How many Keto couples do we have?

(Wendy) #62

Thank you!!:blush:

(Susan) #63

Congrats on 41 years, Wendy, that is terrific, I wish you both many more years of wedded bliss and happy Ketoing together =).

Please post that pic in your wedding dress when you get there too, we will all love to see that, what a terrific idea =).

(Jill F.) #64

My hubby and I do keto together. He isnt on this forum nor does he track very well. We eat keto together and we both try to stay keto friendly during the day at work. He caves pretty often and I have lost 40 pounds he has lost 30 then regained 15. We are still a work in progress!

(Susan) #65

That is great, Jill =).


I started last August. My hubby started a month later when he found out how much I lost the first month. But he has PTSD and takes meds that are not conducive to losing weight. He keeps going anyway as he says the best part is that he’s not constantly hungry anymore, and he does lose a pound now and then.

(Susan) #67

That is awesome. I think that Keto would benefit my hubby greatly with all of his health issues, but so far he totally refuses to try =(.

(Wendy) #68

Hopefully he will see the difference it’s made in you and give it a try! ;D

(Susan) #69

I have been on it for a year; and he has no interest in being healthy or losing weight so I cannot see that happening. He has Diverticulitis, Bipolar, Hydrocephalus and Parkinson’s and is 56 in May. He told me he is not going to suffer eating the stuff I eat and not enjoying his food. He knows I would like him to try but I don’t nag him about it anymore. I am happy for all the couples that are doing it together though =).

(Wendy) #70

Guess some are just set in their ways! Guess all you can do is take care of yourself! And you have been doing Great!! Keep it up!! :blush:

(Susan) #71

Thanks, Wendy =-). I still have a long way to go, but slow and steady wins the race =).


I am sure I wrote this before but even subtle changes would be good. It’s fine not doing keto but our health and well-being should have priority - not like I ever gave up anything for low-carb or keto or carnivore, I always had better food on lower-carb. And I never say I do it forever. If I fancy some carbier stuff, I eat it, I don’t want it often anyway… It’s not just all-time keto vs “we eat whatever we want”. It may be low-carb (not even keto) on weekdays, carbier days on weekends, added sugar only in December or at birthdays or something. One can do it gradually or abruptly. Even if one can’t stop eating high-carb (possibly even if they want, it just feels awful), the quality of ingredients, the type of carbs matter. And if someone is like me that carbs cause massive overeating for them, well, a bigger focus on protein and nutrient rich food is especially useful.
I can’t imagine you don’t make nice keto food his husband can’t enjoy. Keto food is so nice and there are such a big variety. I understand the siren song of something else, nothing is like most carby desserts - but if we just want something sweet or crunchy or tasty, lots of keto food works. Even my high-carber for life SO likes most of the keto food I make (he’s not a choosy one, that’s true but I can be very creative anyway if it’s about our food). Some changes probably could have done - but of course, the one in question needs to want the changes. Not drastic ones, just some. Keto is scary for many people first, I can understand it.

(Susan) #73

I don’t cook real food anymore, actually except for special occasions. I stopped because of money and no one in my family likes leftovers, so even if I were to cook a nice meal, cooking it for just him since I cannot eat the stuff, and my daughter’s are very fussy now and they usually won’t eat what I cook. When I was cooking for the 7 of us at home, yes, I cooked full meals, but now I only do on special occasions.

Today my lunch was ground beef (with some salt and pepper) with 2 tablespoons of sour cream on it. Supper was 6 small sausages (cut up) with 2 tablespoons of Keto Mayo on them. At both meals I had a cup of herbal tea with 1 tablespoon of HWC in it. I will have a cup or two of herbal tea in the evening, plain, nothing added. That was my food for the day. He had his food he takes for lunch daily I make him the same lunch for the past 30 years (as he likes it like that!):

1 sandwich (2 bread, margarine, mustard, meat, cucumbers, cheese, lettuce),raw vegetables with that, a juice box, 2 yogourts, 1 chocolate pudding, 2 granola bars, 2 apples, a big container of water and coffee he takes with him (that he puts tons of sugar and a very non-keto creamer into).

Then for supper he has whatever I make him, then he eats a big bowl of icecream, and cookies and chips until he sleeps around 8pm-6am then he goes to work.