How much veg do you eat a day?

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #42

Another way of looking at it is that CICO is an effect, rather than a cause.
It’s just like and end of day accounting balance.
It doesn’t drive whether we gain or lose weight.
It just is.

(Bob) #43

Everybody is different. Keep adjusting your macros as needed until you find the right balance to keep losing weight. Use basic Whole Foods for the first several months. No recipes for your food. Stuff like 2 eggs, 1 can of sardines in olive oil, 1/4 cup olive oil, etc. This way you can measure the amount of macros in grams and be precise in what you are eating. As you adjust your macros you will improve in weight loss. Intermittent fasting is something that will help you. I was eating 70 grams of protein, 10 grams of carbs and the rest in fat. 1000-1200 calories a day. I was losing 1/2 pound a day and then my weight loss hit a brick wall and stopped. My body had gotten used to a 1200 calorie diet and my metabolism adjusted to it. This is where fasting comes into play. I went on a 4 day fast then came off it slowly and resumed a 2200 calorie diet with same macros. 70 grams protein, 10 grams carbs and the rest in fat. After 4 days I fasted again for 5 days. Now I am currently eating 1200-1400 calories same macros and the weight is coming off again. Before starting intermittent fasting check with your doctor and tell them what you want to do. Fasting talk with Jimmy Moore, Megan Ramos and Dr. Jason Fung is a podcast with lots of information and is another valuable resource for weight loss. The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight in a healthy way and not put it back on you will need to educate yourself. Education is key. I hope that helps. Stay calm and go Keto.


can you explain,please? Is it not keto eating carrots if under 25 net carbs?