Experiencing Keto Flu …. Again

(JJ) #22

Sounds like some very experienced guidance from PaulL.

I just wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon, it sounds super rough. Stick with it, ride it through, follow the suggestions and hopefully you are feeling great soon.

I came out the otherside of my own little adaptation storm (?oxalate dumping) this morning, it was a bumpy ride, but how I feel today is so worth it. You can ride this out too. Hang in there.

(Allie) #23

Stop tweaking, give your body time to adjust to what you’re asking of it. Many of us don’t limit protein at all. Just keep carbs minimal and use protein / fat as much as is necessary to keep hunger away.


If you like sweet things, I would think it’s normal. I am the same. Well it’s more like wanting a dessert, not a sweet thing, carnivore did change me but sweets (well the ones I like) are awesome! :smiley: Of course I don’t want sugary or particularly carby sweets. Or maybe not “of course” but 13 years on low-carb (okay, most of it eating sweets like no tomorrow… for reasons) had some effect even on me. I am unsure if I still have a sweet tooth (probably…? but those things aren’t needed. just tasty) but I don’t think I ever could be a carb addict. And I definitely don’t like carbs, only some, in moderation. But humans often like sweet things especially if their past contained tasty ones. And someone still close to their high-carb times surely easily can have it badly.

And I imagine there are very pretty ice cream photos. Even my mouth could water and I dislike normal ice cream, I prefer something fattier and extreme low-carb :wink:

By the way, are you hungry when you want something sweet? Hunger, habits (I always had dessert after a substantial meal as a kid and it stayed with me), they are powerful… If you are hungry, it’s easy, eat some nice, fatty, protein rich carni food.

No one can tell you that. Our needs are very individual, even taste matters there.
I would STARVE eating that super low protein, I can’t do that even if I try (I put effort into lowering my protein and it’s hard). But if you can do it AND it’s enough for your body… It sounds a bit low but still works for some people.

I went back to the beginning. 2 weeks? Just eat whatever you fancy, stop this… Tweaking is for people like me who just can’t stop eating overly much without serious rules… Even I do it in a pretty much chill way most of the time. And I never could enforce macros, maybe if my very life depended on it but probably not even then… What if my body wants more today? I won’t risk the quality of my sleep because I said NO to some night fatty meat eating just because I already was at 158g protein… If I eat 230g (that’s too much for me regularly. or ever, probably), I do try to do something the next day… But if my body screams for food, I eat the food, my vaguely imagined okay macro ranges be damned.

Just eat the right food :smiley: That’s the important part. Worry little or better, not about macros. UNLESS you think you need different macros to feel right, of course… Health and well-being is very important. Even so, I can understand “oh, my body seems to wish for fattier food” but exact macros are a bit too much, maybe some people need those but most people who aim for them shouldn’t do it as far as I can tell. Not very natural.

(Kiethen) #25

Yes. I’m just kind of annoyed with all the stuff happening now transitioning back to keto like the side effects and such is annoying. I felt like my body was very dehydrated on carnivore and now it’s trying to hydrate itself again.

(Kiethen) #26

I have to say it just might be the anxiety for me and over thinking. Keto worked very well for my body at first I don’t know why I decided to make the jump to carnivore because all carnivore did for me was dehydrated me. Now going back to keto and seeing negative symptoms from transitioning is a bit triggering for me.