Fibre - is it the high carb diet's last straw? Keto bashing in the mainstream. "There goes the keto diet!", predicted the celebrity doctor


(Alec) #62

And I ain’t moving from my current eating regime (which is really working for me right now) until some extremely powerful and clear science appears that tells us what to do. We have made this mistake in the past many many times… “Oh, look, a bit of data, we must act now… let’s all change our diet based on it”.


Interestingly Dr. Sean O’Mara eats his low carb, mainly carnivore diet, with fermented vegetables like Kim Chi.

Maybe somewhere in here:

(Alec) #64

I personally think that we know so little about the microbiome and how it all works that basing any actions on the current “science” is extremely dangerous. I think we need to wait a decade or 2.

(Bob M) #65

I agree with @Alecmcq, though I do eat fermented vegetables and foods. I eat yogurt, fermented cucumbers, and more, though sadly sauerkraut kills me. I can eat cooked sauerkraut, but not raw. And I LOVE sauerkraut. Bummer.

I plan on fermenting quite a bit of foods this year. We’ll see what happens.

Now, do I think we NEED to eat fermented foods? I doubt it. Could they be beneficial in some way? I have seen quite a few studies showing they have some benefit. Saw one where there was a benefit for long covid, see below. I only look at RCTs for this, as crap-idemiology has too many confounders.

See this one (though this used enzymes too, in addition to probiotics; and it was paid for - at least in part - by the probiotics manufacturer):

(KCKO, KCFO) #66

I pretty much agree with that Alec.

I know my husband has a horrid time with eating higher fiber foods. He tired probiotics and they did nothing for him.

I like the hashtag on the video @FrankoBear. The world needs a lot more love these days. And way less sugar.