Heart Labs


I found detailed heart labs I had performed back in 2011.

Upon reviewing the paperwork it is revealed that I have ApoE Genotype 2/3. The explanation is provided

“This patient has the ApoE genotype E2/E3. Over 95% of individuals with type III hyperlipoprotienemia are homozygous for the E2 allele. Only rarely does this disorder occur with the heterozygous genotype E2/E3; results must be interpreted within the context of the appropriate clinical setting and rarely with other laboratory data. E2 carriers have a slightly lower risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) compared to individuals with E3/E3 genotype”

Does this mean I am not a good candidate for Keto?

I have been ketoing for about 10 weeks now. I do find my heart racing a little more than normal, especially at night which I have been attributing to dehydration.

I am enjoying the increase in energy I have from Keto and better sleep. I really do not understand what the ApoE genotype mean. Does anyone know?

(Jay AM) #2

What are you doing for electrolytes?

I’m confused. You said you were E2/E3? This says E2 has lower CHD risk so, isn’t that good? You have E2.

(Rob) #3

This is a whole thread on APoE4 (the most dangerous one apparently). This entry mentions the 2 and 3 variants which seem much better (See below). Having the 4 variant makes it even more essential to do keto to mitigate the inherent risks of CVD/AD/etc. It doesn’t look like 2/3 has any negative connotations vs. keto. KCKO and don’t worry about your genes? :thinking:


Thank you for the responses.

Upon reviewing the results, the 2/3 result is highlighted in yellow which means caution. The doctor wrote down that 2 was a variant. Not really sure what that means.

Her real worry was the KIF6 Genotype which is “Arg/Arg” which is rare and means that I have a 55% increase for chronic heart disease.

Well I think I will go for bloodwork soon to see how things are.