How does your typical day looks like with respect to food?


(Tim) #2

Cut out the Whey protein, it produces a much higher insulin response and more of it gets turned into glucose (read blood sugar) through gluconeogenesis. Eat real meat, with the fat on it.

Cut out the rapeseed oil, it’s not good for you. Stick to olive oil, avocado oil, and/or animal fats for cooking. Butter, Ghee, Lard, etc.

Cut this out. You’re probably getting a lot more carbs than you think you are from it.

Careful with nuts. They’re great, but it’s really easy to over eat them and get a lot more carbs than you’re thinking. Not saying for sure what you’re eating is too much, as I don’t know off the top of my head, but just a general warning.

Also, generally speaking, you’re not eating enough fat and you’re eating too much protein. Probably too many carbs if I’d have to guess too. Switch your oils out for butter or healthier oils, switch you lean meats (tuna, chicken) out for fatty cuts of meat. Do that and you’ll be fine.

Also, I get that you’re lifting, but you don’t need nearly as much protein as you think you do. And if I remember correctly protein has around 50 to 70% the insulin response of sugar, though I could be wrong on that. Try all those things for two weeks and see how it works.

(Stanislav Jirák) #3

Thanks for your reply, Jorge. I’ll try to incorporate more fats.
However, to specify and correct my food list example:
Raps oil = Rape oil. low in saturated, moderate in mono, perfect ratio of o-3 and o-6. I use really LOTS of it.
Greek yogurt: 2.7g/100g, 10g of slow casein proteins
Nuts: Yep, I think so this might be something to watch out. Some nuts have 20g or even more, so 3oz means whole daily dose
Whey: Your are probably very true. That was something I questioned myself too. I learned that BCAA are highly insulinogenc, but not been lucky with Whey in respectec to use prior to exercise.
Nevertheless, the fact is, I’m not in kesosis and this perpetual iterating of carb depletion state is quite kind of exhausting.


For breakfast I have a BPC and sometimes I have some bacon and/or bacon.

I eat romaine salad with chicken breast and cheese for lunch every weekday. The seasoning of the chicken varies, but it’s always the same amount of salad, cheese and chicken.

On a night I try stick with NP. I tend to eat chicken dishes, meat, cheese and eggs. Always incorporating a good amount of fat. If I eat vegetables, it’s normally broccoli, cauliflower, peppers or brussel sprouts.

Looking at what you snack, you should maybe opt for more cheese? This would keep you fuller for longer and at one point you might not need those inbetween-snacks anymore.

(Zu) #5

This is a real eye opener for me. To my layperson keto self I would see that typical diet as just a Low carb diet, and the exercise would have pulled that even lower and it might have needed more fat… but I though it would keep keto ok still…

My old macro calculations gave me a generous 1661.7 cals which I would apportion 70% of the cals to fat, and have 20% in protein and 10% in carbs… which was good.

The macros that this site recommends give me totally diff macros as below:

Generated by Keto Calculator 9.12

31/F/5’6" | CW 117 | 23% BF | Mostly sedentary

  • 1186 kcal Goal, a 15% deficit. (901 min, 1396 max)
  • 30g Carbohydrates
  • 60g Protein (54g min, 89g max)
  • 92g Fat (61g min, 115g max)

---- Why are the above macros so low? (I over estimated my BF% just to be on the safe side - I’m between 18% and 20%…

And TBH… Im going over on my fat like crazy (I’m a bit green) and every so slightly on my carbs and I don’t quite get enough protein. I sometimes feel a tad hungry so I fat it out a bit too much and I have gained a good Kg. I prefer to be about 52 for my bone structure.

I typically have:
a cucumber into sticks, celery stick, ½ avocado, 45g Labna (strained yoghurt) drizzed with olive oil, 30g capsicum, maybe some mung sprouts. (usually about 500cals and a good 30-40g fat)

A fat cup consisting of coconut oil, shredded coconut, LSA, tahini, about 10 walnut halves, maca powder, chia seeds, cacao nibs - normally around 630cals - mainly fat…

and maybe 2 eggs with salad, or homemade mayo, or avocado, or cheese, and butter. (this is usually about another 500cals or just under) I may add a bone broth here or there…

But Im always over on my macros and this is usually between 1500-1900 - I might have a few incidental handfuls of nuts, but I never eat more than about 100g/day or less. I eat every second day with a full 24 hours break. I have no problem consuming large amounts of fat, in fact i think I over do it… Im currently lightly active, but I am usually a little bit more (gentle daily walk/run/ light weights and ride).

I know I need more meat/protein but I am coming off the back of a 14 day fast, and before that a 8 day one, and two other 30 day ones (and heaps of 4-10 ones) So i usually take my re-introcution to proteins slow - though I do crave them…

So why am I gaining weight and why are the keto macros so significantly lower (even though there are 9 fat calories per gram and are more dense in calories then carbs which are only 4)

How do I work this out to be better?

(Karen Fricke) #6

Why are you gaining weight? At 5’6, and 117, your BMI is fairly low. Maybe your body wants more weight. Or… Your carbs are too high, aim for closer to 20g, protein is also too high, lean body mass is approx 90 lbs, you should be getting 40-45g (1g/kg might be lower, but 40-45 is plenty low), and fat to satiety.


You need to check this thread out…

(Zu) #8

thats what I originally thought - that 45g of protein was good for my LBM… and thats what I calculated my original macros to be - mayyyy be going up to a bit hight if I was doing more weights. But thats what the keto calculator said.

yes 20g is what I am working towards… but im just cruising towards that after my fast, taking things slow with my body and being kind to it…

Well its on the leaner side, but im by no means skinny pretty good at between 52-55kg but not below by too much.

… Does this mean I disregard my calorie limit? because sometimes i will be just on or over my limit and… then I get the great idea that a big 'ol fat cup would go down great - so I go over by like 600 calories… and I’d be lying if I said its even been 900 cals of fat. I really love the stuff.
Do I really just forget the calories and “satiate” myself? If i ever over do it, I just fast until my body feels ready to eat again (a day or two?)

I cannot figure out these new macros…

(Zu) #9

Ya, I saw it, but Im still not sure - because that might be the right macros for that person… but maybe too much protein for me - and im not a huge meat eater - but when I do eat it - I get into it… Ive not yet seen a fattier elaborate fatbomb than mine. I back them with as many types of fat as I can find. Maybe I got it wrong and its toooo much fat


To be honest, I am a little concerned about the number and length of fasts you do at your weight and body fat level. Could you maybe elaborate a bit more about your history longer term? Have you had problems with weight gain/loss in the past? You seem to be at a lean weight and are young. Do you have any health issues? Metabolic disorders? What is your lifestyle like? You say sedentary so low activity level with work and home? I feel a much more rounded picture is required here. If you feel you want to take anything off public view, feel free to message me. I am a little worried about you in all honesty.

(Zu) #11

Hello Daisy, I am grateful for your kind concern but im a pretty fit kiddo.

I have had PCOS since 2009 when I was 23 and a bit of insulin resistence that comes and goes. I treat it with fasting and fat quite effectively. I dont have trouble gaining weight - since I was 18 ive always been between 51.5kg and like on the upper side 57kg and anywhere in between there is quite fine - depending on my lifestyle at the time/ busy/ stress/ workingout/ running more/ weights more/ whatevs… women fluctuate and thats pretty normal. I do feel my best at around 52-53 - and on some people that might not look great but on me its fine, as Im just made that way (so was my mother).

I fast to also shrink ovarian cysts - with a good degree of success… I am quite health minded and I like to really get into it fully, with diet etc. When im not on a long fast or re-feeding (which is like 90%) of the time, I do enjoy steady exercise such as cross country running - long and middle distance, bike riding and I have dibbled in a tad of weight training lol which I enjoy, and aerobics haha.

Rest assured I am not ED, Im a happy healthy person. I think I just like my fat wayyy to much. But these keto macros are pretty low. liek how am I supposed to fat it out on 1186 for real? and eat protein and whatever veg. I was going over on 1661! ha I will have no chance with 1186, I would eat that much in fat alone loooollll:avocado::avocado::avocado::avocado::avocado::coconut::coconut::coconut::coconut::eggplant::eggplant:

(Karen Fricke) #12

You can ignore calories to a point. But there is a difference between hunger, and ‘I feel like eating’. If you’re truly hungry then eat more fat. If you just feel like eating, don’t.


Well I am relieved to hear that and it sounds like you are pretty clued up to getting yourself in good health. Personally, I think some of these macro calculators are unnecessarily complicated where it can be really simple. It sounds like you eat a good varied diet and I would suggest maybe going by feel for a while. You have probably been tracking for long enough now to have a good idea what is in what? Maybe trust your instincts for a bit and see what happens? Keep your carbs at 20g net or below, eat moderate protein within the range that works for you. It is perfectly acceptable for this to vary a bit and I would try responding to your body. It might be that your body is signalling to you that it needs more protein that day because you have been exercising or maybe the time of the month. If you find cravings and consumption start spiralling then that will tell you something too. I would keep a journal recording what you eat and when (and when you fast) but note all the other things that go on too - mood, sleep, stress levels, exercise, hormonal stuff, etc. And then fat… well, eat fat to satiety. Again, you need to be aware of what is real satiety and what is head hunger. By focusing less on the macros and stats, I feel that you might get more in tune with what is going on. I also operate within a small weight range and I do not worry at all if I go up or down a kg or two. I weigh daily and see weird and unexplained fluctuations all the time - it shows me how irrelevant they are! Women’s weight and cravings wax and wane and I think it is worth just trying to tune in and roll with it - see what you notice.

(Zu) #14

your so right… After 30 days of fasting TWICE I was pretty bummed that I never experienced true real hunger.

i think what is attributing to my over eating of fat, is the fact that I havent yet hit my protein macros right, I never really get the amount I need so there is a niggle in me… and for some reason I slather it with fat.


It is certainly important to get the protein in the range that works for you. Be wary of taking it too high with a history of insulin resistance though. “Slathering with fat” sounds a bit like old fat phobias rearing up! It’s all about the balance - the balance that works for you.

(Zu) #16

I think this is right and you have hit the nail on the head> I havnt quite eaten enough protein… I think when I get the right amount my desire to be so fatty will adjust. So a fatty freerange chicken it will be the next time I eat (not tomorrow - Fasting - but the day after)…
After I am steady with my protein Im sure things will settle.

I probs need to drink more water too.

I guess I should just stick to the carbs below 20g and be fair with the fat… but not overly, and be a bit more ridgit when I have the protein thing in full swing.

Im grateful for your help, very kind of you!!

(Zu) #17

Yes. So I think that carbs should be 20g
The protein can be from 45 to maybe 55 at the higher end depending on activity
and the fat? well I like fat lots… So maybe 110g = 1000 cals or less
takes me to just under 1300 cals… sound right?

Would I gain? maintain? or deficit ? I dont know? N=1 ???


Definitely go for all the fatty meats! and the skin - yummy :slight_smile:

A podcast that you might find interesting is the episode with Megan Ramos…

If you are fasting regularly, maybe bring in some feasting days on the run up to each fast?

(Allie) #19

No need to count calories, just keep carbs below 20g, be sure to hit your protein, then eat fat to satisfy your hunger. It really is that simple :slight_smile:

(Sonia A.) #20

This !

I only want to add that you shouldn’t trust your scale. It’d be better to take measurements (waist, chest, hips, thighs and arms).

(Zu) #21

For Real? so as long as I do this I will not store fat?
Ok, I know over-eating fat is quite hard and It is slowly teaching me body a greater sensitivity satiety - but my body seems to have the highest threshold for fat I have ever seen… So doe this mean that say Im below my limit for carbs, and meeting my protein, that I can have as much fat as I truly feel like? because that is sometimes an alarming amount? like I am sure I have easily at some points in my life eaten 2000 cals of just fat in a day?
how would my body use all of that without gaining?