Feeling like a non functioning keto”er”

(Britt) #21

I’ve always had issues with retaining water when I eat salt BUT most of that salt came from processed and unhealthy foods so I’m sure that played a part.


Just being on a carb diet will lead to you retaining water as carbs hold 3x their weight not to mention the inflammation you incur. That’s why most people see rapid results, water loss from depleting glycogen storage and a reduction in inflammation. If you haven’t already, I would try consuming more salt (2 teaspoons) in a day and see how your body responds now that you are eating low carb. If it still happens, then you will know for sure! I enjoy eating diffferent foods and in different patterns and see what happens. I feel like my body acts more predictably since being on keto. Just my 2 cents!

(Becky) #23

Thank you for posting this, i just came accross it and can relate to how you are feeling…BUT i never would have attributed it to salt. Can this start having an impact even after several months of doing keto. Ive only recently started feeling kind of woozy, in fact at the dr now. ( for some reason i trust you guys more tho lol)

(Becky) #24


Is the 2 tspn in addition to flavoring food or in total ( sorry if thats a silly question)


I believe the recommendation is a total of 2 teaspoons total per day. Sometimes more is needed early on while your body is learning. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.

(Marianne) #26

Are you coming close/meeting your macros? I use them as a guidelines and don’t sweat if I am over or under (except for carbs - I try for <15), but I do find them helpful. I also track loosely so I have an idea of where I am at. Good luck.

(Britt) #27

I do generally know my macros for the day but I’m not super rigid about it except for carbs. I stay under 20 and many times more like 15 for the day. In the beginning I used a Keto Calculator which told me my macros calculated for losing weight at my then current weight. My fat and protein came in so low that I thought this could not be realistic when already keeping carbs below 20. So I decided I would try to keep my ratio but wasn’t going to count fat and protein grams. If I truly have to stay at 95g fat/57 protein/20 carbs I dont think I can maintain that long term. Maybe I will feel differently when fat adapted but right now I’m too hungry to stick with that.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #28

I also tried a calculator and it wasn’t for me. I keep the carbs below 20 and just eat when I’m hungry and enough that I don’t snack in between meals. I’m not hungry all of the time. Eat! Your appetite will change as you become fat adapted. You may find you are less hungry. I still get hungry and eat when I am but I don’t crave in between meals anymore and unbelievably I don’t desire night time snacks to be tired for bed anymore either. I’m just the same…all day…normal (a strange new feeling!)

(Bunny) #29

BTW: Those kind of berries are not even going to put a dent in your ketogenic diet!

Some people see this (1 brownie and 4 gusher candies) as the big no no, OMG I’m failing?

Your body told you to do it, because something is not right?

I do not think it is always a wise thing to ignore what my body is telling me (leptin is talking; don’t you dare starve me or your asking for a war?). I will go out to eat occasionally and just eat what I want and because of the way I eat all the time my body just burns up all that sugar like it’s nothing as soon as I eat it[1] because of the health reserve I built-up over the years. Being over vigilant about spiking (triggering) insulin[1] if I over-eat a carb or sugar is a thing of the past for me[1]!

I can sit their and eat an entire pizza by myself, eat donuts and candy, and be back in ketosis within hours or the next day, I experiment a lot and the more I see what is really going on with the ketosis and how my body is reacting to food the more amazed I am at what is possible?

This tells me if I want to go out to eat with friends family or just want to pig out occasionally, no problem, just do it? Because I have control over my choices, it’s not the food that is controlling me; it is my education about food that tells me what is a good thing to do and what is a bad thing to do?

I use to be clueless as to why I suddenly started getting fat, but I don’t get paranoid about eating carbs to the point where I make myself into a basket case…

The difference between me and a sugar burner is they are doing it all the time, I am not?


[1] How Insulin Makes You Burn Carbs for Energy: “…Most people interested in health and nutrition know that insulin clears glucose from the blood into cells, but it is much less widely appreciated that insulin also makes you burn that glucose for energy. …”


Might check out this episode of the 2 Keto Dudes.

(Herb Martin) #31

According to Phinney, Keto flu is almost totally electrolyte/dehydration.

Carry bouillion cubes and drink water. Just cheapo boullion cubes and hot water.

I also drink PowerAid 0. NOT the type with sugar of course.

Finally, too much protein spikes blood sugar and stops ketosis – just not as easily as carbs.

MORE FAT. Most common mistake in pure carnivore diet (and to some extent on keto) is trying to reduce fat.

We continue the old diet advice to reduce fat and calories even though we know intellectually this is the wrong direction to go.

MCT powder is really good in heavy cream. Milk shakes that rival any I’ve ever had.

Cut a bit of protein, boost fat to satiety.

Get the keto sticks and test until you are purple and can stay purple.

Quick start with restricted eating and short extended fasts. Or a long one.

I did great on a carnivore to 14-day fast. 29 1/2 lbs. Not quite trivially easy but close.


Not sure if you’ve seen this but it’s worth the time.

(MooBoom) #33

The symptoms you are describing are illustrative of a deficiency in magnesium and potassium, aka electrolytes. When you go keto, you haemorrhage sodium, magnesium and potassium. Increased sodium intake alone is not sufficient, you’re missing the other two big ones.
When I returned to keto in Jan this year I completely and utterly forgot to stay on top of my electrolytes. I felt RUBBISH, tired, weak, palpitations, no energy etc.
Then I remembered I’d been through this before. Ordered some Magnesium Citrate and Potassium Citrate (from iHerb- see pic, this brand is cheap and effective and there are no sweeteners or other crappy additives that might mess with your ketone production) and within 48 hrs of regular supplementation (1/4 tsp of each dissolved in a big bottle of water with a pinch of celtic sea salt, sip throughout the day) my energy was back and my cravings were gone.

Please try supplementing and see if it helps!

(MooBoom) #34

Oh and I retain fluid like crazy too and was ‘scared’ of sodium, but soon learned I seriously need it and it actually helps with fluid. Nobody can tell you how much you need- except your body. As well as your magnesium/potassium water which I outlined above, carry some quality rock salt around with you and pop a few grains under your tongue every few hours. You’ll know if your body needs it because you won’t mind the saltiness. If you have sufficient sodium in your system, you will find the sodium unbearably salty and need to spit it out.

(Britt) #35

I ordered magnesium, potassium and sodium electrolyte replacement pills. They are formulated for those involved in intense sports and keto dieters. I started supplementing yesterday with extra salt and have already been taking potassium/magnesium supplements for over 2 weeks ( I started having leg and foot cramps at night). Hopefully this will help. I’m so glad so many have posted about this. I’m not sure if it will solve the problem but I never would have thought to increase salt on my own to even try it to resolve the issue. My thanks to everyone :+1:

(Britt) #36

Thank you for saying this! It’s easy to get fixated on “being good” all the time and getting upset when I eat something unhealthy. Berries are one thing but processed sweets are something I would love to eat eventually just because I want a treat now and then and not because I feel I HAVE to have it. I know it will take some time to get there and probably like most people I’m impatient when it comes to this :grin:. I think if fruit is the worst thing I crave I will be ok! I know I will be less stressed about it the longer I do this and the more comfortable I become with my body and how it reacts. Feeling good will make me try harder!

(Becky) #37


Thanks, that was very helpful, I never realized just how short i was cutting my sodium. Im going to try a few of the tips on here, see how i feel. Although it’s not keto flu making me feel like poo, its the flu flu! But the silver lining is that at least i didn’t mess up my keto woe like i was beginning to think, nope, just mother nature sharing her cooties :face_with_raised_eyebrow::dizzy_face::sneezing_face: lol.

(Marianne) #38

Are those pills a reasonable size? I bought a multivitamin before starting and they were horse pills; I couldn’t get them down.

(MooBoom) #39

They aren’t pills, they are pure powder/water soluble :blush:

(Marianne) #40
