Elevated Fasting Blood Glucose

(Jim Russell) #41

Still fasting. About 51 hours so far.

1.3 mmol/l on both the novamax and the precision this morning. .20% bac on the cheap breathalyzer. 87 mg/dl blood glucose.

(Jim Russell) #42

Yesterday 1.5 and 1.6, don’t remember which was which.

Today both were 1.3.

So I’m pretty satisfied that the NovaMax and Precision are quite close in their beta hydroxybutarate detection.

(Chris) #43

Okay… kinda freakin out!!! Question for ya?!? I’ve been fasting for 83hrs and I just checked my glucose and it’s at its highest of 176​:flushed: my ketone reads 5.6 I’m like whaaaaat?!:scream::grimacing::astonished: what in the world am I doing wrong?!