Heart issues while restarting keto

(Angelica Lopez) #1

Been doing keto since early 2013 and I’ve kept my carbs under 10 grams a day the entire time, but mostly under 5 a day. I’ve felt great ever since, tons of energy. I went off keto April of last year because my pregnancy made me hate protein and I craved only carbs. Gained 40 lbs, then went back to keto this past December up until last month and lost all the weight. I went off it again last month after I found out I was pregnant again so soon, I felt depressed and again I couldn’t eat the right foods without being sick. Anyway, I ended up having a miscarriage, so I just started keto again 3 days ago and my body is struggling hard. Halfway through the first day with low carbs and no sugar I started having tons of palpitations/PVCs. This is especially true when I’m standing, and they will not calm until I sit down, plus my heart rate is drastically higher at all times. I’ve never had this issue when restarting keto in the past or after a refeed when I was weight training. I’m doing everything the exact same way so what gives? I thought maybe an electrolyte imbalance but the symptoms seemed to start the same day I started keto again, so I don’t see how that would happen so fast. Any ideas?

(Dan Dan) #2

Sorry for your loss …

(Dan Dan) #3

@tdseest, posted this on other similar topic

"Yes. The Vegus Nerve directly effects the heart and can lead to palpitations, problems with rhythm, etc.


Stimulating it can also rest the heart to a normal rhythm.

Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercises and Your Vagus Nerve

Vagus Nerve Survival Guide: Phase One (This entry is first in a 9 part series.)

The bottom line is that your body is reacting to stress. So, just pay close attention to your body during a fast. If you feel any reason where you feel “off” or wrong or bad, bail on the fast and live to fast another day. The fact that you’ve learned this much tells me you’re already doing this, but I want to emphasize the point.

Good work on the electrolytes."

(Angelica Lopez) #4

Thanks. The whole stress thing makes a lot of sense since my body felt stressed as hell. And I went from eating TONS of carbs the past month back down to 5 grams overnight. Done it before and never had that reaction that’s why I was concerned, but I guess I was lucky. I’m starting to feel better today. Thanks again!