Fiber or no fiber?

(Peter - Don't Fear the Fat ) #41

I was thinking the same. Though we may all agree the salt is good lol

Doesn’t science still insist your plate should have 50% veg, 25% protein and 25% carbs!


So, 75% carbs? (Okay, vegs contain some protein too and mine always contained a lot of fat as well…) Not like these percentages say anything to me, it’s even worse than cups, I only can do something with macros… And those are individual too.

Btw, I have a similar problem with these percentages as with the 90 day diet. WHERE IS THE FAT? :smiley: My precious fat… The 90 day diet was crazy anyway but they should have include fat days, at least :smiley: Instead of 3 different carb days or what. Fat is even essential…
(It’s so good I haven’t heard about that abomination since years… I get reminded of it once a year, it’s more than enough.)

(Chuck) #43

Once I gave up on apps, charts, and counting carbs, calories etc. I have again started losing weight, losing fat, and enjoying the freedom of knowing I am listening to my body and what it needs, only eating when my body is in need of nutrition. I am fasting anywhere from 18 to 24 hours each day. I am eating until comfortable full, and not worrying if I am eating enough calories or not enough or too many, the same goes for carbs and fats and protein. I love the freedom.

(Luza Hazel) #44

What is your fat to protein ratio? or how much fat do you consume daily in grams?

(Chuck) #45

I have no earthly idea I don’t count calories or nutrients anymore. I eat real food, no processed or refined so called food. I also don’t grains. Everything else is there for my enjoyment. So no bread, cereals, desserts or soft drinks, or candy, no snacks other than nuts and the occasional fruit. I fast between 18 and 24 hours each day, depending on schedule family and church gatherings. I would say Sunday is the only day I eat 2 meals in a day, the rest of the week is one meal and a handful of nuts, a possible piece of fruit or a piece of 90% cocoa chocolate. While I am fasting and the weather allowing I walk the trails for at least an hour.
I gave up counting calories and chasing carbs, protein and fat as I found myself only thinking what I was going to eat. Now I eat what my wife has for dinner and if I need more I eat extra nuts, fruit. My body is much happier as is my digestive tract and my brain.

(Luza Hazel) #46

I was just wondering if eating excess protein is the cause of constipation and needing to add fiber to a meal.

(Chuck) #47

No I never over eat protein, if anything I don’t eat enough. I always supplement my milk or smoothies with whey protein powder. My mom and grandma had the same issue as do my sister, both of my children and their children. It really isn’t constipation, it is the fact we have pockets in our colons and it takes the fiber to remove it from the pockets. And on of the reasons I have to have yearly colonoscopies. It isn’t an issue as long as we get enough fiber, I use to take benifiber supplements all the time. But I have discovered that an Apple a day does much better as do prunes. And yes I can stay within low corp by doing so, it is all part of balancing foods. I learned that when I was obsessed with logging, but now I just work with habits and by monitoring my body with weight , and how I feel. I also don’t eat to be stuffed just comfortably satisfied.


I too have the same issue with cream cheese

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #49

Meat protein is extremely digestible, plant proteins tend to be less so, depending on how they are combined. If we eat meat with fat, the fat also helps prevent constipation.

One of the causes of constipation is lack of sodium, because the colon will aggressively re-absorb sodium from food in the digestive tract, and water will follow (all I know is that it has something to do with the renin-aldosterone-angiotensin pathway). Enough sodium allows the stool to stay moist.

Certain sugar alcohols, especially maltitol, can have a laxative effect, and so can MCT oil. Dr. Paul Mason likens constipation to a traffic jam, and says that if the road is clogged, adding more cars to the traffic jam is exactly the wrong solution.

(Luza Hazel) #50

I asked ChatGPT some questions.

Why do we humans have pockets in our colon?

Humans do not have pockets in their colon. The colon, also known as the large intestine, is a long, muscular tube responsible for absorbing water and electrolytes from undigested food, forming stool, and eliminating waste from the body. The colon does have natural curves and bends, which can create pockets or sac-like structures, but they are not the same as the pockets found in other animals’ digestive systems.

In some animals, such as cows and other ruminants, the digestive system includes specialized compartments like the rumen, which have multiple chambers and pockets that aid in the digestion of cellulose-rich plant material. These compartments allow for the fermentation of food by bacteria and other microorganisms before further digestion and absorption. However, the human digestive system is not designed for the same type of fermentation process, and therefore, we do not have similar pockets in our colon.

It’s worth noting that certain conditions can affect the colon and cause the formation of abnormal pockets or pouches. One such condition is diverticulosis, where small pouches called diverticula form in the colon wall. Diverticula usually develop in weak spots of the colon, such as areas where blood vessels penetrate the muscular layer. However, diverticula are not a natural feature of the human colon, and their presence can sometimes lead to complications, such as diverticulitis, which is inflammation or infection of these pouches.

Do the curves help with fecal compaction?

Yes, the natural curves and bends in the colon play a role in the process of fecal compaction. The colon is divided into several sections, including the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. These sections have different shapes and orientations, which contribute to the overall function of the colon.

As stool moves through the colon, water and electrolytes are absorbed, and the remaining waste material becomes more solid and compact. The curves and bends in the colon help slow down the movement of stool, allowing for further water absorption and compaction. This process helps in the formation of well-formed stools before they are eliminated from the body.

Additionally, the muscular contractions of the colon, known as peristalsis, help propel fecal matter along its path. The curves and bends of the colon assist in this process by creating areas of resistance that aid in the mixing and movement of stool.

However, it’s important to note that excessive compaction or hardening of stool can lead to constipation, which can cause discomfort and difficulty during bowel movements. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet with an adequate intake of fiber, fluids, and regular physical activity to support proper bowel function and prevent constipation.

(Chuck) #51

Say what you will but it is a trait that runs in my mom’s side of our family.


I think DNA has a lot to do with how we all react differently to various diets. Most people today can’t really track their ancestor’s diets for a few hundred years. I am lucky enough to be able to do so, as my ancestors all lived in the same spot and ate what was available. I was raised with the same foraging for wild strawberries and blueberries, as well as several types of mushrooms. Many of my ancestors were butchers who raised their own animals and had veggie gardens growing what would grow locally. Which was mostly greens and radishes. Traditional dishes were handed down for centuries. I long found that I thrived on their diet (lots of meat and dairy, green veg and assorted fruit as in season, winters almost carnivore). My body is made for it, forged for centuries.

Most people are not lucky like that, ancestors hailed from all over the globe and all brought food requirements with them in their DNA. It’s all a mix and can be hard to figure out.

That’s what I think our differences in food requirements are based on. You are who you are, and what’s perfect for one can be awful for the next person.

P.S. The foraging was always looked forward to by us kids, it was like going on easter egg hunts. Fun!


Foraging is great fun for me too but I couldn’t get much nutrients from wild fruits… Not even the quite sweet ones. Or mushroom. I need massive amounts of fat and protein. Well, lots of mushroom should help a bit and I can supplement with walnuts :smiley: Maybe they aren’t wild but we have them absolutely everywhere. I take a 45 min walk and meet several dozens of big trees.

I have talked about a neighbour a few days ago… He is old and talked about times when kids went to the river and caught fish and frogs, cooked and ate them right there. I couldn’t do that, I can’t even collect the zillion escargots we have :slight_smile: How could I kill them humanely? And why? I am not into snail. I like frogs but I like them alive even more… And I am glad if I just can see them, they are quick and cautious! I only could catch snails. And fruits (hanging low enough) because they stay put.

My SO’s anchestors used to move a .lot, mine had land so I suspect where mine lived hundreds of years ago (but I don’t know when they got there, hence the uncertainty. the stories don’t go that far. but the family names are very common in that village, now town…). They were peasants, growing most of their food. Not poor so there was animal product galore but they ate lots of plants too, all year round.

I still can’t handle plant carbs so well. I can survive on it, I felt quite healthy on HCHF - but it wasn’t very good for me. Surely my individual genes matter too. And who knows what else. And the mentioned past is from Mom’s side only. After the land was taken away after WW2, moving away from the village started.