High intensity vs. low intensity cardio for fat loss?

(G. Andrew Duthie) #61

We’ll have to agree to disagree on this, I suppose. The recommendations I see advocate HIIT as a regular activity, particularly for those who want the benefits of exercise without spending an hour on a treadmill daily (or similar activities).

My reading on the subject has led me to the conclusion that for my needs, resistance exercise is most likely to help me reach my goals, with HIIT as an adjunct if I want to add something on days I’m not lifting. Obviously others may come to their own conclusions, given that they may have different goals.

But again, for purposes of burning fat, it’s a moot point. Cardio, whether high- or -low intensity, isn’t going to move the needle significantly, so it’s pointless to worry about whether or not HIIT burns fat more or less easily. Do HIIT if it helps you meet fitness goals, or skip it. But don’t buy into the fallacy that it will make a huge difference in fat burning.

(David) #62

The nice thing is we don’t even have to disagree. I am not advocating
anything or criticising anything. I just thought that mentioning an
additional source of information, which I found interesting, might add
positively to the pot of knowledge for someone else. Everyone has to make
their own decisions as you say. We can all agree on that.

(eat more) #63

BUT…my understanding is that HIIT and resistance training blasts glycogen out more effectively than LISS

(Joy Galian) #64

75 days in keto: today I ended up eating some carbs and got kicked out of ketosis. After walking the dog .75mi and treadmill for 2mi at a slow pace of 2.6mph, I tested ketones thereafter and was back into ketosis reading of .3mmol/L. Every movement counts. Your suggestion however sounds like an awesome variation…

(Teb Tengri) #65

Any time I’ve taken a break I always do 2-4 months of MAF training. Towards the end I’ll add 2 sets of lighter weight exercises for every muscle group on a recovery ride day(stationary bike, heart rate never over 120) once a week.

From there you could tailor it to your particular goals. ie stay at that level of weight/cardio ratio and add HIIT or more weights if aesthetics are important.


Keep doing both plus some weight training.

(Kenny Croxdale) #67

High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT

Yes, this type of training produces an increase in your metabolic rate for hours after your workout.

It has to do with Excess Post Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). Metaphorically speaking, EXPO is like your credit card.

When you overcharge your credit card and can’t pay it off in full, you have to pay back more due to the interest fee. EPOC works essentially the same way.

Muscle Confusion

This is a dumbbed down term that is often misunderstood and applied.

It is based on…

The General Adaptation Syndrome

This means the body learn and adapt. Once adaptation occurs with an exercise program or diet, progress stops.

When progress stops, something needs to be changed.

With an exercise program that means changing exercises. Research shows this is a vital component of continuing to make progress.

That is also true with Diets. Research, “The MATADOR” research study, demonstrated that when you decrease your calorie intake, progress usually stops in two weeks because the body has adapted and learned to live on the new lower calorie intake.

The research demonstrated that once your body adapt to the now lower calorie intake, you need to increase you calorie intake approximately 20% above your current intake.

Doing so, increase your metabolism. Your weight will most likely increase a little with the calorie intake.

After two week of consuming more calories, decrease your calorie intake down approximately 20%.

You will lose the weight you may have gain plus more.

By cycling your calories up and then back down approximately 20%, the research demonstrated that more fat was lost and more muscle was maintained.

Easing Into A Training Program

Anyone entering an exercise program should ease into it.

What interesting is that High Intensity Interval Training is now being used for Cardiac Rehab after surgery.

In discussing HIIT with a Registered Nurse who runs a Cardiac Rehab Program, she was aware it.

She went on to note that, HIIT for Cardiac Rehab amounts to patients walking down to end of the hall and back a couple of time. For Cardiac Rehab Patients, that is High Intensity.

The same applies with obese and sedentary individual starting an exercise program.


Slow but sure wins the race.

Kenny Croxdale