Explain blood sugar crashes, please?

(icky) #21

Haha, I dunno :smile:

I’m sure there’s more of us out there, stumping all the doctors.

It’s certainly a difficult situation to get used to - at first you wonder whether you are nuts, whether the doctors are nuts and the doctors wonder whether you are nuts.

Not particularly helpful!

I do still have the faint hope that I will one day have an “aha” thing of “Ohhhhhh this is what has been going on for decades”…

Sigh. Maybe one day?? :slight_smile:

(icky) #22

Yes, it’s hard to find much information on because APPARENTLY only kids get it. We adults are SUPPOSED to grow out of that.

But then my body doesn’t do what it’s supposed to, does it?? :wink:


Right there with you, hoping that if I read enough, reach out enough, research enough, I will have that “Bingo!” moment where all my illnesses and symptoms fall neatly into one organized bucket that comes with a magic pill to make them all disappear instantly!

When I find it, I’ll be sure to share, and you do the same, OK?

(icky) #24

Absolutely! :blush:

(icky) #25

Hey Sue, do you know the TV series Dr. House?

I loved the first seasons - it got a bit silly after that…

I used to fantasise about being his patient… :joy:

He had the uncanny knack of finding out the cause of even the most bizarre and unlikely conditions, that no other Dr. would spot…

(icky) #26

(icky) #27

(icky) #28


Hell yes - I was addicted to that show! But like you, it started to annoy me in the later seasons.

“Paging Dr. House? Dr. House - multiple mystery patients in Keto Forum - STAT!”

(icky) #30

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Yesssssssss puh-leeeeze!!!

Keep paging! He might not hear you the first time, he’s probly busy nicking Vicodin on one of the wards somewhere, the scoundrel!

(icky) #31

Hey @Sue777

So I’ve been researching this a bit more and have found a passage relating to Dumping Syndrome explaining the 2 different types “early dumping” and “late dumping” and for ME this is ringing a LOT of bells right now.

I’ll copy and paste (this is from the Wikipedia page for Dumping Syndrome - which is not just related to gastric surgery, as is often said.)

Dumping syndrome has two forms, based on when symptoms occur.

Early dumping syndrome occurs 10 to 30 minutes after a meal.

It results from rapid movement of fluid into the intestine following a sudden addition of a large amount of food from the stomach. The small intestine expands rapidly due to the presence of hypertonic/hyperosmolar contents from the stomach, especially sweet foods. This causes symptoms due to the shift of fluid into the intestinal lumen, with plasma volume contraction and acute intestinal distention. Osmotic diarrhea, distension of the small bowel leading to crampy abdominal pain, and reduced blood volume can result.

Edit: This can lead to sudden drops in blood pressure and even Hyperosmolar syndrome.

Late dumping syndrome occurs 2 to 3 hours after a meal.

It results from excessive movement of sugar into the intestine, which raises the body’s blood glucose level and causes the pancreas to increase its release of the hormone insulin. The increased release of insulin causes a rapid drop in blood glucose levels, a condition known as alimentary hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

Edit: Low blood sugar having the usual typical symptoms of shakiness, anxiety, nervousness, palpitations, tachycardia, sweating, feeling of warmth, pallor, coldness, clamminess, hunger, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, headach, etc.

So for me, this is ringing a LOT of bells.

I think I get both of these.

They are not really “spectacular” (I think “dumping syndrome” sounds really extreme) they just feel like bowel movements that don’t feel quite right and seeing as I’ve had IBS for 20 years, I’ve just gotten used to this.

What I didn’t realise is the osmotic stuff going on (water being surged out of your bloodstream into your intestines and I assume all kinds of electrolyte madness!!) or the weird effects it was having on blood sugar.

I’ve had these feelings of exhaustion/ dizziness/ low blood pressure/ all the symptoms of low blood sugar etc regularly and never thought they could be related to my IBS!!!

I thought the low blood sugar stuff MUST be related to blood sugar/ insulin/ diabetes type stuff, cos DUH where else would it come from??

I seriously need to make an appointment with my gastro-enterologist!!

Can’t believe he never told me about this after 20 years of IBS, tons of testing for food intolerances, abdominal migraines, etc etc etc.

It takes ages to get a specialist Dr’s appt here, so it’ll be a while til I can report back on the doctor’s comments but I am going to see if I can research this some more and maybe get a book about it on Amazon.

(icky) #32

What are the symptoms of dumping syndrome?

The symptoms of early and late dumping syndrome are different and vary from person to person. Early dumping syndrome symptoms may include

abdominal pain and cramping
feeling uncomfortably full or bloated after a meal
flushing, or blushing of the face or skin
rapid or irregular heartbeat

The symptoms of late dumping syndrome may include

rapid or irregular heartbeat

About 75 percent of people with dumping syndrome report symptoms of early dumping syndrome and about 25 percent report symptoms of late dumping syndrome. Some people have symptoms of both types of dumping syndrome.


(icky) #33

@Sue777 I think maybe you channelled Dr. House for me by paging him!!! :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:


Yup, you’re my twin: I’ve been up most of the night reading and researching and am finding many of the same “bell ringers” as you. The more I read the more overwhelmed and confused I get, but I think our answers are in here somewhere. And since our bodies have never been textbook specimens, it makes sense that we don’t follow the “symptoms” and timetables exactly as described. Add on top of that the fact that we both have several other medical issues, it’s probably not feasible to think we’re going to find an exact fit with any one “label”, but I know for sure that you and I will keep trying!

My stomach is a mess today so far which is throwing all theories out the window. But perhaps the other issues have just inflamed my colitis and now it’s a free for all in there.

This topic is probably getting boring to the others who don’t have this issue, perhaps we should continue it in e-mail or private message?

(Candy Lind) #35

DANG. I’ve been having these symptoms occasionally (except the diarrhea), and have attributed them to electrolytes. A bottle of salt water often, but not always, does the trick. Now I wonder if it’s a combination of electrolytes & hypo? (I’ve never been diagnosed with even T2D but I’m DEFINITELY IR & usually have just one, sometimes two, meals per day.)

(icky) #36

Yup :blush: I have sent you a message, Sue!


Could be both, CandyLind, or maybe you have separate episodes of both, hard to tell since the symptoms are pretty much the same. I know we are always quick to blame everything on electrolyte imbalance but sometimes it could be something else, OR it’s all connected. I find it’s easier to live with my issues if I understand WHY they’re happening, thus the constant quest to learn more.

(icky) #38

Hi Candy, I am 100% sure I have Dumping Syndrom - I stayed up reading about it all night because it just describes ME.

I don’t always get this as “diarrhea” so much.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes half-way in between.

So even if you’re not getting the diarrhea I think it’s still worth looking into.

Dumping Syndrom is about food being expelled rapidly from the stomach to the intestine, so it doesn’t necessarily have to have diarrhea going with it, I would say.

(icky) #39

Oh and I’m pretty sure that my Dumping Syndrome episodes ALSO throw my electrolytes out of whack to make for a very merry, crazy mix of symptoms.

(Candy Lind) #40

I will definitely check this out!

EDIT: Already found a topic with someone who seems to be resolving Dumping Syndrome with keto.