Fat adaption


(Raquel ) #1

How long does it take to become fat adapted? And how can you know you are fat adapted?

(Alec) #2

I think you found this thread?

(Justin ) #3

Varies but person but took me about 4 weeks I think. I could really tell when my body was in a fat adapted stage. I know my body and I could just tell, I know sounds cocky but I just knew when my body was using fat as energy as its main source. I have heard it takes much longer when you have been on a high carb diet for a long time and if you are a woman and older makes it much harder. Guys are lucky I know! But keep at it and I think if you keep pretty strict in the first two months you will have a light bulb go off. At least did for me hope it does for you! Keep Calm and Keto On.

(Carl Keller) #4

When you have consistent all day energy, an absence of or good control of your cravings and when you can go unusually long periods of time without significant hunger, you are most likely fat adapted.

This took me about five to six weeks.

(Jody) #5

I started low carb AND fasting, starting in Jan, I started noticing it in March. I was fasting 36 hours, 3 days/week and still not hungry. My energy also stabilized, no more swings.