Having Hard Time Starting


I was doing well on Keto and felt good. Lost some weight, clothes fitted better etc etc. I fell off the wagon so to speak, and now I keep saying I will get back on it tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. This has been going on the past couple of months and I’m going crazy not being able to pick it up easily as I did before. Maybe keto just isn’t for me…who knows.

(Bunny) #2

I like the slow and gradual approach three meals a day for a week, then two meals a day for a week then, one meal a day, then slowly I start feeling good and not hungry! Cycling is so key, it just takes a little thought and discipline!

You can do it! :+1:

(Liz ) #3

Look through here, maybe something will click:

(Holly) #4

Do you have a lot of carbs in your house? What do you normally end up eating carbwise?


My biggest drawback is sugar. I am originally from England so it’s really hard to quit that in my cup of tea. Also I’m a candy freak so the craving gets me good!