Gee whiz look at my meals


So this is a gee whiz look at my meals today, specifically breakfast. This is the beginning of my 4th week of keto and so far so good. So my breakfast is usually my biggest meal of the day and probably the meal with the highest fat content. So here it is

About an hour before breakfast: coffee with butter and collagen (2 net carbs)

Breakfast: 3 fried eggs cooked in butter, 3 pieces of bacon, 2 slices of keto toast with butter (Brownberry Keto bread, has 1 net carb per slice, so 2 net carbs)
Lunch: Ribeye burger, spinach/romain lettuce salad with cheese and Primal Kitchen Oil & Vinegar dressing (1 carb)
Dinner: can of EVOO wild tuna (GREAT STUFF!) riced broccoli & cauliflower…maybe a few Whisps baked Parmesan cheese crisps (1 carb per 1 oz)

Snacks: not sure if I will have any but if I do maybe some almonds with a few Lily’s chocolate chips

That’s it. Looking forward to any constructive criticism, suggestions, etc.

(Robin) #2

Sounds like a solid plan! You’ve found your wave, so ride it.
You got this!

(Edith) #3

Looks pretty good. If it is working, keep going. If it stops, then tweak.

If I would give any warning for the future, it would be to keep track of your total carbs if you get to the point where you need to tweak. While keeping under 20g of net carbs works for some people. Others need to stay under 20g total carbs.

(Bob M) #4

This looks fine to me too. I agree that if it’s working the way you want, there’s no reason to change. Also, if you can eat almonds without eating multiple handfuls of them, that’s great.