Favorite Podcasts

(Ross Daniel) #21

I was just going to recommend this one. It is a great podcast. I’m currently following the Body By Science protocol, so the Dr. Doug McGuff episode is what got me started listening.

(Jacquie) #22

I’'m doing BBS now, too! :slight_smile: I read his book when it first came out and have done BBS alternating with full body workouts. The McGuff interview was a good one.

(KCKO, KCFO) #23

So glad someone said something about Jimmy before I had to, I have a horrid time getting past his voice. Liking Megan Ramos on the Fast Talk podcasts, now that she is more comfortable, he doesn’t interrupt her as much, that really annoyed me. He gets excellent guests on the other podcasts as well.

Other podcasts I like are not keto but are good for dancing or just walking to:
NPR’s Tiny Desk concerts
PODRUNNER:Intervals and PODRUNNER: Workout music

(Kylie) #24

Hey guys
Where do we go to listen to the pod casts?

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #25

iPhones and Android phones have podcast apps that will help you search from them to listen. Otherwise there are lots of different places to listen to podcasts, just google.

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #26

I listen to tons of podcasts and am currently behind (1,319 episodes behind to be exact) because I added a bunch of keto podcasts. I listen to Jimmy Moore’s podcasts (I mostly like Keto Talk and Fasting Talk) , the Ketovangelist podcasts and 2KetoDudes of course.

If you are a programmer I recommend .NET Rocks, CodingBlocks, Hanselminutes, Accidental Tech Podcast and Hypercritical.

For general interest I listen to Death, Sex and Money, Freakanomics Radio, Hidden Brain, Science Friday, Marketplace Weekend, Note to Self, Radio Free Burrito, Radiolab, Serial, This American Life, To The Best of our Knowledge, Undisclosed and Reconcilable Differences.

For poker podcast I listen to Ante Up Pokercast, Two Plus Two Pokercast, Poker News podcast, Thinking Poker.

Those are some highlights I listen to that and more. :smiley:

(Kylie) #27

Hey jd- many thanks… I went into my Iphones app store- what do i search for? 2ketodudes doesn’t lead me straight there. This is my first time trying to listen to pod casts, so forgive the question if im seeming a tad uncivilized :wink:

(John Somsky aka KetoGrinder) #28

There is a podcast app built into the iPhone. Personally I use Overcast which you can search for in the app store. Once in Overcast you can search for 2ketodudes or any other podcast. It will automatically add new podcasts the the queue for listening.

(Kylie) #29

Ok, will check it out. Very grateful, i will check that out- thanks JD :smile:

(ianrobo) #30

if we are branching out into other areas, I highly recommend tow science podcasts.

The Infinite Monkey cage with Prof Brian Cox


Science VS which is a show that pits science against questions rain from abortion to acne …

(Michelle) #31

In the iTunes native podcast app, it’s listed as 2 Keto Dudes

(Sheri Knauer) #32

Thank you everyone! Now I don’t have to worry about running out of things to listen to. There are so many out there its helpful to hear which ones are actually worthwhile!

(Cathy) #33

LOL! :grin:

(Cocker) #34

Russell Brand - “The Trews” - short youtube discussions about various current affairs with strong political focus.
Russell Brand - “Under The Skin” - discussions about various current affairs with strong political focus.
Dr. Rhonda Patrick - “Found My Fitness” - super clever lady discussing interesting science things on her youtube channel, generally with a nutrition/health/biohacking focus.

(Kylie) #35

Great- thankyou :slight_smile:

(Kylie) #36

Awesomeness- thanks :slight_smile:

(Bacon for the Win) #37

there was an iOS update a few summers back which left the podcast app unusable. It took more than two weeks for them to release an update which fixed it. I about had a meltdown being with out my podcasts for the few days it took to find Overcast. Haven’t gone back to the iphone podcast app since. Don’t trust it.

Jimmy Moore is definitely an acquired taste. Luckily his message is what matters and he gets great guests.

(Griffin Mekelburg) #38

I totally agree with everyone on Jimmy Moore! I could not stand him or the corny jokes, but the more I tuned in, the more I got used to it. It is so worth it for the info he provides along side his co-hosts on any of his programs! Just not as easy to get into like other podcasts cough2ketodudescough :stuck_out_tongue:

(Cathy) #39

I am an android user and purchased pocketcasts for $4. So worth it!!!

(Griffin Mekelburg) #40

Cannot agree more! Love the sync between desktop and Android flawlessly so can listen on my comp at work and in the car lol