the adverse GI effect is somewhat mitigated. I understand that it’s possible to adapt so that this is not an issue, but I haven’t adapted at all AFAICT.

I haven’t had to run to the bathroom when consuming exogenous ketones, so that’s an advantage, especially if you plan on doing some exercise.

(bulkbiker) #7

Will it do you any harm?.. probably not… will it do you any good? … probably not …but it will leave a hole in your wallet. Better to use ketones that you are making yourself otherwise you just have expensive pee…

(Alec) #8

I assume you are doing this as an appetite suppressant and nothing else? There are no other benefits of ingesting ketones as far as I know (happy to be corrected).

(Chris) #9

So would one say from their personal experience that MCT oil is better in a way then Exogenous ketones? I do get the runs to but I just follow it with water and think whatever is coming out is bad and the water is going in as a replenishment haha. It still seems like expensive pee but coming out the other… Nevermind

(Chris) #10

Well, I guess, I dont eat breakfast as of late, but drink a coffee with half and half and some MCT oil in it. Usually only eat lunch at noon, my Jamesons and 7up around 6ish. Thats it pretty much everyday. MCT oil does not make me hungry at all, actually if it take that and attempt to eat soon after, I feel like throwing up on the first bite.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #11

I don’t understand the point of Exogenuous Ketones.
Can someone explain it please? Why even bother with them when our bodies make ketones?

(Alec) #12

Someone makes money selling them. As far as I know, that’s it!

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #13

My common sense is telling me it’s purely to convince people they are in ketosis faster?
But I don’t get it, you aren’t using them if you aren’t adapted, you’re just peeing them out.
So really it’s a glorified result on a ketone meter, is my understanding. Lol. Someone enlighten me!

(bulkbiker) #14

I’ve never taken either… I just take food to get into ketosis and stay there. If MCT oil gives you the shits then stop taking it… I doubt that is doing you any good either…

(Randy) #15

My take, and it’s just my opinion.

Eat. Real. Food.

(Chris) #16

Well, I actually started taking the MCT oil because I was reading a few different articles about the benefits of the oil (Energy, Cholesterol, Ect…). But I only noticed I get the shits when I drink it with coffee on a empty stomach. Other then that it really does give me energy, and alot of it. The Exogenous Ketones I bought just to try it at first, its super expensive and probably shouldn’t have bought it but I wanted to see for my self if it did anything. I know you get into ketosis by less then 25 carbs a day, but thought it might also give me energy also. NOW I know that they just sell this stuff to make money, and its not worth buying. But I think I will continue to take the MCT oil, makes me feel pretty good, and its not to expensive.

(Michelle) #17

I don’t know about exogenous ketones; I feenthey are a waste of money. I do take a tablespoon of MCT oil if I am feeling ravenous between meals and it calms that hunger without adding carbs/protein or giving me an insulin spike.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #18

When your body makes ketones for free, it seems a shame to spend money buying them. But that’s just my inner Scotsman talking, I’m sure.

I’m also not entirely sure why MCT oil is at all necessary to someone eating fat to satiety. Surely the butter, tallow, bacon grease, lard, ghee, coconut oil, and olive oil I’m eating have enough MCT’s between them to meet my needs? Or is that just my inner Scotsman talking again?

(Alec) #19

Let’s be clear: if anyone is thinking that ingesting exogenous ketones somehow helps you to be in ketosis, then they are wrong. The goal here is to be fat adapted, and use fat for fuel. Measuring ketones (a byproduct of the fat burning process) is simply a marker for what we actually want: to burn fat.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #20

@Alecmcq Unfortunately, I have run out of likes for the day so I can’t like this post even once, let alone the ten times I’d prefer!