Good news and not so good

(Miss E) #1

16 days in, weight is down 4kg but body fat % is waaaay up. My thoughts on how this might happen is either;

Water weight gone which would up the percentage of fat.
Not getting enough protein for muscle growth and recovery.
Too much fat, should fast more or lower % fat in food.

Thoughts please. Hard to celebrate weight loss with an increase in %

(Candy Lind) #2

Are you getting this off a fancy-schmancy scale? I wouldn’t believe it. I bet they are thrown off by the large water loss as you deplete your glycogen stores. I wouldn’t worry about that, just KCKO.

(Allie) #3

How are you measuring it?

(Diane) #4

If you’re using a scale that reads your body fat percentage, they aren’t very accurate. I worked in a research clinic where we used bioimpedence to measure body fat. When these kinds of scales first came out, we compared them to our equipment and there’s a large margin of error. I believe they are somewhat better now, but I still worry about trusting them. Also, if you’re dehydrated when you step on them, they can’t give you an accurate reading. I know I usually weigh myself in the morning after I go to the bathroom and before eating or drinking. So there’s that.

Hope this helps. :smiley:

(Miss E) #5

the scale a the gym, not sure what kind it is but looks fancier than a regular scale.

I may have been dehydrated so I’ll work on that. Thanks everyone

(Allie) #6

Probably the same kind of thing as my Tanita body composition scale. They’re not accurate, don’t let the readings get to you. Just listen to your body, pay attention to how you feel and what makes you feel good.

(Karl) #7

They better not be accurate :slight_smile: My Withings/Nokia “Body Cardio” scale pinned me at 6% bodyfat. There’s just no way that’s true.

The next day it would read 14%, which apparently means I accidentally inhaled a walrus.

(Central Florida Bob ) #8

Quote of the day, right there!

(Miss E) #9

hahaha that makes me feel a lot better, mine jumped by 10% in 6 weeks (of weight loss) so of course being on a high fat diet I mildly freaked out.

(Diane) #10


(Allie) #11
