Getting that full feeling


Unfortunately, after eating a plateful of broccoli and cabbage I’m not getting that satiated feeling. I do eat meat at some meals but I get cravings for more than I need afterwards.
Anyone any ideas how to stodge up so I don’t get the urge to eat more meat than I should.
I notice that a nibble of cheese does do it for some reason.


Vegetable carbs can add up pretty quickly which will stoke hunger. Why are you avoiding meat?


Hi Roop298! You should fill up by eating fatty meat.

I only have a small portion of a very low carb veggie on the side just because I enjoy having some. But carbs aren’t what we should be eating to make us feel full. At least not the way I’ve learned to eat this Keto.

I guess I don’t know how long ago you switched to eating this way or your history, so, please forgive me if I’ve missed something you have posted previously.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #4

As per @TheOrangePimpernel broccoli and cabbage are not the way to get that satiated feeling. Even if you stuffed yourself so full you couldn’t down another forkful, you’ll be hungry again in a couple of hours. As per @GreeneggsNham vegetables of any description are an adjunct/incidental option, not the main meal. You get satiated by protein and fats. So you need to eat more of them and less plant filler.

What exactly is more meat than you should? Are you restricting yourself to some arbitrary number of calories or some arbitrary amount of meat and/or protein? If you eat meat and crave more, my guess is that you need to eat more not less. How much fat are you eating? You probably need to eat more fat, too. Very fatty cuts of meat are excellent, but lean meats not so much.

A nibble of cheese likely does it for you because most cheeses are protein and fat dense. There are many cheeses that have very low or no carbs as well. Seek and you shall find them.


Well of course. We should eat a proper meal, not a few carbs…
Some plant is a sure way to make me hungry, actually. Carbs have this effect on me and I am not alone. For you, it’s neutral or maybe even satiating just not much. It’s normal. Some vegetable isn’t a meal.

How much meat do you eat that you think it’s too much? Why is it too much? Much protein? Too expensive? You can’t get enough meat? I have all 3 reasons to be careful with it but I still don’t need to eat plants if I fancy meat. Maybe 10 eggs but that’s more satiating than a tiny bit of plants for me.

I am really curious about your diet now. I saw people with very weird ideas so I don’t know if you really eat huge amounts of meat already (I doubt it, though) or you have some ideas that 1 pounds of meat is unacceptable…
And what is the case with other fatty protein sources? I have days without any meat when I don’t touch plants either and I get satiated. Not as well as with meat but good enough.
Satiation is very individual. Fatty meat is usually quite effective but there are other options for most of us, I think… Vegetables are often not good but even if someone gets satiated by anything just the same (there are such people, I know one), there is still the calories problem… I don’t know about others, I need calories to get satiated, I can be starving when my stomach is absolutely, uncomfortably full (and it’s about 2 liters in my case) if I didn’t get my calories - and carb calories act like negative numbers…
Learn what satiates you and eat accordingly.


I’m not. I’m avoiding over eating protein.


It’s the over eating your daily requirement of protein that’s the issue. My favourite meat, other than fish is belly pork but I don’t want to be eating piles of red meat every week. Fatty or not.
Yes, according to Chronometer, the ratio of fat to (particularly) protein is off balance.
If I take daily intake as: fats as 100% then my protein is around 70% and carbs at around 30%.
Yes, I’m new to this-much-fat-in-the-diet and I’m still playing with foods.


Percentages doesn’t matter though…
And many of us easily eat more protein than fat, it’s no problem as long as the grams are okay…
My fat is usually a tad higher but usually similar.

How much do you eat that you can afford 15% carbs on keto? Something isn’t right. Can’t you give us grams to have some idea about your macros?


I’m using Chrono to count intake. So far today: P/C/F: 26/5/28. Yesterday P/C/F: 65/26/70. All in grams.
If you look at the recommended amount of protein intake for my build; its around 60g max. Depending on what expert you listen to all you are going to do is cause gluconeogenesis by taking in more protein. And I’m not factoring in I’m 55 years old.
The way I see it is to ingest more leafy greens (at very little carb cost) mixed in with more fat. But as I’ve already said, it doesn’t really do it for me.


Why would you expect to? Broccoli and Cabbage doesn’t equal a meal!

More than you need? You sure about that? Sounds like your body telling you to still eat what it wants to me.

Are you tracking what you’re eating? What are your body stats and what are you calling “to much” meat? You’re not a converted vegetarian or something are you? Just trying to understand your mindset.

What does that mean to you? Do you have a protein gram limit you’ve set? Unlikely you’d over eat protein as it’d satiate you which seems to be what you’re lacking.


I am a short, not active, not muscular woman, 75-100g is my goal, it’s a nice amount for me (yeah, I probably wouldn’t lose much muscles eating 60g either but 2g/kg for lean bodyweight isn’t a bad amount. maybe a tad unnecessary but I need to be realistic, this amount is already so very low for me that I go over regularly even on carnivore where I eat the least fat, protein and carbs).

Sometimes we can’t follow guidelines without shooting ourselves in the food, so to speak… Both adequte and high-protein feels great to me and it’s not like I can avoid that so I don’t worry about it but I use fatty protein so my average protein intake isn’t way too high. It should be enough.
For good satiation, I personally should avoid plants especially vegetables. But they are great for many people. Use them together with meat, cheese, eggs or whatever satiate you. Vegetable and fat is a combo that would never satiate me and I did try it with a huge (not keto) amount. It didn’t do a thing, I need protein too. Vegetable is usually a nice side dish but getting satiated with it on keto is impossible for many of us.
And even with our satiating food, amount matters a lot. A too tiny meal isn’t enough.


The broccoli and cabbage statement was somewhat tongue in cheek. No, the protein thing is recommended guidelines, that’s all.


Ok, but meaning what? Who’s guidelines? Your protein intake is dependent on your LBM/Bodyweight. Many people don’t even remotely eat enough and set themselves back huge, no shortage of people under eat protein and then just loose muscle weight instead of fat thereby TECHNICALLY making themselves fatter as their fat vs LBM has flipped.


If you’re not eating much vegetation where are you getting your nutrients?


LBM/weight is what I’m basing it on.


Ok… and what are those and what are you eating? I think you’re missing my point.


LBM is about 70kg. I say that because it’s only estimated at this stage.
Protein intake is about 75g


Gotcha, that’s what I was thinking. I don’t know your body weight but that’s a decent amount of LBM, and in my opinion and I’d think the same as most of us with a descent amount of muscle you’re eating about HALF of what you should be to keep it, let alone build on top of it.


er, where do you get your calculation from? I just looked on google.


For anybody that want to maintain muscle or gain it ESPECIALLY while losing body fat which inherently affects muscle mass no matter what the common goto would be 1g/lb of body weight, not LBM. I can’t convert that for you as I don’t know your bodyweight, but if I were you I’d keep a VERY close eye on your muscle mass eating that low. When it comes to muscle you need to have a muscle mindset, not a “weight loss” mindset. The protein isn’t going to stop you from loosing fat, quite the opposite actually as protein is very thermogenic and it takes a lot to process. Remember, the more muscle mass you have, the more metabolism you have!

I’d plug your stats into this calc, it’s still a calc so it’s an educated guess but this one’s pretty good. Especially for us as it’s made with keto in mind. Measurements are key for accuracy. (again, accuracy for a calc).