I know I am asking something VERY STUPID AND VERY BASIC, but... how to make bacon and egg taste good?


Is it because it is unlikely for bacon not to be tasty?

Let me tell ya: it is likely… <_<

(Jay Patten) #20

The bacon I buy taste great!

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #21

Ah… English naming convention.

Streaky is what most Americans are referring to when they say bacon. That streaky looks like what would be higher end bacon in the US. The cheaper stuff is cut thinner and has more fat, though they always put the lean slices by the window…

Back bacon is a combination of what Americans call Canadian Bacon and Bacon. A bit of belly (the streaky portion and a bit of loin (the lean, round section). Hard to find here, as we butcher the animals in a different manner.

It’s all tasty. Should not be sour if cooked just with straight heat and it’s own rendered fat.

(mags) #22

Thank you for that… I’d often wondered about the bacon terminology. Sometimes we need a phrasebook! While we’re on the subject. What would be the equivalent of pork butt?

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #23

In England, no idea. I’m a bacon scholar. :smile_cat:

(TJ Borden) #24

(Rob) #25

Thanks for the pictures. It looks like really nice bacon (good fat/meat ratio) though I can’t attest to the taste which is more based on the curing, smoking etc…

Much as it might be heresy to say it here… maybe you just don’t like bacon? :flushed::scream::exploding_head:

Nothing to be done about it in that case… it’s just one of your many keto crosses to bear. :weary:


This is what I found out now.

The biggest concern is whether it is fatty.

(Terence Dean) #27

I don’t buy bacon that is wrapped in plastic, how long has it been sitting there before you buy it. Try and get something fresh like this, might be more expensive but the taste is awesome!


(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #28

Congrats. Very happy you’ve figured it out for yourself.


But then after thinking about it a little bit again, last few times I also purchased those fatty bacon…


Now I am quite sure… No. Not only that.

In fact, it is not even mainly about whether it is fatty.

Because I try to fry bacons using pan (that I manage to make tasty bacon with), I use lots of butter and the bacon is fatty also…

In the end, for some reasons, the bacon is not as tasty as I liked.(cooked too long that it gets a bit more salty than how I like it, and I am quite a heavy-taste/heavy-flavour person, at least compared to my family.)

So the question in this thread is still valid: how?

(LeeAnn Brooks) #31

Hmm… short of being burnt, I’ve never had an issue with not liking the taste of bacon.

The one thing I will mention is that however you like your bacon, limp or crispy (not intended to reignite the great bacon wars of 2018), you have to take it off the pan a little before the desired level of doneness as it will continue cooking for a short time after.

That’s about all I got. Like I said, the only way I don’t find bacon tasty is if it ends up as a charcoal slab.

(Diane) #32

If you eat the bacon with a little cream cheese, it cuts the saltiness. I got the idea fron others on this forum. I think it’s pretty wonderful.

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #33

I think at this point, it’s about experimentation. There’s a ton of debate over pan frying versus oven roasting among bacon cooks, as well as a hundred and fifty post long thread about doneness. I’d recommend googling for methods and trying a few out. Keep notes and see what works better for you.

Couple tricks that you might research include water in the pan, cooking shorter, going lower temp on the cook…


Two thoughts:

  1. I can definitely taste the difference between freshly-bought-bacon and getting-close-to-the-sell-by-date bacon. My husband can’t smell/ taste the difference, but I can. Nowadays, when I buy bacon, I use/ freeze it within a few days. I buy it in a 3 lb pkg, so that usually means cooking a pound and freezing the rest uncooked in serving size packages.

  2. Sometimes I cook bacon or other pork at too high of a temperature and it gets a weird flavor/ smell. Not burnt, but something else that’s very off-putting.

As far as eggs go, I like them best cooked in bacon grease or in the grease after cooking steak or pork chops in an iron skillet.

(TJ Borden) #35

And it will keep growing as long as I have to keep pointing out to the crispy people that they’re wrong :joy:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #36

If loving crispy bacon is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!

(TJ Borden) #37

I thought you were cool, now I have to block you…:pensive:

(Terence Dean) #38

Here’s a suggestion you good people may want to try out. 2 eggs, and a dash of milk, whisked in a bowl, add finely chopped Chives, into a pan of butter, flip once, and hey presto a egg/chive omlette! You won’t go back to plain eggs after this! :grin: