High ketones after fasting, will you still lose weight

(Hala) #21

Hello I m new in keto since November 2017 I was wondering I’m taking magnesium b6 supplement and another laxative supplement and both contain sucrose … but I’m always testing my ketone level before and after and nthg change … I’m always 0.5 or 1.4 it depends morning after hitt and night … my question is I have to be aware of the sugar in the medicine ? But it’s hard to find something with erythnol or stevia … wht I have to do and btw I take lactase before anything dairy bcz I’m lactose intolerance so I have to avoid dairy ? Or it’s ok to have the lacta supplemnet ?

(Allie) #22

You’ll be better off making this a new topic to ask your questions rather than adding it to a topic of a different subject.

(Hala) #23

It’s better if some1 reply I was excited abt this community but I dnt knw why no one is replying my msgs

(Allie) #24

Most members are sleeping…


@Shortstuff is right - you are better off starting a new topic rather than effectively hiding your question in someone else’s thread. Go to the main menu and simply “Add Topic” and start your own thread where people can answer your questions and talk around the subjects you raise.


Hi Jill,

I am new also. Regarding water intake (no caffeine etc), I use ounces to measure totals.
Water intake/hydration in ounces = at least half your body weight in pounds
I weigh 111 lbs and drink 56 ounces of water a day to maintain hydration.
If my lips start getting dry or I feel thirst, I increase my water intake.
If I’m peeing constantly, I know it’s time to take some Celtic Sea Salt and potassium (electrolytes are off).
Since you are drinking 3 liters of pure water, that = 101 ounces… enough for a 200 lb person.

Glad you are succeeding !

PS I do intermittent fasting from 6-7 pm until 2 pm the next day too!
I expect this will fluctuate since our metabolism is dynamic and not the same from week to week.

(Jill Lothian) #27

Thanks for your reply, glad I am drinking enough.

I am really enjoying the fasting. Hope to see more and more improvements week to week.

Is the salt a necessity? I really struggle with salt


(Rob) #28

Almost certainly.

The Keto WOE generally has a diuretic effect for most people. Have a listen to The Salt Fix episode of the 2ketodudes podcast. It’s a revelation!

I take 5000mg-10000mg (1 or 2 tsp) of Maldon sea salt flakes every day now and feel lousy without it. I dissolve it in water with lemon juice to make it more palatable, but some sea salt flakes under my tongue also works when I don’t have water to hand. I keep a small pot of this salt with me at all times now.

I know some people swear by Pink Himalayan sea salt, but unless someone can convince me that it will out-perform regular sea salt in terms of symptom relief then I’ll stick with the cheaper and readily available stuff.

For me, if I don’t get enough salt I get lethargy, nausea, headaches & muscle cramps to name a few. With a little salt I’m usually better within 15-30 minutes.

(Jill Lothian) #29

Can you get a salt supplement? and is it worth it or should I just suck it up and eat pure salt.


(Allie) #30

Yes, you need salt.
I make capsules to make it easier to take.

(Jill Lothian) #31

Just had it in a black decaff coffee and it actually wasn’t too bad. Is a teaspoon enough a day? sorry to be such a pest I am just learning LOL

(Allie) #32

Have a listen to this Jill :slight_smile:


After investigating salt due to adrenal issues involving aldosterone and cortisol, I chose Celtic Sea Salt (gray and moist due to magnesium) due to the 80 some trace minerals and because it is unprocessed. I was finally able to maintain a sitting blood pressure of 70/40 when I started taking it. I am on medication to keep my blood pressure up now, but we only use Celtic Sea Salt in our home due to the health benefits for all of us. I like the taste too. I never liked regular salt. Weird, huh?
I’ve not purchased Himalayan Pink Salt, but the research shows it has the same benefits as Celtic Sea Salt.

(Allie) #34

I use a mix it Celtic grey and Himalayan pink to make up my capsules. Mix them together 50/50 then cap.

(Jill Lothian) #35

Brilliant podcast, really enjoying listening to all these.