If you're tracking calories...PLEASE buy/use a food scale

(Karim Wassef) #143

Awww… I like Thomas. Dude has to make a living but if you ignore the ads, he does bring a lot of research to the table.

I don’t agree with all his conclusions (carb cycling, and only eating lean grass fed for example) and he does say the wrong thing (incorrect choice of words) sometimes, but he is genuinely excited about the content and wants to help people.

There aren’t enough people who combine muscle building with keto too… so he does that a whole lot better than others who are still in the semi-keto world.

I sense that he has a team of advisors and researchers doing a lot of the work in the background … and they need to get paid too.

If you look at the totality of his contribution, I think he’s a valuable member of the keto and health community.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #144

I can watch Delauer, or I can listen to him, not both. The visuals are just too distracting. Fortunately, in most of the videos he makes these days, the shirt stays on.

(bulkbiker) #145

Jason Wittrock?

(bulkbiker) #146

I never found him that appealling… now William Shewfelt is another matter entirely…

(Karim Wassef) #147

Well… I liked him but then

That was too click baity for me… and not enough science

(Karim Wassef) #148

Never seen him but I’ll check him out… but he doesn’t seem to bring new research up? More talking through his n=1

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #149

My, my, my, I do see what you mean!

(bulkbiker) #150

I thought you might…

(bulkbiker) #151

I didn’t mention him for the science… more for eye candy…

(bulkbiker) #152

He did a whole series on overeating with keto and he hasn’t quit but yes he’s gone a bit commercial . his earlier stuff was quite good…

(Ben ) #153

Mindful eating. A tin of sardines packed in pure olive oil. The label will tell you 156 calories per serving of about 55g but that is not with the olive oil. Be careful to count all calories. The olive oil will almost double the calories.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #154

Fortunately, when eating to satiety, calories are not nearly as important as carbohydrates.

(Karim Wassef) #155

(Jennibc) #156

THANK YOU FOR THIS. Moralizing is exactly what it is and it’s strident and annoying as hell for those of us that are having to tweak things and be very precise in order to reach our goals. I had been at a stall for almost three months. I was not tracking calories. I finally went in and got my RMR tested at the local university. I am clearly fat adapted, I have been doing keto for over a year with very slow weight loss but was happy for how much better I feel. I will continue this WOE for life, but now to reach my goal I am going to have to consider how many calories I consume. I have 10 pounds left and I will do what I gotta do to get there and if that means counting calories, then that’s what I am going to do.

I understand people being angry with the CICO prevailing paradigm, a calorie is a calorie is a calorie --it’s what made most of us obese and then we were unfairly blamed for our plight. And many of us that were very large faced discrimination because to get that big we must have been lazy or lacked self control or been emotional eaters and the list goes on. That can lead to a lot of emotional baggage. While it may not be our fault that we are carrying that around, it is our responsibility to work through it.

But here’s the thing, weight gain IS because of excess calories but it’s hormonal imbalance caused by the KIND of calories that makes those calories excess in the first place. So it’s not linear and clearly a calorie is not a calorie. If I go on to a calorie deficit to lose these last 10 pounds I have to ensure my insulin stays low so I can access the fat without further slowing down my metabolism so obviously 1300 calories of steak and eggs with some power greens would be way better for me than 1300 calories of chocolate cake. Chocolate cake means I’ll likely go into starvation mode because my insulin will be high, I won’t be able to access fat stores and then my metabolism, which is already on the slow side will slow down even further. And if I do reduce those calories, I need to jump back up every few days so my body doesn’t get used to a lower amount and take my metabolism down even further.

If someone’s primary goal is to lose weight, that’s fine, it’s not my place or anyone else’s place to come on here and wag my finger at them. Some posts on this thread feel like finger wagging and I think if someone feels it’s their place to start finger wagging about how someone is doing it ‘wrong’ they need to ask themselves why they feel compelled to that. There’s no single right way to do this WOE. This isn’t a religion and even the ‘experts’ don’t agree on everything. Let’s work to lift others up on here.

(Scott) #157

Not that it is finger wagging but I do have to shake my head when someone says “I am restricting my calories to less than 1200 and I am not losing weight on keto…”

(Jennibc) #158

Shaking your head is fine. I do it all the time. Because you may be right, you may be wrong. Sometimes there are things that people write on the internet that leave me incredulous. I think to myself “Wow, I’d hate to be living life like you do” But it’s not really my place to tell other people they are living life ‘wrong’. It’s their life, they have to learn for themselves and having some stranger on the internet (me) telling them they are doing it all wrong when I don’t know their circumstances, isn’t helpful.

Back to the keto diet thing though. I think if someone comes on and asks about 1200 calories on Keto and not losing, it’s fair to suggest that they might want to try upping their calories but it’s also fair to ask them if they are tracking macros. Because the one thing I have learned when I track, is that sometimes I am underestimating. ETA - when I call Keto a diet I mean as in a dietary plan, not a ‘diet’ in the way Jenny Craig is a ‘diet’

(Scott) #159

This is why I have been tending toward using the term keto WOE and leaving diet out of it.

Tracking is obviously the best way to get data on what your diet is. I tracked when doing calorie restriction and lost weight but it was time consuming. I just eat keto now and track nothing. It is working for me and is effortless. YMMV

(Karim Wassef) #160

Tracking what you eat or your RMR is cumbersome and usually very error prone … it’s why the “keep carbs under 20” works better - it’s the least complex and prone to error. Less variables to correct = less chance for error.

I track blood glucose and ketones 5-6 times a day. There’s no guess work. Machine says 3.4 … done. There’s error there too, but I’m not personally assessing anything.

So if I measure before… then eat something… then measure after… I now know if that was a good or bad thing for my goal of keeping insulin low. It’s simple and I don’t need to guess as much.

I still may want to keep track of how much of that thing I ate if I want to be most accurate in my findings but I can now align my visual perception of the quantity to the metabolic response. The next time I eat the same quantity (visually), I would have some expectation of my response.

That’s how I gave up tomatoes… and learned that my onion and lime addiction are counterproductive and I need to moderate those foods. Same with dairy and some nuts and many veggies.

Measure blood + eat X + measure again = learn … repeat

(traci simpson) #161

Update: bought a digital scale.

(Karim Wassef) #162

Did you just reply to yourself? :smiley: