Getting colds more often While on Keto


For collagen peptides, I just buy whatever is the cheapest non-GMO and grassfed kind on Amazon (you have to select search for prices low to high), and all organic liposomal C is pretty pricey. Another option is to put 4-5 goji berries (wolfberries) or some frozen pomegranate kernels in your mug of collagen broth for a highly absorbable C boost - or add some frozen berries to your smoothies that have added collagen. For D, hmm, I buy D3 from a brand called Country Naturals in a glass jar.

Hope that helps!


Iodine is supposed to be secreted by the mucus membranes. It helps act as an antiseptic. Iodine deficiency is another one of those common deficiencies of civilization. We had it on lock down by iodizing salt and using iodine based dough conditioners in our bread. Now days most people avoid salt, and those that don’t are using fancy uniodized salts. Modern dough conditioners are bromine based, and bromine is not only not iodine, but it displaces iodine in the body.

I used to regularly get terrible sinus infections that would often go down into my chest. More than once it has turned into full blown bronchitis. These sinus infections were usually preceded by a day or two of sinus pain. I would use a neti pot to try and nip it in the bud, but it didn’t always work. I added tea tree oil to my neti pot, and that helped, buy still didn’t always work. Then I started adding xylitol to my neti pot. It breaks up biofilms kind of like soap, but unlike soap, there is no risk of permanently losing your sense of smell. Then I finally added some povidone to this concoction. This helped quite a bit, but still not 100%.

After having done keto for awhile I got a wicked sinus infection. It was very painful, and had taken hold particularly strong in the back of my sinuses above my soft palate, making swallowing very painful. My neti concoction was doing diddly. I ended up going to the Dr. and getting antibiotics for it. It was strep. Instead of strep throat, I had strep nose.

Anyway, to make a long story even longer, after that I looked into iodine supplementation yo see if it would help me lose weight faster, what with thyroid hormone containing iodine and all. That’s when I learned about how our mucus membranes secrete small amounts of iodine as an antiseptic. I’ve been taking 12.5mg a day ever since, and knock on wood, I have not had even a twinge of sinus pain since then. 12.5mg is what the average Japanese person gets with their high sea food diet. If I eat a significant amount of t of seafood, I’ll skip that day’s dose. Taking too much iodine can cause it’s own problems, so I’m playing it safe. Some people take up to 50mg a day! That’s asking for thyroiditis if you don’t have a special need for large amounts of iodine. Women can probably get away with somewhat larger doses, as breast tissue needs plenty of iodine, but 12.5mg seems to be plenty for the ladies in Japan.


Thought I would provide an update. It has been over 10 months since my last cold or other infection of any kind that I am aware of. I take no supplements regularly


Another update. I have not had a cold, fever or any other upper respiratory infection since July 2018

(John) #52

I have not noticed any change, more or fewer, since starting a ketogenic way of eating about a year ago.

(Bunny) #53

Two things that I know of are lots of Arginine in the diet (will promote rapid weight loss but weakens the immune system a little and makes you more susceptible to getting sick) and not enough Vitamin C in the diet from natural sources (like peppers; have more vitamin C than fruit without the carbs/sugar)!


I eat tons of peppers and tomatoes. I buy the packs of mini peppers.

What has arginine

(Susan) #56

I am a stay at home mom; but in our household, in the past month, everyone has got really sick with colds (my one daughter is on her second round of antibiotics). I have only had a slight cold, which might only actually be my alergies, not even a cold. I am also the only one that always get a yearly flu shot, but I am also the only totally Keto person in the household.

Is Nutritional Ketosis helpful if you have a cold or seasonal hayfever allergies?

Interesting. I had that about 7 years ago. Kid brought home this horrible fever with cough. Over the next 6 weeks everyone got it. H had to get a chest xray. Babysitter got it too. I did not. At the time, pre keto I was having a smoothy with beets and pomerganite and mango every day. I was convinved it was that, no idea if it really was. Did not get sick for 2 years. I have never had a flu shot. I had the flu once in January 2000 (it was memorable).

The one thing that is different was in my first year on keto I fasted a lot, 3-5 days at least 2 or 3Xs per month. Since then I will occassionally but usually not for more than a day or two. I do wonder if it is correlated to fasting in some way.I no longer fast much and no longer get colds. I have gotten two weird things recently and both happened in the middle or shortly after a fast., one is a UTI (sorry TMI) about a month ago, which is not something I am overly prone to, tried a bunch of remedies and nothing helped, took keflex and it was gone in 2 days. The other is a week ago I woke up with a stiff knee on one side which radiates to my calf and up to my back. No idea what it is or even what caused it but it started on Day 3 of a fast. I still have it and it is annoying. I did switch my desk chair recently and have been doing some cleaning but not overly vigorous or anything. I have not been exercising or doing anything else. It is bothering me so if anyone knows what is is please feel free to comment. At first it felt like I had too much fluid in my knee. It feels like the problem is the area right above the knee. I can bend it but it is slow and does not bend as much as the other one. I have no history of knee problems. The hip on that side is stiff too but it usually is, does not bother me

(Libby) #58

Not if you put elderberries in a liter bottle of vodka. Then they become much less expensive (20 bucks for the vodka and 6 bucks for the elderberries. Voila! Elderberry tincture! Enough to last you for a decade and give some away, too!)

(Allie) #59

I’ve now had this damn cold for about two months, but turns out it’s an allergy to the mealworm I was breeding for my hens so as of yesterday, no more mealies…

(Susan) #60

Oh wow; that is good you at least figured it out, Allie. I hope that you will be on the mend and feeling better in no time now =).


So you never had a cold . . . I was going to suggest it was simply a sinus infection . . . I have not had a serious cold since starting keto 10 months ago. I had a mild short lived one that was the shortest Ive ever had that I can remember. It was almost as if I didn’t have it. Previously I almost always got bronchitis after catching a cold.

(Allie) #62

Allergy that developed into chronic rhinitis and needed steroid pills, steroid nasal spray, and crazy strong antihistamine pills to get under control - just finishing steroids now so really hoping it doesn’t come back… but no, not a cold.


Here is an update in case anyone is curious. I still have the stiff knee since September but have learned to live with it. Still no idea what it is but am able to go on long walks and exercise so do not really care. I did not have a cold or any other virus since July 2018. Then in October and November I was not particularly great at sticking to keto and one of my kids came home with a cold that he had for over a month. He is fine now but gave it to my husband and me. We were sick for a week but coughed for over a month as well. Worst cough I ever had, finally got rid of it in January when I was visiting Italy (change of climate and no dogs). Before I got rid of the residual cough I had another cold during the first week in January but that seemed to be a more typical one. We have wondered what it could be but I had no problem with sense of smell and we were around a lot of old people over the holidays and no one got it.

Given how blood sugar is a risk factor for the virus, I am now really good at sticking to keto or at least low carb. However I am not fasting except when I forget to have breakfast or dinner because I do wonder if the reason I kept getting sick in the first year were all those extended fasts that I enjoyed

(Ivy) #64

What do you take and where can I buy it? I had one a few minutes ago

(Edith) #65

To what are you referring?

(Ivy) #66

Iodine supplementation that fixes a possibly recurerent sinus problem

(Edith) #67

You may want to check out this thread. Also, if you search the forum for “iodine”, you will find other threads, as well.


I do not take Iodine as I have Hashimotos. I own a bottle of Lugols but have taken it maybe 5 times in the 2 years it has sat in my cabinet. I do take Liposomal vitamin C a couple of times a week or when I am around sick people. I had not taken it in awhile, I had a sick kid, forgot to take it until I felt the cold coming on earlier this month and by then it was too late and had a really miserable cold. However I ordered more of the Liposamal C and my adult children who live elsewhere came to visit, I made them take it while I was sick and so far they have not gotten the family cold