Fat-dissolving patch research

(Cheryl Meyers) #1

I heard about this on the BBC World news earlier this week. Experiments with obese mice.

“Our skin patch appears to alleviate these complications by delivering most drugs directly to fat tissue.” says researcher Li Qiang from Columbia University.

This is possible due to the patch’s grid of microscopic needles, which deliver browning chemicals under the skin wherever white fat is being stored.

(Sophie) #2

I wonder if you can get a bodysuit made out of it…

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #3

I’d rather eat bacon, thanks. I don’t think this patch will help the metabolic problems that got me to go keto in the first place—to say nothing of sugar addiction. :bacon::bacon:


Has anyone done research on why brown fat is slowed down eating HFLC? I read somewhere that the diet is suggested for cancer patients undergoing tumor scans

(Erin Macfarland ) #5

Taking a cold shower for about five minutes a day concentrating the water on your upper back will increase brown fat too


I just put this on my 10 days post https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/walgreens-hot--cold-neck--shoulder-pad/ID=prod6290816-product?ext=gooPLA_-_Health_Care&pla&adtype=pla&kpid=sku6245422&sst=fac6369a-790a-4d53-ab95-aeb6fe0469cd

(David K) #7

Why upper back?

(Erin Macfarland ) #8

Here’s a link to an article, and there’s links there to podcasts discussing this too. Just ignore the ads to buy that expensive vest! https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/fat-loss-articles/burning-more-fat-with-cold/?_ga=2.202758546.28342871.1505922248-1304702911.1498011871