Getting over fear of FAT?


I wonder if the original poster @cmf1225 ever got over her fear of fat or butter? I didn’t notice at first that she posted this Feb of 2019 and I was all geared up to send my encouragement and fat-eating praise her way. :joy: I do hope she discovered what we all did and learned to love her food again and its benefits.

To anyone else reading this who also was worried about eating butter, just read about all the health dangers in eating margarine as well as seed oils, and you’ll suddenly love natural, unadulterated, wholesome, pure butter - fully and completely. And bacon and beef fat too. LOL


Not everyone. Some people simply dislike butter. There is nothing wrong with that. I dislike tallow so I don’t eat it. My SO dislikes lard so he only eats it in tiny amounts in pork dishes. We both eat plenty of good fat.
One doesn’t even necessarily need to eat any added fat. And some of us are better with zero or as little as possible. I get plenty of fat from my protein sources and if I needed twice as much fat, I still easily could get it from my protein sources (but I would add some butter here and there as I love butter :wink: ).
I even understand some people don’t like much added fat. It feels different and better when it’s just naturally in the food. It even fools some people who don’t know the macros of their food. Eggs doesn’t feel greasy at all - but they are quite fatty especially calorie wise :wink:

We should eat the right amount of fat (of course, it’s a range. it’s quite horrible when people decide on a fixed number - or get it from some calculator, even worse - and try to force themselves to eat accordingly. okay, surely it works for someone but in general, too rigid). Not too much, not too little. We may have difficulties to do it but health is most important and we humans can change, a lot, for the better!
And we can play with the protein/fat ratio if it helps. Sometimes it’s quite needed. I love fat and could overeat it like crazy (I almost constantly keep myself back) but 70-80% fat? Wouldn’t work and I wouldn’t even enjoy it so much. 65% is easy but I often need to go lower. And while that still may seem too fatty for someone who is used to eating low-fat, I have very “normal”, not particularly fatty food there.

(Jane) #23

It’s a real eye-opener, for sure - loved that book!

I was an outlier in that as soon as I left home at 17 I never ate margerine again unless inadvertently at a restaurant. I switched to butter and have eaten it ever since (I am 65 so quite a few years). Now, of course I limited how much I ate because I was sucked into the “low fat” nonsense spouted by every diet and dietician. Also never stopped eating eggs or reduced salt, even though they were deemed evil also.

So, some of the brain-washing worked on me and some did not. It helped I remembered my great-grandparents who lived to be very old and only Grammy got a little heavy in her old age - but not obese. Grampa was rail thin his whole life and neither had heart issues. They lived on a farm and ate butter, bacon, eggs and made biscuits with lard.


Well I was speaking to what the OP said, and it appeared it wasn’t a matter of taste but instead a “fear” of eating it due to what she had always been taught to believe about it, not a dislike of the flavor. So that’s what I was replying to. I realize some people may not like the taste of butter, but it’s just not as common. Most people grew to dislike the taste solely based on what they were taught to believe about it. I can relate to how tallow can be a bit harder for more people to acquire a liking for, but I don’t feel that’s the same for the sweet flavor of butter, which most people would like, Notice I’m not saying “all” people.

(Bob M) #25

I started out as a body builder, so was always watching what I ate. I then got convinced that fat was bad, and went on a Pritikin diet (very low fat). That caused depression and mood swings, so I’d eat very low fat, get depressed, drink too much beer, eat pizza and ice cream, go back to low fat, get depressed…ad nauseam.

Been keto for a long time now, and I’ll still remark to myself how much fat there is in something. I’m no longer afraid of fat (animal fat, coconut fat, though I try to avoid seed oils), but I still harbor thoughts about the amount of fat.


That’s not necessarily bad. It may be useful to know things, it’s only bad if we feel bad while eating quite okay… I always look at the fattiness of my items (when I can. most of my food has no such info) as it’s important for me to get the right amount of protein and fat, preferably during the day :slight_smile:

(Chris) #27

My experience (Since 9/23) is that eventually your body says YES GOOD and it starts tasting great
Carnivore has made healthier than I’ve ever been. Carn / basically KETO I suppose.

(Geoffrey) #28

We were all brainwashed at one time but some of us chose the red pill.


I still can’t imagine how people get persuaded about fat being bad… So surreal.
There were brainwashing here too but people just refused to give up high-fat. They just ate way too much seed oil and margarine. Sigh.
I don’t remember older times but every supermarket wants to sell fatty meat to us (I walked shopping and heared encouragement from the loudspeaker to buy and roast some nice pork hock :wink: ) while we barely ever hear about the official guidelines and people like good food so I don’t see those things to change, thankfully. People eat wrong already, don’t ruin everything… Many think HCLF is better than HCHF. I am not sure about it, probably depends on the person. I just don’t know how one could eat low-fat, low-carb seems WAY easier… :thinking: And more enjoyable :slight_smile:
One other thing that just don’t fly with us is veganism.
I think the strong traditional emotional bond between Hungarian people and pork just can’t be easily broken.

(KM) #30

If I’m being extremely cynical, your country had food and a solid food culture, but wasn’t “developed”. The “powers” that be, corporate interests, were minor at first, and had much less incentive to pound away at you with dietary or appearance propaganda. Many of us, tradition or not, have been told what New and Improved (and cheaper to manufacture) foods we ought to eat (and more importantly, pay for) from the day we were born, with “science” backing it up to the point that we developed a pathological disgust for fat. You’re lucky!



Sounds horrible. And I can’t possibly know what would have happened with me elsewhere… But I am so extremely strongly into fat and can’t handle low-fat (my room 101 is low-fat, I always say. it’s TORTURE) that I suppose I would rebel anywhere. I still would suffer on some level, that would be impossible to avoid but not liking fat? That’s not me.