Fat people at work

(Zach) #82

Have some empathy. Most of these people were not fat in their teens and twenties. But they did eat terribly, probably worse than they do now. Sugary cereal and donuts for breakfast, junk food and fast food. Yet they stayed pretty thin.
Fast forward 30 years. They are now fat, but eat better than when young. According to CICO, the only possibility is slowed metabolism and the doctors say that is age related. Just an inevitable part of aging. So, that’s why they blame age.
And what if the few who are thin when over 50? Must be good genes. And there is a basis for this too. Some people are insulin sensitive and stay that way despite overloading on carbs. This doesn’t mean they are healthy by any means, but they are thinner.
And why donuts and salads? Well, they have been told that fat is the enemy for decades. If they can eat a fat free donut and a salad with fat free dressing, they are following nutritional guidelines. When diabetes nutritionists are advising patients that it is ok to eat 150 grams of carbs at each meal(!) then why is this surprising? According to SCIENCE, fat is the enemy, not sugar. Remember Snackwells?
Here’s an analogy. Imagine you are in 1948 America. Doctors recommend smoking cigarettes, they are part of the rations handed out by the army. You wonder “why do all these people get lung cancer and blame it on genetics or age?”
Or you are in 1894. Doctors are prescribing cocaine to pep you up. People are becoming addicted and dying. Must be genetics. When society condones addictive substances as healthy and medicine agrees, what can people blame it on?
Finally, why the reaction to your post? Many CICO proponents turn being overweight into a moral issue. If it is simply moving more and eating less then the fat must only differ from the thin in their will power. The fat are weak-willed and this deserve what they get. Just like junkies and alcoholics.
Keto shows this to be a lie. Keto doesn’t work by suddenly infusing large amounts of will power into bacon before eating. It shows that it is a medical/dietary/hormonal condition. The discoveries of the hinger hormones like ghrelin, peptide yy, leptin, etc show that hunger is hormonal, not based on will power.

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #83


I love that I’m smiling at this thread now.


@Susa you’re in the right place for bags of support and super tips for the keto way of eating.


(Bob M) #84

Zach, nobody gave you a like for that post? This is the first like I’ve ever given.

You are 100% correct, save maybe in the use of “gay”. Did you mean “gay”?

(hottie turned hag) #85

These are amazing roasted with bacon. Super easy, just put on cookie sheet, 400 degrees, bacon on top, bake until tender.

(hottie turned hag) #86

That was a truly kickass post.

Right?! Leave it to our dear @Momof5 Susan to bring a good vibe. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

(Susan) #87

They are gay and eating better, lol

(Ellen ) #88

Lol…you saw that too

(mole person) #89

I’m guessing it was meant to be “gray”, but I had a double take as well. Lol.

(Zach) #90

No I did not! Thanks for the message. Editing now! I am red faced! Thanks for the like.

(Zach) #91

Fat fingers! F and G are one apart and so are T and Y! I must be a millimeter to the right so “fat” turned into “gay”. Super embarrassing!

(mole person) #92

Rotfl! Love it. :rofl:

(Bob M) #93

My wife does it this way, and they are great. We usually drizzle some high-quality balsalmic over them (higher quality is more “pungent”, so you use less), mix them up.

(Bob M) #94

I knew it was not “gay”, but I did not know what it was.

It had me chuckling about the Seventh Day Adventists. If you’ve ever heard Gary Fettke speak, he discusses how the Seventh Day Adventists push their religion of vegetarian/vegan (not sure exactly which one) upon everyone, including the original Kellogg (of the cereal fame). They were anti “carnal”, meaning “of meat”, and also things like masturbation (they thought eating meat = masturbation), so I was thinking of how bummed they’d be if everyone ate low fat for 30 years… and became gay. That’s not what they wanted! So, it had me chuckling to myself.

(Edith) #95

You will need to add more fat. Shrimp is very low in fat. Keto needs to be around 70% of your calories from fat.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #96

Shrimp and lots of butter! :crazy_face:

(Marianne) #97

So true; most of the general population seeing us eat would think we are the misguided ones. I think the reality is, people don’t explore alternative ways (keto), unless they have a need to (usually for weight loss). Although it is getting better, there is not a lot of information about keto as a “healthy” eating styles. Many doctors haven’t investigated it or recommend it, or nutritionists, etc. - in fact, some of the downright discourage it. If these “experts” don’t promote the keto WOE, it’s not hard to see why the general layperson hasn’t learned about it yet.

(hottie turned hag) #98

Oh this sounds great, I’m going to do that.
I’ve been using lemon juice, just lightly after they come out and that’s really nice but balsamic sounds fab too.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #99

It’s different when you are describing yourself, IMO you can describe yourself however you wish.

The meaning of derogatory is showing a critical or disrespectful attitude, google’s own example '“she tells me I’m fat and is always making derogatory remarks”

So yes, calling someone else fat is derogatory.
But hey, we are all allowed opinions aren’t we :slight_smile:

(Jane) #100

You are a perfect example. All the information available on the internet and you don’t know how to eat a ketogenic diet or even understand that fruit and rice cakes are full of sugar and carbs.

Or what is still causing your low blood sugar after cutting back on carbs.

I used to have low blood sugar shakes all the time pre keto. If you cut out the rest of the carbage you are eating it will stop unless you have an underlying medical condition, in which case diet won’t fix it. But it’s worth a try and you don’t have to wait long to find out.

(Bob M) #101

Hate to say this, but I eat shrimp, mussels, and fish for some of my meals and – gasp!!! – I add no extra fat.

162 grams of protein in one meal, only 18.8 g fat, and here’s the massive blood sugar rise I got out of that (Free Style Libre, European version):


Multiply by 18 to get US units.

Don’t get me wrong, when starting out, higher fat might be OK, but there’s really not a lot of reason I can see to eat that way permanently.