Fasting Buddy July 2018

(Shay Mitchell) #1

I am new to fasting, down to one meal a day. Been Keto since April 8 and down 20 pounds. The longest fast was 36 hours. I wanna try a 72 hour fast. I have zero support…work with all 20 year olds that can stop drinking soda and drop 20 pounds. I have two children that are very athletic and a skinny husband that can eat whatever he wants. Looking for someone that will fast with me and keep me motivated when everyone around me is eating cake :disappointed:. Looking to start on Sunday. Any takers ?

(Casey Crisler) #2

Wish I could. I was hoping to do a measly 24 hour fast today but broke down and had to eat breakfast (eggs, 2 sausages, 4 bacon). I guess I didn’t eat enough fat yesterday.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #3

I’m planning on starting a fast next Wednesday. I like doing it on Wednesday’s because it’s my day off and I’m so busy with house/yard work that fasting is a breeze the first day. Not doing it this week due to the holiday.

I could push it to start on Tuesday so that Wednesday will be my day 2.

The longest I’ve gone is 60 hours, so I want to push it longer.

If you want to wait until Tuesday or next Wednesday, I’m in.


Have a look at the July IF/EF thread in the fasting section, a very supportive group: July 2018 IF / EF chat ALL WELCOME

(Shay Mitchell) #5

Ok Anniegirl let’s do it !!

(LeeAnn Brooks) #6

You’re on! Do you want to start Tuesday or Wednesday? By Tuesday, I mean my last meal would be Monday evening, 7-8 at the latest.

Or if we do Wednesday, last meal would be Tuesday same time.

(Shay Mitchell) #7

I have strep throat!! Started antibx yesterday some what better today. Not sure if I can fast through this or not ? What do you think ?

(LeeAnn Brooks) #8

Just let me know how you’re feeling Tuesday evening. We will judge then whether to proceed or not.

Until then, try to take it easy. No sense causing any more stress than what your body’s already dealing with.

Hope you feel better soon.


Feel free to hit me up when you are fasting, IMO it’s the glue that holds a Keto diet together (especially in the early stages and if loosing weight; as I am).

But… you will be fine on your own I’m sure. I did some with a friend, but in the end we got a bit out of sync and had different priorities so it’s not always easy to do them with others, nor share experiences as it can be quite a personal event I find. But there is no shortage of encouragement from myself and no doubt others here.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #10

Check out the Zorn fast. Starts next week.