I'm freaking out about my cholesterol (HIGH)



September marked my 1 year anniversary doing the Keto diet.

I lost about 40 pounds and has made me feel great.

about 3 months ago, I told my doctor that I wanted to be off Lipitor and he suggested me to get off it for 2 months and and get my cholesterol checked.

after about 2 months without any statins, Today I received my Lipid Panel results (MG/DL) (American)

Cholesterol 420
Triglyceride 78
HDL 50
LDL calculated 354
Chol / HDL 8.4
Chol, non HDL 370

based on my research the TG/HDL ratio is ideal below 2.0

my TG/HDL ratio seems to be OK 78/50 = 1.56. I

I am freaking out, as this numbers seem out of this control to me. I am sure my doctor would want to put me back on medication.

Any suggestions or ideas on how to explain this numbers to my doctor?

High cholesterol levels

KCKO, and check out these resources:
2ketodudes Podcast Episodes : 38 Hacking Cholesterol with Dave Feldman
and 63 Cholesterol Code Update with Dave Feldman
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNfjkTyBUdQ Dr. Phinney on why your LDL goes up when you loss weight
and Dave Feldman’s website has a lot of information that should calm you down it is www.cholesterolcode.com

The numbers that matter are good, only the LDL and total are high.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

What @collaroygal said!