Gut health and constipation! Oh my! 😐


Yes I feel like I need a klonic at this point :laughing: do they have keto klonic clinics hahaha

(Sandra) #11

I have always suffered from bowel issues and not going regularly. I started to make my own sauerkraut at home and having a cup each night with my dinner. I found that I have been going regularly and it has helped with my bloating. It’s super easy to make and I make enough for 1 week each time. lots of natural probiotics :smile:


My first question would be, are you really constipated or do you just not have to make a BM, because the two are not the same. Second, I wouldn’t say more fiber will help, it might actually make it worse.

I mean, if you’re desperate, there’s always the sugar-free gummy bear cleanse, that’ll be guaranteed colon-blow.


Rofl this sounds like a good idea! Haha

No literally I’m always bloated lately despite eating properly I am not sure what it is! Maybe it’s the dairy!

I might just eliminate it for a week and see what happens!

('Jackie P') #14

Check out chia seed puddings and ‘flaxseed foccacia’. These 2 things were the turning point for me. Now constipation is a rare problem even when I don’t eat them daily

(KCKO, KCFO) #15

From another thread about this issue:

('Jackie P') #16

Yes! I think the chia seeds and flaxseeds helped me over the transition towards gut health.
I still take a good probiotic (coconut biomel), but I no longer stress over fibre. Although I do enjoy my veg!

(Christiana) #17

I have found that adding fat is much more beneficial to my gut health than adding fiber. Are you eating enough fat?


I was eating enough I believe but now I’m taking dairy out of the equation so definitely need to be more mindful of tracking my fat! :frowning:

(Jennifer) #19

I’m hoping that eventually keto and fasting will help regulate my gut microbiome, because I have suffered from IBS-C for-freakin-ever. Magnesium helps. Either through supplements or pink salt. Sometimes I sip hot pink salt water, and pretend it’s broth, lol. But it helps. I’m not completely regular yet, but I’m seeing improvements.

(Todd Allen) #20

Adding muscle increases metabolism. Strength training is the most effective form of exercise for building muscle. Cardio can improve muscle quality but can also inhibit muscle growth so do some strength training if you want a metabolic boost. Exercising and strengthening abdominal muscles can also reduce constipation. Try things like sit ups, crunches, squats, long walks and short hard sprints and you should find something that moves you…


I’ll give this a try! All but the sprints :wink:

(Todd Allen) #22

Sprints are what works best for my dog. If she just lays around the house she can be a bit gassy though not as bad as when we fed her commercial kibble. Take her for a walk on the leash and she often poops but it can take a long time. Take her somewhere I can let her dash off leash and boom, big poop 1 minute later without fail and she’ll be poop and gas free for many hours. I wish I could dash like she does…

(Scott) #23

Early in keto due to the change it kind of feels like constipation. As you settle in you realize that you just aren’t needing to go as much.

(Cindy) #24

I struggled with keto constipation for a whole year too, and had to use “cleansing” supplements to get through it. But now have it totally licked. I still do tons of fiber, dairy, cheese, etc. without a problem. Here’s what worked for me:

Apple Cider Vinegar supps before each meal, larger dose at bedtime
2-4 tablespoons per day of coconut oil
Magnesium citrate supps - 2 per day
Potassium supp 1-2 times per week

I also used:
Turkey rhubarb 1-2 times per day.
It became too much for me, but it works if you need it, plus is really good for the kidneys. I accidentally discovered it when I had a problem with my kidneys and needed a good kidney supp.

(bulkbiker) #25

Are you really constipated or simply going less?
Is it painful to poo with hard stools?


This is very helpful thank you! Yes plus I’m bloated all the time! I have been unable to lose any weight and stuck at 195 despite all the dietary changes I have made, intermittent fasting for 16 hours a day.

I’m really frustrated because no matter what I do the scale isn’t moving.

I just started to exercise this week. Walking 30-1 hour a day. I will add weights 2-3 times a week and see how that goes; hopefully this will increase my water intake.

I don’t know what is going on with my body but I do know that most people would have been down 40 lbs by now. I’ve been on keto since Jan 1. I’ve lost 20 lbs but all of it was in the first 2-3 weeks. Nothing since. I’m always bloated too. I’m not really sure why and what is going on with my body. Maybe your tips are essential to making my body healthier and maybe the problem stems from poor gut health and digestive issues caused over the years. Not sure. Magnesium though has helped me to go the bathroom better but no change on the scale for two months. I would have been happy with a 3 lb weight loss just anything.


Have you tried adding fermented foods to your meals (pickles, kimchi, saurkraut? Not the kind you find on the shelves, but in the refrigerated section of the grocery store? There is good stuff there which I have heard helps grow good gut bacteria.

Also, if you aren’t already taking one, try a probiotic.

I’ve read somewhere that when we change what we eat it can cause a die off of old gut flora and we might need to encourage or even introduce new types that will thrive on what we eat on keto. I don’t know where I read this, so I’m sorry about that.


I drink this fermented pickle juice but inneed yo take my probiotic more regularly!!

(Helen Taylor) #29

All constipation can be helped if you drink plenty of water - try a litre and a half a day, in glasses five or six times. Take your saliva in your mouth, try to blow a bubble on your lips. If it’s easy, you’re constipated. Your saliva should be so soft and loose it’s like water. Not glue. Water can’t make bubbles!

I have a good sized forkful of kimchi with every meal. This has fibre, spice and is just good.