I see VEINS people

(Troy) #1


Vascular Veins “ more visible “
In the arms or legs
Maybe the ab region

A turn off?:nauseated_face:
Is it healthy?

The famous quote “ you are loosing too much weight Look at those gross veins on your arms “…:joy:

This could be from —-

lose of weight, perhaps exercising or weight lifting for some ( then and or now )
Or, it can be just the result of KETO and loss of weight for some


Ava_ad0re's arse scenery thread
(Joe) #2

I too have veins popping out. Forearms especially. I have a buddy who uses his vein status to knownwhrn he needs to start fasting again. I think its typically a sign of.good hydration with lower fat.

(Duncan Kerridge) #3

Yup, I can remember the day i stood at the sink doing the washing up and had a WTF moment when I glanced down at my forearms. Veins? Never seen them before. You focus on the obvious fat on your belly / chest / neck for so long that you forget that fat is stored everywhere, even on your arms.

(Pete A) #4

I love my veininess :grinning:NSV for me big time.

(Steve) #5

Yep, noticed that as well. Hopefully it’ll make it easier for them the next time I donate blood. :wink:

(Todd Allen) #6

It’s been a dramatic change for me. Blood draws used to take multiple tries. I prefer a quick stab versus having my veins chased.

(Karen) #7

Slight veininess just looks strong. DH 's veins show when he splits wood. Hot in a “proud of his strength” way.


(Brian) #8

I don’t think much about it. My wife tends to use how much or little the veins in her feet show as a gauge for how much fluid she is or is not retaining. It fluctuates.

(Steve) #9

The worst was years ago - I “mowed” my left foot (luckily, it was an older 3.5HP push mower - the shoe/bone in my foot stopped the blade at the second biggest toe).
Because I had dogs (and you don’t always get every piece of dog poop before you mow) I ended up with a BRILLIANT infection that required IV antibiotics for a few weeks.
Had one nurse from the VON that couldn’t find the vein to save her life…I told her to get out of my house after 9 failed attempts. grumble

(Todd Allen) #10

That’s a horrible story. :worried: Fortunately people eating keto mow their feet less often - though I don’t think a scientific study has been done yet to confirm it.

(Roy D Rushing Jr ) #11

Yep. I use relative vascularity to gauge my BF percentage. I know it’s an imprecise science, but I can’t help it. There are certain veins that pop up when I’m in really good shape that I’m always looking for. I had some pictures, but I think I deleted all of them because it depressed me that I couldn’t see them anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

(CharleyD) #12

I wish Mrs Dipper felt the same way, she says the vascularity look sick. And not in the awesome way the kids say it.


So new places that have veins are the back of the triceps, I thought they were just drawn in in movies :rofl:

(Troy) #13


Time for a “show me your veins “ category?
Yeah or nah?

(CharleyD) #14

Hah, maybe!

I just woke up one night and heading to the bathroom the night light we keep lit hit the veins just right and I was compelled to get these pics. Just in case they disappear and I never see them again!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #15

Quoth the Preacher: Veinity of veinities, all is veinity!