I'm new and confused

(Running from stupidity) #21

I reckon I could date these videos of Jason just by how he looks, I’ve watched so many of them :slight_smile:

“Oh yeah, that’s from about 2013, that one.”



Hypertension isn’t the only reason to restrict sodium.


Its also extremely easy to eat 3K mg of salt, so its rarely necessary to supplement. Believe me I wish I could eat more.

I would recommend using a tracker like cronometer, see where you are then think about adjusting.

I do agree that recommendations from the health organizations are not necessarily correct, like the whole saturated fat is bad for you. I have never thought that one made sense. Just no where you are before you add more. What if their natural diet is 6K mg of salt, would it still be a good idea for them to eat more?

(Zenjen) #24

I recommend you to hide your scale from yourself, because the weight goes up and down sometimes even if you are eating perfectly right. It can be disscouraging if you are working hard to see good results and in the end you see the same number on the scale or even higher. That happened to me and that’s why i step on the scale just every 2 weeks now. Focus on eating less than 20g of carbs daily and eat just when you feel hungry.


Hi Brenda! I’m another one who is “low sodium”. I’ve been on keto since July 26th and lost 66 lbs. Several weeks ago my bp went sky high (VERY high) and my heart rate with it. This occurred several times. I’ve been to several doctors who didn’t find anything, and then this week to a cardiologist who wants me to stay around 2000 mg until he sees the echo cardiogram he ordered. (I’ve been pushing sodium up around 2300 mg.) Had that test today, and am waiting to hear back from him.

The bp spikes haven’t occurred again this week, and it may all have been due to anxiety, or possibly low electrolytes, my salt intake was high each time the really high bp spikes occurred. I’m being cautious until I hear from the cardio doctor. He was very encouraging about my following keto and said I was eating all the right foods, just as he would recommend.

While I do feel like I would like more salt (I have a bit of a hunger for it), I’m feeling pretty good. I keep my potassium up around 4000mg mostly through avocados, salmon and kale, and use lite salt. I make sure to get a little salt throughout each day, and spread it out.

I look forward to reading the book suggest. It’s been on my list!


Magnesium before bed helps me get a good night sleep

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #27

Absolutely. But I don’t have the time to find them for you. The ketogenic diet, and low carb diets, are diuretic. And when we flush water we flush sodium. The biggest issue people have when starting a ketogenic diet is from low sodium.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #28

This - I love salt. Snacking on it before bedtime.

(Jeff Reisman) #29

Don’t worry too much about ketone levels. You can still be in ketosis and not show any, depending on how your body is using them. There were times early on where I was losing a pound a day, keto breath, brain fog, all the signs of ketosis with no ketones showing up.
If you have your nutrition macros right, and are doing some low to medium intensity exercise (fat burn zone) you’ll be fine.

(Claire) #30

Thank you. I am taking magnesium powder each night for the cramp so hopefull I’ve got that covered.

(Claire) #31

Thank you Zenjen, I am definitely doing the less than or around 20g net carb, managed to deduct all the fibre as we have to do that in the UK and its about right. I am also learning to eat only when hungry and have had a couple of fasting days too. I’ll work on not weighing myself each morning, but thats soooo tempting lol. You are right though, if it hasnt changed or changed the wrong way it can be very discouraging. I have a lot of weight to lose. x

(Zenjen) #32

Great! If you can manage to fast one whole day you can also get strong enough not to step on a scale :stuck_out_tongue: i still didn’t get to the point where i could be fasting more than 16 hours…so congrats! :smiley:

(Claire) #33

Oh, ok, I’m not used to the descriptions of things. I assumed fasting was a period of time and I did two days running fasting for 14 hours, not whole days of 24 hours. Sorry. But I am a lot less hungry now so am trying to make sure I dont eat when I dont need to.