Smoking was not even taken into account in that “project”. Nor alcohol. But use of both of those went down a lot and voila`, it was fat that was declared as guilty.
We have more drowning accidents in summer than in winter. People eat more ice cream in summer. So eating ice cream causes more drowning accidents.
I´m a finn with heart disease. I got my attack after being clear of tobacco and alcohol for four years and my cholesterol numbers were good.
The week after my attack my cholesterol numbers were sky high and I was announced with hypercholesterolemia. It was stress induced of course, when you almost die you tend to get stressed, but nobody paid attention to the fact. They just looked at the new numbers, gave statins etc.
It took me a few years to find out about those normal numbers right before the attack. I found them in my files by accident,a lab test printed by my doc.I was effectively made to believe that it was my high cholesterol that caused my attack / other heart disease that got revealed,etc.afib.