Fat Burn Zone

(Dave) #1

Good morning all

I have been on carnivore for 9 months. Feeling better every day. I was wondering about visceral fat burning on carnivore. My go to exercise daily is walking. I use to have to walk at a certain elevated heart rate so as to burn fat first(60%to 70%) of max heart rate. Since I am not eating carbs anymore, does the heart rate zone matter anymore for visceral fat burn since I’m fat adapted? Thank you to all who reply.


Lower intensity stuff will burn fat, higher intensity and glycolytic stuff wants carbs. Eat keto/carni doesn’t change that.

Visceral fat chips away either way, but stubborn stuff always goes last, and for really stubborn fat we many times have to go lower than we want to get it.

Keep in mind, if you’re doing the same type of walking all the time, same pace, more or less same distance etc, it’s not as much exercise anymore, it’s just normal life, which isn’t going to create the same response anymore.