Fat causes cancer shocker

(Vladaar Malane) #1

surprise surprise

(Bob M) #2

So…much…wrong…must resist having head explode.

First, “fat” means people who have a lot of fat on them. Not “fat” you eat.

Second, what causes people to get fat? Do you think whatever causes them to get fat might cause cancer? Hmmm…


What a poorly titled article – so misleading. If they had left out the “loves fat” part of it, the title would be more related to what is said in the article. Most people won’t even read beyond the headline to gain understanding.This is the most interesting and revealing part of the article:

According to an article by Cancer.net , there are several possible reasons that links obesity with cancer. One of these is the increased levels of insulin and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) that triggers the development of some cancers. Another reason is people who have excess weight are more prone to chronic, low-level inflammation that also increases the risk of cancer. Greater amounts of estrogen made by fat tissue can also induce the development of some cancers, such as breast and endometrial cancers. Lastly, fat cells may stimulate the processes that regulate cancer cell growth.

(Carl Keller) #4

Title should be “Cancer loves obesity and Diabetes”. I read the article twice, looking for reference to dietary fat before I realized what it really meant.

(Karen) #5

I think it’s designed to mislead. So wrongheaded.

(Bunny) #6

Cancer loves body fat and cancer also loves sugar when you eat it with fat?

So their!

Eat that, naturalnews.com!

(Running from stupidity) #7

I’ll issue my standard warning here - consider the source. “Natural News” is a total and utter crackpot site, and anything vaguely honest is unlikely to slip through their “truth filters.”

(Bunny) #8

When I see the research on cancer, chemo, the ketogenic diet, and how it relates to the “Warburg Effect” then when I look at Dr. Warburg’s original published papers[•], I am seeing things being reflected as re-mis-interpretations rather than the words of the original researcher[•] in finding this key mechanism responsible that allow cancer cells to proliferate initially (fermentation) and switch metabolisms (we want to make sure it wants to eat sugar first) based on its surrounding environment and ways to annihilate the cancer without harming the surrounding cells and not kill the host, however when cancer manifests it gets its energy from the surrounding environment so it could switch to ketones for energy or what-ever is more available? (“…When finally a non-fermenting tumor appeared to have been found in the slow-growing Morris tumors, it was shown to be a methodological error? …” - Warburg et al…) That is why tricking the cancer by confusing it[•] will starve it to death, because it is dependent on the type of food your eating to survive?

  • Dr. Otto Warburg: “…There exists no alternative today to the prevention of cancer as proposed at Lindau. It is the way that attacks the prime cause of cancer most directly and that is experimentally most developed. Indeed millions of experiments in man, through the effectiveness of some vitamins, have shown, that cell respiration is impaired if the active groups of the respiratory enzymes are removed from the food; and that cell respiration is repaired at once, if these groups are added again to the food. No way can be imagined that is scientifically better founded to prevent and cure a disease, the prime cause of which is an impaired respiration. Neither genetic codes of anaerobiosis nor cancer viruses are alternatives today, because no such codes and no such viruses in man have been discovered so far; but anaerobiosis has been discovered.8. … - Dr. Otto Warburg On The Prime Cause & Prevention of Cancer: Respiration of Oxygen in Normal Body Cells vs. Fermentation of Sugar in Cancer Cells


[1] The Warburg Effect: How Does it Benefit Cancer Cells? “… The common feature of this altered metabolism is increased glucose uptake and fermentation of glucose to lactate. …” “…Additionally, glucose was fermented to produce lactate even in the presence of oxygen, thus the term aerobic glycolysis [1, 2]. However, it was also noted that respiration alone could maintain tumor viability. Therefore, it was concluded that in order to kill tumor cells by depriving them of energy, both glucose and oxygen had to be eliminated [3]. …” “… Subsequently, in 1929, an English biochemist, Herbert Crabtree, extended Warburg’s work and studied the heterogeneity of glycolysis in tumor types. He confirmed Warburg’s findings, but further discovered that the magnitude of respiration in tumors was variable with many tumors exhibiting a substantial amount of respiration [4]. Therefore, Crabtree concluded that not only do tumor cells exhibit aerobic glycolysis, but that there is also variability in fermentation presumably due to environmental or genetic influences. …” …More

[2] ORGANIC SULFUR AND OXYGENATION Perhaps organic sulfur’s key benefit is oxygenation. Organic sulfur brings in the oxygen and takes out the trash. If you think about it, life is oxygen, and oxygen is key; no disease can survive in an oxygen rich environment. If you supplement with organic sulfur regularly, your oxygen saturation levels go up, so long as we are consuming clean drinking water that does not contain chlorine, as chlorine is an oxygen robber.


[4] A Natural Molecule Has Been Shown to Stop Cancer Cells From Producing Energy “…Whereas healthy cells break down sugar with oxygen, cancer cells use fermentation, a less efficient process that requires more sugar, so the researchers began by studying cancer cells to better understand how their metabolism differs from that of normal cells. Next, the team observed cancer cells undergoing the Warburg Effect to determine specific points where the cells controlled carbohydrate metabolism differently than their healthy cell counterparts. The researchers found that the enzyme GAPDH controls the rate of glucose processing in cancer cells, so they then searched for any compounds known to have the potential to block the GAPDH enzyme. They saw potential in koningic acid (KA), a molecule that’s produced by a sugar-eating fungus to prevent bacteria from honing in on its food supply. …” …More

[5] “…The koningic acid molecule, produced by fungi that consume sweet potatoes, has been shown to curb the excessive glucose consumption in tumors exhibiting the Warburg effect and leaving healthy cells. …”…More

[6] FERMENTATION: “…If respiration does not occur, NADH must be reoxidized to NAD+ for reuse as an electron carrier for glycolysis, the cell’s only mechanism …” …More

[7] “…To grow faster cancer cells must activate aerobic glycolysis for … Given that fermentation of glucose is the default pathway … The first group includes glutamate and glutamine. …” …More

[8] Reexamining cancer metabolism: lactate production for carcinogenesis could be the purpose and explanation of the Warburg Effect

[9] How cancer cells fuel their growth Scientists surprised to find amino acids, not sugar, supply most building blocks for tumor cells.

[10] Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in cancer

(David Cooke) #9

This seems to be part of a general attack on Keto, see my thread General campaign against Keto

(Running from stupidity) #10

It’s no great conspiracy, it’s crackpot sites/businesses/vegans looking out for their business models.

Seriously, who goes to Natural News or Plant Based whatever and expects to read sensible stuff? A little bit of media literacy/considering the source helps a lot.

(David Cooke) #11

Why do your remarks always come across as aggressive and arrogant?
I don’t go to Natural News, which is what you seem to imply, this came up on my radar.


That’s not a fair comment. It’s also pretty aggressive.

(David Cooke) #13

I was replying to Juice, who I have had to do with before.


I know who you were replying to & I stand by my comment that your comment was unfair. We’re not likely to get along fabulously well with everyone we encounter but to state that all of his remarks come across as “aggressive and arrogant” is untrue & unfair.

(Running from stupidity) #15

I suspect that it’s because we see the behaviour of others as something of a reflection of how we view the world generally.

(David Cooke) #16

Words contained in your last posts: crap. Piss. Good start .

(Jane) #17

Truly shocking inflammatory words that are rarely used on this site!!!


(Running from stupidity) #18

Good start for what, mate? Seriously, you need a hobby or something if wandering around looking for words like “piss” and “crap” to be all offended about is where you’re currently at.

Also, don’t bother sending me another abusive DM this time entitled “Piss OFF?” just because you can’t read words in context, OK? The hypocrisy might explode you, or something.


What a crappy piece of misleading journalism.
Articles/titles like that really piss me off.

The link between obesity and increased risk of cancer has been touted for decades, hasn’t it? I remember scaremongering news items about it on the TV back in the 80s and 90s.

It hasn’t stopped people getting fatter, or getting cancer.

Because it has never addressed the root cause. Which is neither dietary fat, or subcutaneous fat cells.

Until that idea sinks into whichever research group is trying to drum up funding for their next slam dunk income generating research idea, then no one is going to get very far…

Maybe we should shut them in a room with Ivor Cummins’ You Tube videos about hyperinsulinaemia, and wait for the penny to drop.

(David Cooke) #20

Bully. I was a construction foreman for 15 years and had my own firm in Landscaping for 35 more. I never found it necessary to ust words like you do. “You’re looking for an excuse to eat crap” - that was a good one.