How to loose more weight without changing the caloric deficit?


I’m on a therapeutic ketogenic diet. One of the strategies I use is to implement as many weight loss strategies as I can so that I can eat more fat. More fat increases the efficacy of the therapy. What this looks like in my regimen is OMAD, lifting, and running. I’m planning on incorporating HIIT in soon too.

What are other techniques to loose weight beyond CICO?

(Allie) #2

Less fat, once adapted, so the body uses more of its own stores.

(Bunny) #3

Are you eating large volumes of fat or in percentage to the calories you eat? It’s easy to eat lots of fat and much harder to burn it off once it is stored?

I could not see how anyone could “lose weight” eating lots of fat unless you like storing it and burning dietary fat on top of that, you would never get to your own body fat storage?


[1] ‘…When you eat carbohydrates, it goes to the liver, through the portal vein and stimulates insulin, which tells the body to start burning sugar, and store the rest as glycogen or fat. Dietary fat, on the other hand, does no such thing. It is absorbed in the intestines as chylomicrons, goes through the lymphatic system to the thoracic duct and directly into the systemic blood circulation (not the portal circulation of the liver). From there it goes into the fat cells to be stored. …” …More


Is it literally the higher fat helping you directly? Or it it higher ketone levels? Typically in a therapeutic situation the goal is the higher ketones. If so, take exogenous ketones on top of a good diet. Eating tons of fat and thinking weight loss… just to eat more fat, is playing tug of war with yourself.

(Raj Seth) #5

Are you on a 4:1? that translates to 36:4, calories from fat vs. rest. You may be able reduce your total caloric intake while keeping the macro ratio up. That will encourage your body to make up the deficit with body fat.

I think that will work, but please check with your diet prescriber to ensure that this is correct. Therapeutic Ketogenic diet is very well studied, just not by me.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

Stop worrying about caloric intake, and concentrate on the quality of your food?


Eat whole foods.


In the end, it’s the higher ketone levels that are helping. The higher fat increases the ketone levels. Thanks for the suggestion!