Five days off plan and oh the damage

(hottie turned hag) #41

Yep. Oh how I wish I didn’t “experience it like this”. You described it perfectly.

And mine was triggered just by cheese and veg. I’ve had ZERO actual “carb” foods since starting. 0.

Cheese, veg, and nuts now do to me what actual carbs -I mean grains, sugar etc- are known to do. And I have NO hx of binge eating prior to starting keto, AND until I got to 122 lbs I COULD eat cheese, veg and nuts without them doing that.

Now, so close to goal -am 114- I cannot have them at all.

(Jennibc) #42

I wish! But the entire 8.2 will probably take about a month or so.

(Jennibc) #43

I took off 4.5 in a week but sadly, am up .5 today so water was likely 4 pounds which means the the other 4 + is fat. That’s how it goes. I am back on track though, so there’s that. I am barely back into light nutritional ketosis after being back on track for this past week but at least I am not fighting cravings any longer. It took about four days to get past that.


This thread is very eye opening. I just spent 4 days in Quebec. Stayed pretty good, all things considered. I did splurge a little here and there — a slice of pizza, a who-knows carb salad dressing, and for the first time in months some fresh-cut fries soaked in vinegar. It satisfied and so far has not triggered a desire to stray from getting back on track. However, I can see how it could. There is definitely a mental-physical connection.

Woke up his morning and was about 2 lbs more than when I left. There was a lot of walking (about twice to three times as much as a usual day for me, and I am strictly beholding to my 10K plus each day with FitBit). And if you have ever been to Quebec, it is not a flat city! I suspect that and some fasting helped.

I am 8 months in. So much learned and so much more to understand. I have never been able to “read” what was happening within me, but I am starting. This forum has helped so much. Thank you!

(Jennibc) #45

Add about 50 pounds to this (I am taller than you) and this is what my fitbit weight tracker is looking like right now except the 8 lb increase instead of five. But because my natural healthy BMI is higher an 8 lb increase is probably close to a 5 lb increase for you. I am at the flat point up at the top there. Frustrating, but I know it will go down again.

(Mala) #46

Good luck I have been keto for over two years, I slipped thanksgiving and struggled for months starting and failing! Finally I think I am back on track fingers crossed, that sugar monster in unscrupulous. Just hang in there😍

(Ken) #47

Fat is not created or “pushed” into the fat cells until liver glycogen is full. It is after this point when true lipogenesis, or the storage of fat occurs. Before that, it’s merely a lipogenic hormonal secretion pattern, without the addition of additional fat until the glycogen related receptors sensitivity is downgraded because the liver is full.

You can alter your secretion pattern all you want in a day or few, but you will not store fat. It’s the chronic patterns that counts. Your minor fluctuations may be due to many things, but IMO it’s not due to fat gain for what you describe. Since it’s not due to fat gain, it’s not as significant, possibly recomposition processes, but more likely due to hydration and water retention issues.

(Yogi Cat) #48

All the best luck to you. I hope your metabolism gets back to fat burning mode quickly.

I went through a similar disaster last week after 10 months of perfect keto and occasional fasting with no cheating at all.

So my question to you and the community:
Does one have to go through the dreadful keto-flu all over again?

I’m very stressed about this because I’ve had the worst keto-flu back then. I’m also very very very stressed to get those carb cravings again.

(Jennibc) #49

I did not have any kind of ‘keto flu’ but I was fighting cravings for a few days and I have been going to bed early because I feel tired and a little worn out. But nothing approximating keto flu.

(Ken) #50

Highly unlikely. It took quite a while to build up the Orexigenic hormonal resistance levels and the subsequent withdrawal effects that are the causes of Keto Flu. You should get back on track without significant issues.

(Yogi Cat) #51

Thank you @Jennibc and @240lbfatloss

This is great to know.

I‘m fasting today and managed to say no to a lot of food full of carbs with no problem. I’m feeling really tired like you @Jennibc but I think I can get through today. I hope I can get rid of these 4 pounds soon.

I’m proud of myself and fully motivated :man_dancing:t2: :grin: thanks for this post and your replies :blush::+1:

(Jennibc) #52

Finally by yesterday I had my normal amount of energy again and was able to get stuff done. The prior week I was just exhausted and having trouble getting it together. And while I wasn’t depressed, I had moments where I felt a little down and dissatisfied with life. It’s amazing how food affects moods and energy levels. As of this morning I am down 5 of the 8.2 I gained. I have a feeling that remaining 3.2 is going to take a while though. Frustrating because I was SO close to my goal, but I chose to do it, so…

I am heading out of town again for a wedding. This time I won’t be tempted to eat off plan because it’s in the upper midwest and I must say, the upper midwest isn’t known for exciting regional cuisine!

(Yogi Cat) #53

Great job @Jennibc :+1: :man_dancing:

(mole person) #54

Given that I (and I’m not alone) am perfectly capable of putting on fat on a strictly ketogenic diet this makes no sense to me. Further, it flies in the face of my understanding of the bodies lipid management which is that lipolosis and lipogenesis are in a constant flux.

I’d be very grateful if you’d show me the science to back this up.

(Ken) #55

All you have to do is research the role of Glycogen. A 200 level Biochemistry textbook will have it

It’s the secretion patterns that are in flux. It doesn’t mean you are actually gaining or losing fat. Many other factors are involved.

It’s pretty basic Science.

(Marianne) #56

Whoo, hoo!!! Of course, I am biased, but I think NYS has many beautiful locations (people immediately think of New York City when they think of New York - so much more to it than that!). I hope you have a great trip.

(Marianne) #57

Girrlll, don’t say it. You aren’t “old,” you just have more life experience (and probably wisdom) than some other people.


(Marianne) #58

Yup. I had cake and chocolate raspberry mousse cups a few weeks ago and of course they were delicious. Dancing with the devil for me. Instead of the few “bites” I was going to enjoy, once I tasted the sweets, I ate approximately three pieces of cake and 4-5 chocolate cups. I would have eaten all the uneaten cake and chocolate at our table if I wasn’t such a closet eater. Good thing is it renewed my respect for the power of my food addiction.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #59

Wow! You’re not kidding, what a beautiful place. I’ve described some of the highlights on my accountability thread (Janey Mae’s whatever thread).

(Jennibc) #60

Okay, headed out of town again. I am going to work really hard to stay on plan. I hope to report back next week that I have gained nothing. But it is a wedding so I MIGHT have piece of wedding cake. But that’s it!