How can I want to become ketogenic again?

(Coco Silk) #81

I feel like this too. I had such a sweet tooth most of my life and it took a diagnosis of gestational diabetes (with my 3rd baby at the age of 44yo) to give me a swift kick up the bum.

I am not over my need for a treat yet and it’s been the best part of 9 months since I started eating low carb and keto.

This past week I stepped it up again when I stopped drinking goat’s milk (and cow’s milk). It’s the first time in my life that I have not had milk in almost 2 weeks! It was really hard and the only way I have done it is to use coconut milk from a can to put in my cups of tea. And I make a sweet treat for myself with cocoa and carob powder, coconut oil, coconut milk and desiccated coconut - and that’s my crutch at the moment. I’m still eating cheese and make my own goat’s milk yoghurt as well, which can help if you’ve got issues digesting all the meat fats.

But it’s really hard when you’ve had an addiction to any kind of food - or any kind of behaviour around eating. You’re always surrounded by food so it’s always a temptation. Let’s hope you don’t wait for a major health crisis to snap out of it - but if you do, you would be like most people. Most of us don’t change until we hit a wall.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #82

I chose to use the blur feature, since the foods weren’t particularly keto. :slightly_smiling_face:

(bulkbiker) #83

Guessing you mean their… ?

But I only ever express my opinion and have never tried to dress it up as anything else.

I don’t have an “argument” that is you.

Is an association not a cause… it may be a risk it may not. There is no definitive evidence however much you may wish there was.

May “help to prevent you mean” again there is no “proof” even though you may wish there was. Even your quote says it’ as “means of reducing the risk” .

Happy now?

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #84

Click on the blurred word and you can see it.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #85

BTW, nice to have another non-holiday celebrater around.


In times of war great innovation and technological advances are made.

We may be witnessing an evolution branch point? The truth seekers, so say they, are stepping up on the stage, and the howls from the orchestra pit and the stalls can not drown them out. With the bees loyal to the low carb, high fat, moderate protein queen getting restless with the bees that have found a different queen in the hive, one that is carnivorous and zero carb.

Outside, the SAD mainstream flows past unaware of any eruptions or eructations in the weird villages on the fringes.

The hive may be splitting?

These are not facts and I have no references. I’m just painting a story.

(Bunny) #87

…likewise I’m sure?

(Ellenor Bjornsdottir) #88

black coffee during fasting… DANGER, JANE ROBINSON, DANGER. This could give you a hypoglycemic event, which could send you to the hospital if severe enough.

(Susan) #89

Lots of people do that during Fasting. Personally I rarely drink coffee, but I have plain green tea, and plain herbal teas when fasting all the time, and have never had any problems =).

I am completing a 72 hour one today at 5pm, and I have been drinking mostly water, but I had a green tea yesterday (plain) -I have been having mostly water with a few plain herbal teas though, and no issues.

I prefer to have 0 calories when I am fasting, for autophagy benefits.

(Jack Bennett) #90

Is there a risk from black coffee during fasting? I drink it all the time but I’m mostly <24h.


What?? Many, many people fast on black coffee and/or tea - as per the recommendations of practitioners experienced in fasting, such as Fung.


Sounds to me like you need a keto break but a controlled one. Everyone on keto and needs to start Carb Cycling at some point and spend a couple days a week adding good quality higher carbs in. I’m not talking Doritos and candy canes obviously but there are lots of high carb thingS that you deny yourself on a keto diet that are important for your body to see in moderation. Lots of hormone systems in your body really do count on it. I am a big keto advocate but after you are truly in a fat burning stage you need to start cycling it is crucial to your health it also helps with the cravings and allows you to eat foods that you were depriving yourself of so helps a little bit with the bitterness as well. There is lots online to read about cycling Dr. mercola writes a lot about it also I would read some information on this and get yourself restarted if you know that the sweet potatoes and maybe some rice are coming at the end of the week it is not as hard to make it through.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #93

@LisaL A few people here will agree with you, but I’m not one of them. You do not ‘need’ to eat carbs for any reason. Carbohydrates are just different molecular forms of sugar and we have zero need to eat sugar. Gluconeogenesis synthesizes all the sugar necessary in the form of glucose.

(Susan) #94

I totally agree -carbs are poison to our system, it is better to eat as few of them as possible.

(Alvin Jay Samante) #95


I’ve been there too! And I know every one of us who started on this method. It was very hard to get back on track I know, you need to challenge your self once again. But I think, the thing that really matters for using Keto way is our eagerness to be fit. Eagerness to stay healthy but still able to eat delicious foods. No one can ever convince us to do it once again, its just always going to be you and you alone. :frowning:

(Patricia) #96

I am in a similar situation, although I have not gone off the wagon completely, I’m definitely slipping down the side. I have been doing keto for over 3 years and initially lost over 50 pounds, but for almost a year, I have been stuck at a plateau. I’m not good at fasting, because I get ravenously hungry afterwards and am tempted to eat everything in sight. I am trying to restrict my eating to a 10-hour window, but I have been gaining a little and allowing some carb creep and I am frequently hungry. This is something new from when I first began keto. I hope I’m not failing at this.

It gets so confusing, though, and some people recommend such drastic restrictions that it seems to take any pleasure out of food. No artificial sweeteners, no dairy, no vegetable oils, restrict nuts, don’t use net carbs, etc. are just a few of the restrictions some say are necessary. Well, if I could be happy eating only meat and a few non-starchy veggies, I wouldn’t have this problem in the first place. Keto has been the only diet I have been able to stick to for any length of time, but I am getting weary of eating the same stuff over an over and still not seeing progress.

I have the same problem as others here in that my husband is always offering me food he knows is not keto. He claims he forgets, but I think it’s a deliberate attempt at sabotage. When I used to eat the way he does, I would fix all kinds of carby foods and now I don’t. He is a type 2 diabetic and should be eating keto, too, but won’t.

Oh, and the first time I saw “carbage”, I thought it was a typo. :slight_smile: Duh, I finally got it.


All those recommendations are fine - just not for everyone or at least, not right away.
I needed a lot of time to be able to eat in a restricted way but it’s WAY easier than anything else now. I have my strict carnivore days now, something I thought I won’t EVER try, not even for a day. But people change. And sometimes a single little change (in my case, not eating vegetables) causes lots of big changes and solves problems. I don’t want my usual peanuts and sweets (I ate them every day and couldn’t skip them) since I stopped eating vegetables.
But my keto in the beginning, that went against almost everyone’s recommendation. Banana, sweets all the time, as much vegetables as I could fit into my 40g net carb limit… I just couldn’t do it any other way (I did vegetarian keto back then to avoid too much protein, now I know better). Many people need gradual changes, not some super strict keto right away. But I think many people need to go super low as just keto can’t solve their problems. My food is more enjoyable if I eat way less carbs, I am in control, I lose my addictions… It’s great. Keto changed little (except when I got fat adapted, that was very significant but not enough), extreme low-carb, on the other hand, a lot. I will relax my ways a little as I don’t like to feel restricted but I typically eat whatever I want now. I just don’t want carbs as long as I don’t eat carbs in more than tiny amounts. So, sometimes we think we can’t give up things, we already feel we are restricted - but if we become strict, these problems might disappear. Or get worse, of course, it’s individual. I just say be open-minded about these. I experimented with myself for ages, I thought I knew myself - and it turned out a different, stricter diet could drastically change a lot, I couldn’t predict that.

(Marianne) #98

I don’t know, but maybe if you are eating the same food on a regular basis, your metabolism has reached homeostasis of some sort (?). Can you really mix up your eating schedule and food choices? If you eat two meals a day, eat three meals one day, 16:8 another, one large meal another, incorporate some very high fat choices, etc. I make a “keto soup,” that is downright delicious and very satisfying. It is very versatile and you can use many different things in it. I don’t know, but I think sometimes interjecting your meals with a very rich food choice like this helps me.


  • 1/4 stick of butter
  • Xanthum gum (1/2 tsp. mixed with hot butter above, until smooth – a package of xanthum gum will last you probably a year)
  • 1-1/2 c. heavy cream
  • 2 c. water
  • 1/2 chicken or beef bouillon cube
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 1 ½ teaspoons chili powder
  • ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper (or more)
  • 1 8 oz. package shredded cheddar cheese
  • 6 small breakfast sausage (like Jimmy Deans), microwaved and chopped. I haven’t tried it, but I imagine you could do this plain with no meat, use chicken, or shrimp.


Add butter, xanthum gum, crushed boulion to a medium pot. Add cumin, chili powder, and cayenne and cook to release flavors. Add cream, water and sausage, stirring continually to incorporate. Simmer until thickened but do not boil. Add cheese last. Stir until cheese is melted.


For sure! I get that the research is out there but it seems some get overzealous in their attempt to encourage others to eat this way. I get it, it IS the best way for most of us. But hearing people be so dogmatic about it doesn’t make people WANT to do it. I’m sure I sound like I’m having a pity party. Mostly I am interested in getting my mindset back on track. I cannot seem to just get back to keto or even low carb. A person with an addiction of any kind has to WANT the change. Fortunately for people with drug addiction they can change their association and never have to see the stuff again (for the most part). For a food (and sometimes alcohol) addict you cannot do that. It is there every single day. I appreciate the understanding comments on here! I think we all have our periods of struggle. We all need to be supportive not patronizing.


Thank you for the recipe! I will certainly try it. My hubs and even my daughter said today they are ready to eat better. Not drastically change but they’re willing to exercise some self-control. It’s a start and I’m going to work with it! :wink: :+1: