I'm NEW new- Need a steer in the right direction

(Claudine Wicks) #1

Hey all,
Hope your Keto day is going well!
I’ve made a start but I think I’m on the wrong track. How much do I need to calorie count, protein count, fat count and can some one please tell me what a Macro is? The calculators dont seem to like my answers and say 0 calories!!

I’ve started today with egg ham and cheese breakfast muffins, Spinach salad with olive oil and mozzerella for lunch and some 70% chocolate. Black coffee with Stevia and water. :smiley:

(Jessica) #2

When I first started I did not track macros (macro-nutrients - protein, fat and carbohydrates) because I wanted to keep things simple. I cut out sugar, grains, starchy veg and fruit and didn’t vilify fat. I made sure to have plenty of food on hand and a packed menu complete with snacks.

I would add a bit more substance to your lunch or have a snack on hand. Your breakfast is exactly what I started with.

IMO, keto is much easier to embrace if you don’t complicate things in the beginning. Get rid of the sugar monster first and then discover the ideal protein/fat ratio for your body and metabolism.

Best of luck to you!!


Activity level ?

Your goals?

Any meds?

Are you diabetic?

(jilliangordona) #4

Hi there! I totally understand the feeling overwhelmed. We all have been there.

A macro is short for macronutrient, which are the three nutrients our bodies need, fat, protein and carbohydrates.

I would start with just cutting out grains, fruits, and sweets to simplify things. You will probably also experience something called keto flu, which happens when you stop eating carbohydrates and your body begins to drop your excess water and salts along with it. Salt as much as you can, try and eat some avocados for potassium, and consider supplementing magnesium.

Focus on those things before worrying too much about other things. Eat as much as you want when hungry, mostly fat, and you will be successful.

(Claudine Wicks) #5

Hi Jillian, Thank you!

This is exactly what I’m trying at the moment but it feels like I’m eating too much!
I’ve cut out all carbs and grains and I’m sticking to meat and vegetables and fats (coated my salad in olive oil, it was so yummy). At what point do you need to start worrying about weighing food and is portion control something I’ll have to worry about soon? I have a big appetite for a little person! I’m determined to get through Keto Flu and out the other side!
Many thanks

(jilliangordona) #6

The great thing about eating only proteins and fats is that your bodies “full” signals start working again.

You know how after you eat a large meal, you cannot even imagine eating say another steak, but could down a bowl of ice cream? That’s because carbs to not trigger the “full” signal your body needs to stop eating.

On keto it’s difficult to over eat, and if you under eat you may make your keto flu worse or prolonged. Eat!! :slight_smile: we give you full permission.

We can revisit calories later, I’d give it a solid month, however I personally eat about 2500 calories a day when I do eat, way more than what is “recommended” and I am doing just fine

(Claudine Wicks) #7

Jillian, Thank you.
This is so useful for me! I’m not sure I have a full signal, but I look forward to eating as much as possible. Should I be weighing myself on a regular basis as well or just ignore all that for a few weeks?

(jilliangordona) #8

I would recommend both weighing AND measuring to ensure you are seeing all progress. In a year I lost zero weight but as you can see below, lost inches. You will likely have a big drop of water weight in the beginning and then stall. DO NOT let that discourage you! If you know that weighing will make you feel defeated, then I would caution against it.

I am a keto coach, feel free to private message me with questions (NOT looking to sell my services at ALL, just hoping to help)

(Dameon Welch-Abernathy) #9

What I found is that I often ignore my body’s “full” signals and eat anyway, particularly with carbage. That’s not to say I still don’t do that, but I tend to do it with things that are a bit better for me. Also, with me only one meal a day (or less), the damage tends to be much less than before.

(Claudine Wicks) #10

Thank you Jillian! I may take you up on that! :smiley:

(Dan Dan) #11

If you like youtube I like DR. Berg he explains it in a simple way (for a simple person like me) :smiley:

Here is a good macro calculator :smiley:

You can try a Cheap Breathalyzer I think it would work better for your purpose :thinking:

“May the Force (fat adaption) be with you”

IF/EF Keto WOE is Self-Discovery :wink:

Good luck and much success in your journey in IF/EF Keto WOE :grin:

(Dan Dan) #12

My opinion you should start at 1800 kcals 20g C / 90g P / 150g F Macros 5 / 20 / 75
I wouldn’t go lower than 1500 kcals 20g C / 82g P / 122g F Macros 5 / 22 / 73

12oz of fatty meat is 80g to 90g of Protein and 60g to 70g of Fat :grinning:
16oz (5 to 6 cups) low carb mixed veggies 15g to 20g net Carbs :grinning:
add 4 to 6 tablespoons Butter/Fat to Meals 48g to 72g Fat :heart:

Just divide by number of meals :thinking:

Calories and Macros are guidelines don’t be strict they are to help you not hinder you :thinking:

“May the Force (fat adaption) be with you”

IF/EF Keto WOE is Self-Discovery :wink:

Good luck and much success in your journey in IF/EF Keto WOE :grin:

(Claudine Wicks) #13

Thank you all for taking the time to respond to my questions. I do appreciate it. I’m going to give it another week and start tracking calories a little more stringently.

Have a great, keto filled weekend!