Fat problems

(Patrick L Anderson) #21

i have found that too much coconut oil at one time is rocket fuel to my intestines. When I blend it into my morning coffee or tea I do much better.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

Some people enjoy heavy cream or butter in their coffee. (It’s not bad, though I prefer my coffee black and unsweetened.)

I cook exclusively with bacon grease, butter, or lard, and make my gravy and my cheese sauce with heavy cream. My favorite dessert is yoghurt with a bit of heavy cream (with or without berries), and my usual snack (if I need one) is either pork rinds or almonds. My favorite indulgence is buttered Brie, but really, butter improves the taste of any cheese (and I love cheese to begin with). Other tasty sources of fat are sour cream, cream cheese and crème fraîche. You could also pack some cooked bacon to eat along with your broccoli-cauliflower dish, or even sauté the broccoli and cauliflower in bacon grease, before putting them into the casserole and topping them with the bacon.

Check out the Recipes forum for even more tasty ideas. Several people have posted delicious sugar-free cheesecake recipes there, and if you make the crust of almond or coconut flour, the result is tolerably low-carb.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #23

You mentioned that arthritis is a major concern for you. I don’t have arthritis which modern medicine seems to consider incurable, but can be managed with drugs. Arthritis is an auto immune disorder that’s completely caused by inflammation from dietary sources. I just do regular KETO myself but have recently been considering a trial period on Carnivore to see what happens to my “norm”. I was watching Amber O’Hearn at Carnivory Con on YouTube last night with my son’s step father who’s my close friend and a solid believer in lots of vegetables. We were both very impressed with what she presented. Especially the fact that in a group study that admittedly was small 100% of the people involved had their arthritis go into complete remission. It’s a fascinating presentation by a brilliant woman and I highly recommend giving it a watch, it might just blow your mind.


(Bob M) #24

I have an issue with yogurt. It’s like dessert to me (and it’s highly insulinogenic). So, I limit it. But reach person has to find what works.

I posted in the chocolate thread about a possible pain in my hip and oxalates from chocolate. This is one reason I keep getting closer and closer to carnivore.

(Jane Srygley) #25

Holy crap!!! No pun intended… :rofl:

Sounds like you may have some sort of food allergy, but I think you should check with your internist to see if you have a gall bladder issue, as that is the organ that helps us digest fats. It may be that you are intolerant of one or more kinds of fat or possibly lactose intolerant, if you’re eating cheese/HWC. Good luck and sorry you’re dealing with that!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #26

Even people with lactose intolerance generally have little to no reaction to HWC, butter or hard aged cheeses like Parmesan with their very low level of lactose. Casein sensitivity can be an issue if you’re having a reaction to hard cheeses. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Norm Murphy) #27

Hello James, thanks for the reply. I think you may be correct I’m probably not fat adapted. I hope it doesn’t take too much longer but it doesn’t matter I’m in it for the long haul.


I found taking bile salts helped me digest fat better when I first started. I’d had my gallbladder removed prior to keto and I’m sure all those years of lowfat everything didn’t do me any good reagarding digestion of fats either.

This is a separate issue from the potential problem of coconut oil in which the MCT oil is absorbed differently from longer chain fats.

(Norm Murphy) #29

Thanks Paul, I’ll check out the recipe section for some ideas.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #30

@Norm Congratulations for even trying to keep up with all the responses so far! Impressive. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

All I want to say is don’t pay attention to what other people describe as their subjective experiences of what ketosis does for them. I refer specifically to the two you mention: ‘mental clarity’ and ‘increased energy’, but other subjective criteria pop up continually. Such descriptions are vague, imprecise and mean different things to different people; there’s a lot of placebo effect going on. For example, my ‘great mental clarity’ may be your ‘great mental fog’. :expressionless:

Don’t compare your experience until you’ve been keto long enough to understand and accept the differences. Keep your daily carbs to sub-20 grams and you’ll be OK. You can fine-tune your fat/protein ratios later after you’ve resolved the apparent indigestion issue. That’s a pretty big thing to deal with. The best suggestion so far is to eliminate fats which are already known to cause problems for some people, ie coconut oil and MCT oil. Just keep eliminating different fats until you discover the ones that irritate you. Don’t worry about it, there are LOTS OF FATS to choose!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #31

Yeah, a lot of people report boundless energy, whereas for me keto merely neutralizes my fatigue to the point where I feel a normal amount of energy. But hey—I can now mow the lawn for four hours without having to spend the next two days in bed recovering, so I’m not complaining!

(Allie) #32

Same with me. I never felt a sudden increase in energy, but did find I was able to complete a normal day without feeling exhausted.

Mental clarify? No idea as I never suffered with mental fogginess so cannot compare.

(Norm Murphy) #33

Hi David, I think I’m ok for the most part with the hard cheeses. It may very well b e.g. the fat bombs I make with coconut oil. I’ll lay off those for a week and see what happens.


There is no minimum amount of fat you need to eat, as long as you don’t wind up with a low fat version of keto you’ll be fine. Don’t fear protein. If you’re intentionally adding fats and oil where they don’t really belong just for the sake of adding fat content there’s no need to do that. Typically diarrhea is a sign your taking in too much of it which being at the 2 month mark may change but in any case dial it back and see how it goes.

On the mental clarity and super energy, that’s not a forever thing even when you do get it. Only time I get that anymore is during multi day fasts or when I take exogenous ketones.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #35

Yes it was, you KNOW the pun was intended!:rofl::joy::rofl:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #36

I don’t know Paul, it sounds like an increase in energy to me and the fact that it doesn’t burn you out afterwards is huge.

I noticed this effect two weeks ago when I went on a 1 1/2 mile hike with my son. I will mention that I am a right leg below the knee amputee. The old me would have agonized to get through that experience and crashed hard afterwards. But I made it fine and continued my activity for the day feeling normal the next day. Maybe it was just normal function and not superpower KETOMAN strength, but feeling as good at sixty as I did eating crap at 30 when I had both legs is kind of a keto superpower.

“We can build him better, stronger” Well I’m not the Bionic Man but I have a fair amount of prosthetics and sometimes I feel like I’m becoming a cyborg! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #37

The technology available for AK and BK prosthetics is amazing! It’s still catching up for Symes (but they have much less space to work with).

(Norm Murphy) #38

Hi Paul, here’s an update after getting off coconut oil for a few days. Didn’t help, it seems to me it may be cheese in general is the problem. This bothers me because I wasn’t planning to do a carnivore diet. I’m concerned about getting enough fat without cheese, any suggestions?

(PSackmann) #39

Hi Norm, I’m not Paul (at least, I don’t think I am this morning), but I’ll second what @lfod14 posted earlier, don’t worry about adding fats to get to a specific number. If cheese is bothering you, make the broccoli-cauliflower concoction without it for a while and see what happens. Or, take a few days to go on a very simple elimination diet, then add items in one at a time to see which, if any, are bothering you.
One note, if the intestinal issues are on-going, I have found upping my electrolytes to be helpful. I also have periods where my system goes full-on eject, usually when I’m fighting a cold or something. The last time, I ended up having to raid my husband’s PowerAde :face_vomiting: to get it back under control.
Hang in there, I know the improvement in arthritis is so worth it

(Norm Murphy) #40

Good morning Goosmom,
Thank you for your help, I’m going to take your advice and do the elimination diet as my current intestinal situation is unacceptable. I do also need to increase my electrolyte intake as I live in Florida and the heat is nearly unbearable. I’ll go carnivore with vegies and see if this eliminates my elimination issues🤣. I’ll just keep an eye on my blood glucose and keyton levels and see what happens, I’ll keep you updated. I have to say everyone here is so helpful, I’m glad I found this forum and am sure with all the advice and experience you all have I’ll make it through this.
Thanks again, Norm.