I’ve lost 25.6 lbs in 4 weeks!

(Marianne) #44

God bless! I guess the written word is how it is interpreted, however, the last thing I intended was to be condescending to anyone here! We are all in this together and our struggles are all too familiar to those of us who have lived a lifetime of food addiction and heartbreak over weight - my hope is always to be reaffirming and encouraging.:hugs:

(Susan) #45

You always are, Marianne! This guy just really doesn’t understand Keto, nor did he do Keto to lose his weight… and was rude about it… see all of our comments above on what he said. We always think you are a great support, pay no heed to what he said.

None of us would encourage people to eat a few hundred calories on an OMAD and call it following Keto…

(Marianne) #46

Awww, thank you, Susan! Back attcha!!! :hugs:

We have such a great support system with this forum - nothing quite like people who know exactly where you’ve been and the hardships we’ve been through because of it, and who are all working toward a common goal.

(Charles) #47

It’s been 9 months. Is that long enough, haha!

Unfortunately, things came up, including a 2000 mile move, and I never got into the working out.
I stopped dieting after 3 months, as planned, and lost 62 pounds total.

I now weigh 150 and have been eating normally for the last 6 months, though still avoid sugar (always did) and stay away from too much bread or noodles due to the stomach pain they cause me. I never gained any weight back and have been steady at 150 for those 6 months.
I started working out with a home gym 6 weeks ago and plan to keep that up all summer.

My advice to you regulars that can’t reach your goals is to actually commit and don’t pussyfoot around. Quit counting “net carbs” and go with actual carbs consumed (don’t eat a candy bar and call it ok because you ate some fiber).

Anorexia? That’s just sad, Susan, and a very poorly veiled attempt at a personal insult.
I obviously had plenty of my own fat to burn for fuel, and did so quite efficiently.

This is where I’m at after 6 weeks on the home gym. I’ll pop back in this fall and post my totally ripped picture so that you all can tell me how I’m anorexic, not successful and “doing it wrong”, lol! :smiley:

Again, to anyone reading this in the future, don’t listen to the naysayers. I suspect that they still haven’t reached their goals and are angry about it. As soon as I posted the methods for my success, they got critical and judgmental, telling me that I was doing it all wrong.
Obviously, they were incorrect.

It’s called commitment, and I have it. :wink:
Notifications are turned off, so you won’t be hearing from me again until this fall. Later gators!

(Keto Koala 🐨) #48

I eat OMAD and I’ve been Keto three months. Sure I was hungry at first when my body was having carb and sugar cravings but now I can go 24 to 28 hours without hunger. I’m never hungry and when I do eat I get full very quickly. I’m not one to say much because I used to have anorexia. I was on keto two and a bit years ago and I ate once a day but it was a tiny little meal. I was ALWAYS hungry and would collapse, my nails were brittle, my hair was falling out, I was sitting in front of a heater shivering in the middle of summer. I couldn’t get back up once I sat down.ect. But if your always hungry, it means your not eating enough protein and fat. You do realize that keto is basically based on this. Not starvation. No I’m not one to judge and I’m not judging you. But your a 6ft tall male. Your body needs more than what your eating. I’m a little 5ft1 female and it seems your eating even less than me. Do I dare say, it sounds like you have an eating disorder?? I know you don’t want to hear that, neither did I. But I recognise one from a mile away. I struggled with anorexia on and off for many years ( I’m 31). Started at 12, so it seems that way. I think you need to take care of your body and get some help. Yes I know it’s a great feeling as the scale goes down, a buzz, a natural addictive high. But your a very tall male and your body can only take so much before it f#cks out!!! Then when it does, it will be so damn hungry ( and with your unsustainable diet) your body will go " Ahhhhhh food," and eat anything it can and you will gain it all back and more. Yes I rolled my eyes at this too and thought, " nope my willpower is too good" but it happened. It happens to many people. Starvation mode is not the answer. Eat until your full. Do your OMAD but eat more than you are. You will be a lot happier when you get to experience the magic that is keto ( not being hungry often). You shouldn’t have to push through your day, fighting hunger. It really does mean your starving yourself. I’m speaking from experience. Also its not very nice to judge other people on here. We are a supportive community and you will push people away from helping you if your not nice. Just a tip. Peace is the answer. EAT and you’ll feel better.:wink:

(Keto Koala 🐨) #49

This was my OMAD a few years ago. It didn’t sustain me at all.:pensive:

(Keto Koala 🐨) #50

Compared to my OMAD now. See the big difference. Eat more and you will feel better. Don’t be like I was, listen to your body.


Congrats! But you’ve peaked my curiosity on your comment. 212 isn’t a lot of weight when you’re 6’1". Do you wear all your weight up front? I’m 5’9" clocking it at 220 right now and not “fat” looking per se, I do have a lot of muscle but still, I’m a lot shorter as well. Congrats not loosing meat n’ cheese… that’s the BEST!


I am new to this forum, but this is the best response I’ve read . Made me smile. :grin: