Food stockpile in case corona virus comes nearby

(charlie3) #182

I got a flu shot late last week. I should have also gotten the pneumonia shot so that will happen tomorrow. Apparently a lot of the deaths are complications from second pneumonias that get going while the person is sick from covid.

On the food front I tried to avoid buying things I don’t normally eat. The one exception, at costco I picked up 96 oz of peanut butter. Sounds like a lot but would only supply 100% of my calories for 6 days. I’ve heard about another product, PB2, a powered peanunt butter mix. Normally I wouldn’t consider it but someone makes it with olive oil instead of water. That sounds interesting because may be shelf life would be longer and it might use something I stockpile, olive oil. I’m looking for ways to use olive oil besides salad dressing.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #183

We are taking the hunker down approach because we are at risk. Also we have one person still in the household that is out in the public (library) and that makes us very nervous.

She strips down and stores clothes in a container and we wash it later. Then a shower.

I have relatives in a hard hit location in Germany and things have ground to a halt reportedly till August. Thanks for WhatsApp for talking to them.

(charlie3) #184

Part of the problem is we don’t know enough about how hard it is to hide from the virus. My plan is a shoping day every 10 days. Anything else is optional but I live such a boring life that’s not much sacrifice. It’s comforting to have food in the house.

US has more ICU beds per capita than may be any other nation but 80% of them are occupied. Don’t get sick.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #185

We are all well at the moment. We do temperature 2xday for each of us. My metabolic state is better than it has been ever. TG 40, HDL 63. BG 100 or less. HbA1c 5.4 I think. But I’m a little stressed about maintaining this for 4 people.

Honestly, I’m starting to learn to pray. My wife and adult kids have been holding each of us up. I don’t think I need to go out for days other than for a walk.

(charlie3) #186

Last year i walked 2 hours a day for 6 months. Got a bit soft this winter, mostly riding the airbike in the basement. When I got serious about diet and exercise 2 years ago I told myself may be this is too little too late and that might still be true. But I’ve prepared. I’m not full of dread.

I wish I’d discovered good food years ago, so much more fun to eat.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #187

I’ve been doing failure resistance training for 1 to 2 times a week for many months so I’m fitter than I’ve ever been. Yesterday I converted to body weight failure training for lower body and in a day or two will start upper body. If I can spilt lower and upper 1 day a week I will be good. I’ll walk as well.

My sense of dread is on a sine wave curve. I think I’m good right now. I hope I can sleep good for 6+ hours. I’m strict keto with even less carbs, more carnivore each day.

Thanks for listening to my rant. It helps.

Be safe and healthy.

(charlie3) #188

Christmas 18 the fam gave me a fitness watch. It does only two things, tracks sleep time and overnight resting heart rate which get recorded in Crono automatically. I’ve been paying attention to the sleep time, when I went to sleep, woke up and finally got up. Not always accurate but slowly the time is increasing and hitting 7-8 hours more and more. Resting heart rate is fun. Over 6 months of daily walking it went from mid 60’s to mid 50’s. But I wouldn’t sustain all this effort just for health. Lucky for me I’m also vain. I like looking good.

(Ethan) #189

Got meat in freezer. Butcherbox Oder scheduled for earlier delivery. Canned meat for emergencies, among with carnivore bars, some jerky, and frozen and canned fish. I began rationing meals (and losing weight) prior. So I’m not going hungry, but back to weight loss almost to where I was mid last year. I had gained a little from that last low. I have several dozen eggs to take us through early or mid April. We have tons of dry food for our son.

(Ethan) #190

The pneumonia you get from flu is not the same as the one you get from viruses or COVID19. That’s three different things. The pneumonia shot provides no protection against COVID19 pneumonia, which is the result of over reactive immune systems causing massive inflammation

(charlie3) #191

But I’ve seen discussion of suffering more from the virus if it’s complicated by seasona flu, common cold or another pneumonia. Seems plausible but may be I didn’t dig deep enough?

I watched a bunch of news today. Most of the angst is about bars, restaurants and sports with an honorable mention for schools. How do closing these for a while bring down the economy? I don’t drink, don’t eat restaurant food, ignore sports. It might be nice for them to go away for a while.

(Ethan) #192

When you close down all stores and bars and restaurants, they don’t pay their employees, who then don’t buy things, which decreases economic production. Close everything and there is a panic to not buy anything nonessential at all, which means more decrease in economic production. Demand goes down. People don’t pay rent or utilities. Corporate profit drops. Stock prices drop in anticipation of decreased revenues. Companies lay off workers. Nobody travels for leisure or work. Travel companies lose revenue. More companies lay off workers. Now nobody had any money.

(Doug) #193

This is how my grandparents, born 1903 and 1911, described the Depression of the 1930s.

(Ben ) #194

And ignorance is bliss.

(Ben ) #195

I think I might gain 10 lbs so I could last longer fasting. Well just a thought.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #196

Peace to everyone in these trying times. Canned and frozen meat. Some fresh meat for this week. Salami and sausages also. Lots of canned fish but that is normal for me. I eat stinky canned fish almost daily. Extra cheese. I can eat beef every day but my other two keto family members like more variety.

Meds in case one of us get sick. Saline nasal spray, Tylenol, ibuprofen, DM, Mucinex etc.

1 box of wine and some carbs for the one non keto person. Cleaning supplies, extra soap, things like that.

Alton Brown showing the proper way to wash hands. Warning there is a gruesome visual joke at the end when he says there is only one way to make sure hands don’t have viruses.

Again peace and prayers for all :pray::pray::pray:


Went to Walmart Sunday afternoon, just out of curiosity, to see if our area was dealing with the same sort of bare shelves. Yes, for canned goods and paper goods, OJ, eggs, and frozen pizzas. Everything else seemed to be fairly normal. The cashier explained, we have all the product, but can’t get it out there fast enough. Well…it’ll be awhile since they now close at 11pm! The overnight shift did all that stocking.

Off to work this morning. It will interesting to see how things unfold. The additional cases being tested for in Michigan should have results today. Happy thoughts and blessings to you all!


Oh. This thing just made me desire to lose bodyfat more (well, I surely have way more you do, it makes some difference indeed)… As a smaller body needs less energy, it’s not that wasteful. I don’t worry about lack of energy, you see. It’s super easy to stock up enough calories to last a year or two… We surely have enough for quite a few months any time and several months if we use it sparingly and lose fat in the process (maybe muscles too but we have not very much to lose and we actually want more… but survival is more important).
Protein and the other various essential nutrients are another matter but it’s still not very difficult to get most of our needs from a good food supply we can get now for a very, very long time.
I probably could fast easier than the average person but I still prefer eating and as getting nutritious food with a big shelf-life is very easy (not necessarily my normal staple food but still, nutrients will be there and I won’t actually suffer eating them), I don’t see the need for long fasts at this point. At least for people like me who have big enough space to store food (and no one will eat up my precious supplies needlessly).

I will look up our supplies, I am curious a bit. I only know we have 20lbs of millet, 14lbs of xylitol (and 2 lbs of erythritol), the virus has nothing to do with that, it just happened but it’s not the normal amount in this household, there was a mistake and circumstances… Whatever, they will get eaten for sure before they spoil. The other things are not much, just the usual amount but together it must be enough for half a year if we lose our very unnecessary bodyfat in the process.
We definitely have some staples we only store enough for a few weeks. Probably because we use a big amount of them and we only use the cupboards to store all our food. Except the millet and the sugar alcohols (about 14lbs of xylitol), they are in a cardboard box, we have too much food to store properly right now. But we could store much more in boxes or just on top of each other.

I will write a list and stock up in the next month, I think (just a little more, I don’t want my living room to become a storage room). And then we don’t need to buy much carbs for months… :smiley:
But eggs and vegetables, if we can’t buy them for more than 4 weeks, that would be hard. I can be creative if it’s about my food, really but certain things are practically irreplaceable.
My SO has way more staples. Give me eggs and meat and I can be fine for long in necessity, I am sure of it. My SO would get totally miserable without huge amounts of chocolate, raisins, rice or millet (preferably both), rice flour, various fresh fruits, even bread (he lived without it for some years but that was before Marmite) and at least a little cheese, all must be present every week. He probably would miss eggs when I decided all the eggs are mine… That would be an interesting experiment, though. My empathy vs my selfish greediness! No, I can imagine the result. I probably would feed him eggs as I am that nice, 1 for him (or even an extra white or two), 10 for me. Or 20, it depends how well he handles that… I eat most of our eggs normally too, I love and need them way, way more. His plants are probably pretty nutritious to begin with but he can have as much meat as he wants (it never was much anyway). Just not too many eggs if we have a little supply.
Of course, he eats whatever he wants and able to. He just always let me control the distribution of the not carby part of our food just like he controls the carby parts even when I cook with them. Not completely but pretty much. And I know more about nutrition and make sure we eat well enough, I am the main cook.

Oh. It never crossed my mind before. It’s not only we in this forum probably eat way better than the average person and our body can handle problems better due to less burden… We know more about nutrition, even me who never watch videos, just read some articles with my around zero Chemistry knowledge. Just in average, to some extent, I don’t imagine keto is instant goodness, it doesn’t work like that. And it surely helps when people stock up and don’t go out and eat whatever they have. Even if it’s not very long term, our body works way better if we eat right. And we feel differently mentally, emotionally too.
And I’ve write about it before in some topic (I don’t always even notice which coronavirus topic I am in), if someone is willing to do keto, especially for health reasons, that person surely focus on their health anyway and willing to do more steps, even if they aren’t super comfortable and usual.


I use multiple pages and now I finally compared numbers. Early yesterday and late today, it seems.
I focused so much to my country and just looked at various numbers of the countries at any given moment. And the only page that showed the new cases has older data but the map has the new ones too.
The last day… Even the last half day… And it’s just the beginning, kind of.


I saw the biggest numbers staying the same for hours (surely they will update them later, some countries mostly sleep and whatnot) but US goes up like crazy now. Oh my god. I don’t know anyone personally there but so many nice ones online. And anyway, it’s about people, that’s enough for me. I felt sorry for Italy all day, it’s more countries now (tiny European countries with almost that many new cases, that sounds even much more serious, they obviously can’t have nearly as much equipment and staff and the total number of cases is bigger too for now. The future numbers matter most but no one can predict them).

Best wishes, everyone.

(charlie3) #200

I started this thread about 6 weeks ago speculating about a food stockpile. Turns out I did pretty much what is in that first post with refinements. I’ve got enough beef and fish in the freezer for 30 meals. I’ve got more than enough olive oil for 30 days. Then I’ve got a month’s supply of heavy cream and coffee, 18 days supply of eggs. It looks like fresh vegetables can be stretched to 10 days so plan to shop then. If anything is not in stock there’s no worries for another 10 days minimum. If things get really crazy there’s always the 6 pounds of peanut butter.

State officials paint a grim picture compared to the Feds. I’ll shop, take walks, that’s it.


Today was a weird day on the retail and pharmacy fronts.
Retail end of things…No milk delivery. 2 days late. People are buying out the Fairlife (Long shelf life) milk now.
Completely sold out of eggs. Got a shipment this morning, so we’ll see how long it lasts.
Almost every single customer bought either cough syrups, vitamin C, EMergenC, Zinc supplements, cough drops, or cold meds.
“Social Distancing” signage up now.

Pharm just flipping busy. Folks trying to get 90 day Rxs. to avoid coming out. It was crazy. Got a day of tomorrow so I’m going to go through my home inventory, and see what else we might need or want.