Fasting Frustration


(KCKO, KCFO) #21

Have you read Dr. Jason Fungs Complete Guide to Fasting? Since you are not aware of sodium being needed I am guessing not. He also has a blog, here is link to a good place to start reading:

Your period can have a huge influence on weight, so fasting then is probably not a good idea. You might have more success if you choose another week in the month to do an extended fast. intermittent fasting (14/10,16/8, 20/0 protocols) should be fine,

Also, if you are not short (5’3" or shorter) you are probably at a normal weight range, and it is harder to fast when you have less available fat on your body to begin with, Richard has a calculator on the blog site, you might want to check that out as well.

Good luck on sorting it out.

(Jess) #22

Thanks so much! I’ve read a lot about fasting with most of my focus on intermittent fasting where salt is not mentioned as much as with extended fasts.

I’m 5’3" ish and according to my smart scale have approximately 25% body fat which I’d ideally like to bring to 20-22% for now.

I will definitely give these a read, thank you for sharing!


I think I’m going to try out @richard’s theory. I haven’t been able to go more than three days and by the third day I an exhausted and my brain isn’t working right. According to the calculator I should eat 21g of fat, so a tablespoon and a half of coconut oil might help get over that hump.

(KCKO, KCFO) #24

Keep us posted. Love to see n=1 experiments. :blush:


Will do.

(M C) #26

Question. You said you go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Is it possible you gained a pound because muscle weighs more than fat?

(Jess) #27

Anything is possible lol!
But I dont think so because I didn’t do much strength this week, mostly HIIT plus some bodyweight resistance

(KCKO, KCFO) #28

Muscle is denser than fat, an oz. is an oz. for either. Fat just takes up more space on your body than the muscle does.

(M C) #29

True I guess I should have spoken more clearly.

A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. But the body fat is more “fluffy” and the muscle is more “dense and compact.” Muscles take up less space in your body, so body weight may go up as you add compact, tight muscle mass.


I’ve read that intense exercise causes muscle to retrain water.

(Mandi) #31

I am sort of in the same boat as you Jess. I had about ten stubborn pounds I wanted to lose, but mostly needed to reset my metabolism after ruining it on low fat/CICO. I started 16:8 intermittent fasting Monday through Friday only in April 2017 and have lost 9 lbs and am now at my goal. My energy has increased, I feel so much better and my clothes fit completely differently. I do try to keep my carbs lower, but am nowhere near low carb by keto standards. I lost 1/2 lb to a lb a week, but tried not to eat a carb heavy meal before I weighed, as that makes you retain so much water. Good luck and stick with it!

(Jared Ruban) #32

Really old post but, the weight gain is muscle and bone. When fasting your HGH skyrockets, therefor stronger bones and muscle.