Nutriscore is a thing since ages, I only start to see it everywhere here lately though. It has letters and colors, 5 of them I think.
I have read about how it’s calculated, totally silly, not like I ever cared about these things, I know I eat mostly great things and the fat in dairy won’t kill me
But it’s really stupid. Added sugar? Lower score. Fruits? Higher score. If they put fruit and sugar into a yogurt (and additives, of course), it is as good as a plain one? I don’t think so.
But people don’t care anyway (most of them, at least) so it’s just some decoration on the package. Even the “IT KILLS YOU” (well, basically, with different various words and with pictures) on packs of cigarettes don’t stop smokers. And they have these covers if they don’t want to see the warnings. My SO’s Mom is a smoker, she easily quit for her pregnancies but she never ever would do without it otherwise. Illnesses, cost, health? Doesn’t matter. Mere warnings do nothing.
I still can get mildly annoyed if I think too deep in some vulnerable state but otherwise… Why would I care?
Oh and “healthy” doesn’t mean anything to me when I hear it from other people. I just can’t have any idea how far their healthy idea is from reality - and it’s individual too.
My staples used to have no such labels. Now my dairy may have it. My quark (the fattiest available version, so it’s quite lean, there is no such thing as full-fat quark) has A, the best score (indeed, it’s good stuff), my sour cream is D