Have a question about "Starvation mode"

(Chris) #1

Hello, Im brand new to this diet and lifestyle. I started June 1st of this year. I have not really had a problem with going to carbs at all (never thought I would be able to say that), but I fell my calorie intake is low. I have the app to track it, and I always read “dont count calories” but I just dont know if im doing it right. I put a tbsp of coconut oil in my coffee every morning, I have been skipping breakfast, Eat lunch which varies from what I make but usually around 900 calories, 4 carbs, 20 protein, 60ish fat. But im not hungry other then that, I mean I could eat but dont really feel hungry so I dont, and I skip dinner usually, but not always. I need to lose about 60 pounds, but feel like maybe im not eating enough but like I stated (and read) if your not hungry then dont eat, so I dont. Anyone else ever felt like this?

(Alec) #2

Could you give us an idea of what you are eating for lunch. It certainly sounds like you are undereating. But it is always a conundrum if you are not hungry. We need to find out why.

(Chris) #3

Thanks for getting back to me. Well, Today for instance I had two eggs, cooked in olive oil, small sliced tomato, 3 sausage links, and a strip of bacon, with a whole small avocado. It was going to be my breakfast BUT I had a late chicken salad last night, and with the coconut oil in my coffee this morning it really does not make me hungry. I also have Apple cider vinegar in water in the morning, and take a multi along with garlic, turmeric and fish oil pill.

(Alec) #4

OK, so this is definitely not enough food. But my advice right now is that you are only just starting, so you should stick to the rules and see how it goes over a 4-6 week stretch. The basic rules/guidelines: eat max 20g of net carbs, 0.8-1g protein per kg of LBM, and then eat fat to satiety (meaning that if you aren’t hungry, just don’t eat).

The one thing you said above that I might suggest: you are eating chicken salad? Halve the salad and veg quantity you are eating and eat more fat.

But most important, just keep going. Let the process happen. We know this works.

(Chris) #5

Thanks! Yeah I usually eat breakfast (Pretty much what I listed for my lunch today minus the avocado), and a lunch which is usually about 2 cups of spinach with olive oil and vinegar mixed, with cucumber and cheese, with either steak or chicken, or bacon of course haha. But I heard about this 16/8 so wanted to try it. I can do it no problem as of now. All I can say is a feel great since starting Keto, feel thinner (Probably cause I gave up beer) and have more energy already. I was just worried about this “starvation mode” because according to the numbers I was given from the app im far off. But at the same time I dont feel hungry so im really confused. I will take your advice and see what happens the next 4-6 weeks. Thank you Alec!

(Jessica) #6

I lost my hunger…it took me longer than 6 days, but I lost it, and most do. It came back :slight_smile:

Keto is great for weight loss, in part, because it helps appetite control

(Chris) #7

Hi Jessica. Well that makes me feel a little better, I thought I was the only one feeling like this so early (From other forums and stuff). Glad to hear im not some rare case or something haha.

(Alec) #8

You are definitely not on your own here. I think many people have their hunger go up and down with no real explanation.

In the last week, I have been really hungry with no real explanation. Then what happened? I started to feel not 100%, and I think I now have a very mild cold or flu. I think my body already knew what was happening before I did and told me to eat more because it was fighting the bugs.

The interesting thing for me is that I can hardly feel the infection/bug… it is so mild. But I know something is off. I am therefore not fasting, and I am limiting my exercise until I feel back closer to 100%. The interesting thing for me is that I am convinced my symptoms would have been MUCH worse pre-keto. I am sure that keto has significantly blunted my symptoms. However, no proof or science here, just a feeling and an opinion.

KCKO my friend!

(LeeAnn Brooks) #9

Would skipping the morning coffee with coconut oil help you eat more later?

Many people drop BPC once they become fat adapted. It might be worth experimenting with.

(Alec) #10

That’s what happened to me.

Damn, there i go again, ageeing with LeeAnn… must stop doing that!

(LeeAnn Brooks) #11

Why stop? You know it feels good.:grin:

(LeeAnn Brooks) #12

BTW, I still enjoy it as a treat once in a while, like maybe once a week.

I will do a slightly smaller meal and end it with a BPC just to enjoy and unwind - with decaf coffee of course.
I’ll even sip it while taking a nice long bath.

It feels like an endulgence but it’s not.

(Karen) #13

For fun!



(Chris) #14

Wow, the body really does work magic

(Chris) #15

Hello. I guess I can give it a shot. I was reading on another forum that the oil in the coffee helped. I also got the pills for added fat. I used to smoke, quit after I started vaping. Quit vaping also now and I think that’s where the weight/hunger came in to play. I never ate very much while smoking. Now on keto I fell like I did when I smoked (without the out of breath feeling, and smelling horiable). Maybe I will give it a shot and see if it helps. I do like to have a cocktail at the end of the day, not much but usually a Jameson with diet 7up.

(Chris) #16

Thank you for this Karen. Very interesting

(Chris) #17

Does everyone agree that it’s better skipping breakfast rather then dinner? Asking because I’m total opposite only because most of the time when I eat late I get acid reflux or something and its horiable to try to sleep with lol

(LeeAnn Brooks) #18

Ask 10 people that and you’ll get 10 different answers.

I find it easiest to skip breakfast, simply because I’m already fasting from sleep, so I just continue it. But if eating in the evening bothers you, I would go with what your body is telling you.

(Karen) #19

Eat early and reduce your eating window. Full digestion before bedtime.


(Chris) #20

Thank you LeeAnn. That’s kinda how I feel. I almost feel like I should be the one to try it, and if it dont work as well or at all, or maybe it works faster who knows but maybe try it myself because most people (again from other forums and websites) say skip breakfast and enjoy dinner lol.