Help/advice with food choices please

(Heather Bryant) #1

Okay. Here’s my situation…I just started Keto a couple weeks ago. No weight loss yet but I do have an increase in energy and quality of sleep. :slight_smile: however, I’m a truck driver over the road with my husband. It’s definitely difficult to find smart food choices on the road much less good choices for a Keto diet! Every truck stop is stocked with junk and fast food joints!
My food choices mainly consist of: beef and bacon jerky (I try to grab the beef jerky with the least carbs always), packaged cheese snacks, protein packs (like a lunchable with cheese and meat squares), and for fast food I’ll grab a burger with no bun or condiment or a taco from Taco Bell with no shell (just the meat cheese and lettuce). I also drink absolutely nothing but bottled water.
I definitely have kept my carbs super low (I have an app to track it) but I still feel like eating the unhealthy fast food (low carbs or not) and the processed jerky, etc is messing me up and I’m not doing this diet correctly. Maybe that’s why I’m not losing weight? Help anybody…??
I also get little to no exercise because we are constantly on the go :frowning: the good news is though that I’ll be back home in late August and will be able to buy and cook my meals at home!

(Jeffry Lauder) #2

Sounds to me like you’re eating too much protein and not enough fat. If your truck has a fridge in it, fat bombs are pretty easy to make and throw in there as a snack or meal. There’s plenty of varying recipes to keep it interesting, but at its most basic, coconut oil and flavorings with artificial sweetener works pretty well. Also, pork rinds are my favorite gas station food :heart_eyes:.

(Heather Bryant) #3

I didn’t realize pork rinds were Keto friendly. I will grab some of those and also look up some fat bomb recipes and see what I can make on the truck. Thanks so much!!

(Tim) #4

McDonalds can actually be pretty Keto Friendly if you know how to order.

Check out this reddit thread.

I’ll try and find some more resources and edit them in here.

(jilliangordona) #5

@jamestorie drives truck too!! He has some great tips I’ve seen him give others.

(jilliangordona) #6

Also… don’t fret about losing weight yet. This way of eating typically isn’t a quick fix, most lose a lot of water weight at first and then take weeks to months to start losing fat. Your body has a lot of healing and keto is doing the job for you :heart:

(Heather Bryant) #7

I read that reddit post! Thanks! Very helpful info!

(Heather Bryant) #8

Thanks Jillian! I did lose about 5 pounds or so but like you said. It’s just water weight so I don’t really count it lol

(Heather Bryant) #9

@jamestorie I’m all ears!! :slight_smile:

(jilliangordona) #10

No problem! Ps you share a last night with my bf!

(James storie) #11

It sounds like you’re away from home for long stretches. I’m lucky enough to come home every weekend so I cook all of my meals for the week. But if I had to be out longer than 2 weeks, I would definitely live off of bun less burgers (mc Donalds is actually a geat choice for this) just order without ketchup. Buy some dukes mayo if you are in the south, it doesn’t have sugar, and make egg salad with the boiled eggs you can get at most truck stops and eat with pork rinds! Carry butter, you can add it to most anything.

(Heather Bryant) #12

Thank you so much!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: the bun less burgers have actually been hitting the spot and Arby’s roast beef with out a bun or any sauce is actually better than with a bun haha! At least in my opinion.

(James storie) #13

Oh yeah! And don’t forget that you can raid the produce section of Walmarts across the country for avocados!

(Anna) #14

Canned sardines in olive oil, packed tuna, canned salmon or canned mackrel, thermos of hot water from the coffee pot at a truck stop ( buy some bullion cubes, beef ckicken, etc, instant coffee ) and yes a jar of coconut oil. An instant hot drink on the road.

An ice chest with dry ice might last longer for keeping veggies, like lettuce, kale, broccoli, etc. Then you can tear a few leaves into your broth.

Just a few ideas.

(James storie) #15

Yes, king Oscar brand are the sardines I like the best! I’ve thought about ordering some online by the case. I wonder if you can do that?

(Anna) #16

Yes and Pickled Herring too.

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #17

Welcome to the keto WOE!
This topic on drivers has additional links and will connect you with other truckers :blush::sunglasses:. One includes a link to a YouTube channel on this topic

(Nick) #18

Macadamia nuts!