I think this is kinda weird

(German Ketonian) #1

Hi guys,

now here’s my story so far: I am fairly new into the ketogenic diet (approx. 2 months). Doing keto VERY strictly for those 2 months, I figure I am fat adapted quite well. My average macros as of today are 88% fat, 11% protein, 1% carbs (around 200 grams of fat, 40-60 grams of protein, usually well below 10-15 grams of total carbs).

Two weeks ago, my taste and smell altered somehow. It’s really difficult to describe. In the back of my throat, there is almost this “gas” or “fuel”-like perceived odor/taste (I know its an aroma that is not really “there”). Sometimes it shifts a bit, getting a little “vinegary”. Sorry for the weird description but it’s really difficult to put into words. As far as I can tell, foods pretty much still taste the same. It’s more the aftertaste that gets affected when the primary food tastes subside.

The basic issue (well its not really an issue, just strange!) is that I then continue to have that scent/taste all day long, especially if I haven’t eaten a while/fasted/only had coffee. Now, I know many people report the fruity breath and smelling of acetone. I am sure that’s not it because its my own senses that are affected, not the smell I excrete. So I was wondering: is there something like a “keto-adapted taste in the mouth”?

Thanks and best


(Crippie) #2

It could be the acetone your body is producing.

Does it smell vaguely like nail polish remover?

That is a normal smell to get coming from your moth or pores which if your sensitive enough to could pick up on your own.

(German Ketonian) #3

Yes, vaguely like nail-polish remover! That’s it! Thanks! Apparently, I am picking up that smell even in my own taste buds. How crazy is that?

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #4

Keto can do weird things, like make you breathe out acetone that can have a cat urine smell or your sweat can have that smell. That’s fun. Only happened to me when I purposefully overate protein (2 grams per pound LBM), and then lifted weights.

Or I’ve heard tell of the smell if a 8 day old bloated goat festering with maggots breath. Hopefully you don’t have that! Otherwise many have reported a metallic taste in the mouth.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #5

Sounds like you have one very perceptive schnoz. Barbecue must smell like six layers of heaven.

(Crippie) #6

Yup. Happened to me too. Still does on days after I had a low calorie day, or during IF. Fortunately I could never smell it on myself, but my wife never had a problem letting me know about it!


A lot of people experience this for a while. Yes, acetone = nail polish remover and maybe pear drop sweets from your childhood?

Some people also sweat out a pee-like smell (nice!) which is ammonia and is linked to protein.

(German Ketonian) #8

Good god… all of this is creepy and disgusting at the same time. My girlfriend says my smell is fine, so I don’t seem to ooze out much that is perceptible to others… it’s a strange case. It seems keto can indeed do weird things to you. I don’t have a metallic taste or anything else. It’s just that constant “gas fume” or nail polish remover-like taste that creeps up even in my nose to the point that I can taste and smell it concurrently. It’s almost like a synaesthetic experience lol Thanks for all your suggestions so far!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #9

Sometimes when I pee, the bathroom smells like I just poured a bottle of nail polish remover into the toilet! Acetone is a by product of producing ketones.

(German Ketonian) #10

Yeah, I know, the breathalizer keeps beeping at me :slight_smile:

(Bacon, Not Stirred) #11

Haha this has been happening to me off and on for months, now. I refer to it as my alcoholic breath due to diet. Like, NASH, only breath.