Hair loss help


Happened to me, not enough protein, and take Biotin. Hair is all back now.

(Lois) #22

I, too, am having drastic hair loss. Am taking Biotin 1000 mcg daily for well over a month and no improvement. How much biotin did you take?


5000mcg and I still take it daily even though my hair is back, because some days I just don’t feel like eating

(Consensus is Politics) #25

I haven’t lost any hair at all with keto. If anything it’s been growing in. My forehead seems to be shrinking. Read that as the hair seems to be getting closer to my face.

I did have a brittle nail problem. The edge of my nails were extremely brittle and were chipping constantly. Trimming them was horrible as they would crack apart and not cut. The cure for that was biotin. As my nails grew back over the next couple of months I could see the difference. Finally, they are as strong as they ever were, and no longer brittle.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #26

I find that the pectin in meat gristle helps keep my nails strong.

(Carolyn aka stokies) #27

10,000 of Biotin didn’t help me at all. :crying_cat_face:

Neither did Vitamin D. Thyroid is fine. Protien is good.

Gonna try MSM and collagen/bone broth next.

Here’s hoping…