Favorite Podcasts

(James storie) #41

Poor old Jimmy! When I started keto (2014) there wasn’t any one else to choose from that had consistent information. I owe a lot of my success to him. He stays on top of new information and is passionate. He gets a big :+1: from me!

(Cathy) #42

I agree that he deserves a big thumbs up. He has remained calm in the middle of some pretty personal and plain mean push back. I feel bad that I don’t like his ‘style’.

(ianrobo) #43

I love Jimmy, he is honest and OK he seems to branching out into making cash but nothing wrong in that. And Keto Talk is along with 2KD something I listen to aSAP when it downloads.

(David) #44

I thought his interview on Low Carb Leader was particularly good.

(Griffin Mekelburg) #45

Fully agree! once i got used to his way of talking and seeing his candor I cannot get enough now! I relisten to episodes of Fasting Talk, Keto Talk, and 2KD daily lmao such great voices for this diet


A new one I am listening to and loving is Peter Attia’s “Drive.” So engrossing!

Just started this one: