Fat causes insulin resistance

(MooBoom) #1

I can’t even.

Who has a Facebook account + the patience, knowledge and inclination to provide some balance to this: (I don’t).

(Alec) #2

I have a FB account, but absolutely zero motivation to prove this as absolute bollox.

But absolute bollox it is.

(Alec) #3

Trying to teach a pig to sing is a waste of time: you won’t succeed and it annoys the pig.

(bulkbiker) #4

Now that one will be used elsewhere… thanks

(Bunny) #5

This is like a totally different type of explanation for a SAD diet high in sugar combined with fat, it has nothing to do with LCHF or Ketosis because you are burning the fatty acids for energy, the fat shown in the video blocking the sugar absorption for GLUT4 transport is a SAD based thing? Would not the sugar/glucose in the blood stream be blocking the absorption of fat soluble nutrients more specifically vitamins and minerals? e.g. the fat soluble form of vitamin K-2?

The problem is when you mix high sugar and glucose from carbohydrates like starch (absorbed slower?) with high fat and protein. POTATO STARCH hence “spud fit” are not the same thing as REGULAR SUGAR see other post on Cahill Cycle:

  1. Several investigators have found that the development of post-exercise ketosis is not counteracted by glucose ingestion. Post-exercise ketosis might therefore have more in common with diabetic ketoacidosis than with starvation ketosis.
  1. The effects of ingesting 100 g of glucose, alanine or starch were therefore studied in subjects rendered hyperketonaemic by prolonged running on a low carbohydrate diet, or by 65 h of starvation. These substances were also ingested by normal post-prandial subjects.
  1. The runners developed post-exercise ketosis (1.81 +/- S.D. 0.81 mmol/l), which was counteracted by alanine and glucose, but only minimally by STARCH.

The video is a really bad editing attempt to implicate meat and fat but fails to complete the STARCH and SUGAR argument?

From a screen shot of the facebook video intro look at what it says at the bottom of the video?

“What that means is; the sugar that is” <==WTF does that mean?

I would end this by saying: You got big muscles from eating branched chained amino acids and pumping iron, so what does that prove? It proves NOTHING! Nada-non-grata!

(Michelle) #6

All science aside, how sustainable is a potato diet?!?! And who in their right mind would eat a baked potato without butter, sour cream and loads of bacon :bacon:?

(Alec) #7

Anybody who is fearful of fat… about 95% of the population.

(Wendy) #8

Boring SAD. or more realistically, Boring LCLF. No one I know eats their starches without some form of fat on them.

(MooBoom) #9

Oh come on, won’t someone take up the fight? I don’t know enough about the science.

And now the spud guy is throwing tooth charts at me as if it’s proof we should eat carbs.

I have to laugh, I made a fairly candid comment thinking I was responding to a friends shared post- didn’t realise I was commenting on the actual spud guys post. I called him a fucknuckle :joy::joy::joy:

(Mandy) #10

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

(MooBoom) #11

It’s not swearing if it’s got ‘nuckle’ on the end :rofl:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #12

Hit him with The Big Fat Surprise, by Nina Teicholz. Or Peter Attia’s TED talk. Or Robert Lustig’s lecture, “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” of which there are many versions on YouTube.

(less is more, more or less) #13

<raises hand> Yes, as I was told it was how to lose weight, about a decade ago. Turns out it was all hooey but I was such a good listener. :wink:

(MooBoom) #14

The discussion in the comments on the post has gone to hilariously insane places. Cain and Abel, biblical references, do plants have feelings- most entertaining!

Love it when there’s no need to step in, the comments get crazy all of their own accord.

Oh- apparently eating a high carb diet cures diabetes too :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Ha. My mental health has been immensely better after leaving the cess pool that is FB.


From what I read over the years there is no complete understanding of the causes for insulin resistance.
Everyone agrees that refined carbs and eating too much are bad, but on a deeper level there are mechanism that science does not completely understand yet. For example read the synopsis for this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26950361

Don’t get me wrong, I am on Keto and loving it and I feel by far better than my carb eating days…
But the human body is a very complex piece of machinery :slight_smile:

(Rob) #17

Very useful information … made note of that .
Thanks! :sunglasses:

(charlie3) #18

I watched the video, only a few seconds. I tried to listen to the veggie spokesmen to see what I could learn. They are shameless propagandists who care about some inscrutible political agenda that has nothing to do with my health. I think they are getting nasty because the science is not going their way. Another reason is they are fading away and they know it.

The real problem is almost everybody, excepting a few of us, is addicted to carbs. That colors judgement. Of course I didn’t notice when I was one of the addicts. It took a health scare and some dumb luck to get free of it. Now I see it all around me, where ever people are eating. You never see a plate of food that doesn’t have plenty of carbs on it. Telling someone they need to foresake all those carbs is not a welcome message. What keeps the topic alive in my world is how I look, unusually lean and with just enough muscle to prove I’m not emaciated by I’ll health. Things are getting a bit dicy at work on account of a few influential coworkers who wish I wasn’t an example of what they should be doing.

(less is more, more or less) #19

Yowza. Amen. It’s a tough monkey to knock off our back.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #20

My local supermarket has something like 16 aisles, and fully three-quarters of them are full of carbs in one form or another.